"Captain Zhang, are you kidding me, is this kid the new case?" Li Hui asked in surprise.

"Looks like I'm kidding." Zhang Ping pulled up a chair, asked Li Gao Bo to sit down, and continued: "Li Gao Bo is my neighbor. This morning, he came to the branch to report his mother had been kidnapped. Tian Li, take care of him and take a note."

Tian Li came, turned on the body application recorder, and asked: "Name, age, gender, address..."

"My name is Li Gao Bo, 15 years old, male..."

"Li Gao Bo, why did you come to the police station?"

"My mother was kidnapped."

"When was she kidnapped?"

"Last night."

"The exact time."

"Eight o'clock last night."

"Where was she kidnapped?"

"In Near the factory where she works, my mother worked overtime yesterday, my father drove to pick her up, and the traffic was heavy, we got stuck halfway, and when we arrived, my mother disappeared and did not answer the phone." Li Gao Bo looked sad.

"How do you know your mother was kidnapped instead of running away from home?"

"Last night at 8:40 p.m., the kidnappers called and asked my father for 200,000 Yuan, and then we determined my mother had been kidnapped."

"Why didn't your father call the police?"

"My father did not dare. When the kidnappers demanded the ransom, they said they had monitored my father's mobile phone. If my father called the police, they would directly tear up the ticket; my father was worried and was afraid the kidnappers would harm my mother and disfigure her, so he asked me to report to the police station."

Li Gao Bo was still a child after all, and he started crying as he spoke: "All uncles and aunts, please be sure to save my mother."

Tian Li quickly comforted: "Li Gao Bo, be strong and clearly explain what happened after the kidnapping, so that we can file a case as soon as possible and save your mother."

"OK, you can ask whatever you want; I'll try to tell everything." Li Gao Bo wiped his eyes.

"What is your mother's name? How old is she this year and where does she work?"

"My mother's name is Gao Xiao Yun, 46 years old, she works at the Qian Jin Men factory, her phone number is 1386XXXXX."

"How did the kidnappers contact your father?" Tian Li asked.

"They made a call from my mom's cell phone, and the phone was turned off after the call."

"Zhao Ming, go to the technical team and check the phone number," Zhang Ping said.

"Captain Zhang, this child is not yet an adult, should you inform the guardian to come to the scene to investigate, and then file the case?" Zhao Ming suggested.

"Don't call, don't call my dad. The kidnappers said they had been monitoring my dad's cell phone, and they will send someone to monitor him. As soon as my father speaks to the police, they will certainly hear or see it. Then my mother will be in danger," Li Gao Bo said hurriedly.

"Where is your father now?"

"My dad went getting some money. He said he would borrow someone's cell phone to call you when he finds the right opportunity. Then he can prove what I said is true." Gao Bo said on the way.

"Did the kidnappers say where to pay the ransom?"

"They haven't said yet."

"Has anything unusual happened to your mother recently?"

"I don't think so, I didn't feel it anyway."

"Your mother was offended recently. Is that exceptional?"

"I don't know, I usually go to school, even if something happens at home, my parents won't tell me," Li Gao Bo said helplessly.

"Ding ding ding..." At that moment, the phone rang.

Zhang Ping took out his phone and saw it was an unknown number. He pressed the answer button: "Hello."

"Officer Zhang, I am Li Wei Dong, the neighbor on the 7th floor, have you seen my son?" The man's sound came from the phone because Zhang Ping turned on the speakerphone.

"Yes, I'm taking notes. He said your wife was kidnapped."

"Yes, I'm calling you now from someone else's cell phone, and the kidnappers may have been monitoring my cell phone."

"After all, the child is still young, and some things are unclear. You'd better come to the police station and explain the kidnapping process clearly," Zhang Ping said.

"I dare not come there. The kidnappers said they would send someone to follow me. If I go to the police station to take a report, they will definitely know I called the police," Li Wei Dong worried.

"Then go to your home, and we will record for you in person and ask you for some details," Zhang Ping suggested.

Li Wei Dong hesitated for a moment: "Be careful when you come and don't let the kidnappers notice you,"

"We will act in civilian clothes."

After talking, Zhang Ping hung up the phone. Afterwards, he began organizing the tasks: "Tian Li and Zhao Ming, go to the Qian Jin Men factory to find out the situation and check the surveillance. The others will follow me to the Times Ark community."


Zhang Ping also lived at Times Ark Community and knew the situation here very well.

A black car stopped at the gate of the Times Ark community. Li Hui and Sun Xiao Peng got out of the car and went to the property management company to check the community surveillance camera recordings. Zhang Ping went straight to the garage, and the technical team car behind also went into the garage.

The car parked in the garage of building 4 and the group took the elevator to the 7th floor in two groups. Li Wei Dong's family lived in 702.

"Captain Zhang, your community's facilities are pretty good," Han Bin laughed.

"It's okay, my home is here, at 903 of this unit. If you have time, go play at my house," Zhang Ping warmly invited.

"Okay," Han Bin replied, but everyone was very busy, so they didn't have much time to go.

Just as usual, Zhang Ping was busy with some business near his home, yet he didn't care to go home.

On the seventh floor, Zhang Ping rang the doorbell of 702: "Ding dong."

"Squeak..." The door opened and a middle-aged man stuck his head out: "Officer Zhang, you are here, come in."

"Don't close the door, and I still have colleagues behind," Zhang Ping said.

The man answered and invited the three officers to sit on the couch. This man is Li Wei Dong, the kidnapped person's husband. He and Zhang Ping are neighbors in the same building. When they meet in the elevator, they greet each other politely and exchange a few words, but they aren't particularly familiar.

"Sit down first, and I'll serve you a cup of tea," Li Wei Dong said.

"You're welcome, hurry to clarify the matter, saving people is the most important thing," Zhang Ping said.

"OK." Li Wei Dong replied and sat aside: "Officer Zhang, if you have any questions, please ask them."

"Crack..." The door to the room opened.

Li Wei Dong suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of the door.

"Don't be nervous, it's from our technical team. Didn't you say the phone might have been monitored by the kidnappers? I asked them to check," Zhang Ping explained.

After Li Wei Dong handed over the phone to the technical team, Han Bin started taking notes for him. At first, it was still a routine survey, and he again asked the questions previously posed to Li Gao Bo, and added some new questions at the same time.

"What time was your wife kidnapped?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know. When I got to the Qian Jin Men factory gate, it was probably a little past 8 o'clock," Li Wei Dong said.

"Why didn't you call the police then?"

"I also didn't know she was kidnapped. She was a bit willful and temperamental. I thought she thought I was late and took a taxi home," Li Wei Dong sighed and continued to say: "Who knows, as soon as I got home, I received a call from the kidnappers, asking me to prepare 200,000 Yuan, otherwise I can't see my wife again."

"Fifteen hours late, you should call the police sooner." Zhang Ping frowned: "The kidnapping case is a race against time, and the longer it drags on, the less chance the kidnapped person has of surviving.»

"The kidnappers were monitoring my mobile phone. I didn't dare call the police. I was afraid the police would be detected when I went out talking to them."

"So why did you choose to call the police again?"

"The kidnappers asked me to pay the ransom tomorrow, and I did a careful calculation and couldn't collect the money for a while, so I could only choose to call the police."

"How much money did the kidnappers ask for?"

"200,000 Yuan."

"Only 200,000?" Han Bin confirmed.

"Police officer this sum of 200,000 Yuan is a lot. How can ordinary people like me to collect so much money? Unless I sell the house, I will be unable to get the money, but the kidnappers want the ransom tomorrow. How can I sell the house in a short time," Li Wei Dong lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

"Most of the kidnappers are gangs who commit crimes. Generally, there are at least two kidnappers. The ransom of 200,000 Yuan is divided, and each person's share is 100,000 Yuan. Although this sum of money is important, it is not directly proportional to the risk of committing crimes," said Han Bin.

"Police officer, what do you mean?" Li Wei Dong's mind was a bit confused, and he didn't think about it for a while.

"Although your family's living conditions are not bad, it can only be said that they are average. The kidnappers took such a big risk to commit this crime. Why did they not choose a rich man and ask for more money," Han Bin said.

"I don't know what the kidnappers are thinking. There are so many female workers in the factory, why is my wife? Is she so unlucky?" Li Wei Dong patted his forehead hard.

The "pop" sound was painful to hear.

Zhang Ping grabbed the man's arm to prevent him from self-harming and asked: "Wei Dong, have you offended anyone recently?»

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