Cheon Tae-Hun stared weirdly at the stack of A4 papers Bang Jin-Hun had passed on to him.

“Master, are these all…?”

“That's right!” Bang Jin-Hun replied curtly, his expression filled with hotly burning fervor.

Yes, that was undoubtedly fervor. But this fervor seemed a bit…

‘...A bit like he’s totally pissed off?’

Bang Jin-Hun didn’t look like a man who had finally created a new cultivation technique after racking his brain over and over again. His expression was more like…

‘...Right. It’s like I’m looking at a university study group captain saddled with a group project!’

Yes, that was the face of a captain who, despite everyone in the group receiving their share of the workload and promising to do their best, couldn't contact several of his group as the deadline approached. And those whom he could contact had handed in utter garbage that even kindergartners would refuse to submit out of shame!

So, the captain had to stay up all night to defeat all the evils trying to destroy him and managed to complete the group project. And now... he was heading to the podium to announce the project's results. Yes, that was the expression on Bang Jin-Hun's face!

Cheon Tae-Hun narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the messy expression of satisfaction and anger on Bang Jin-Hun's face. “...Master, did something happen? Like, something bad?”

“Nope. Everything is great.”


“The problem is that it’s been too damn great!” Bang Jin-Hun loudly gritted his teeth. “Waaaaay, tooooo, daaaaamn, great! And that’s the f*cking problem!”

“…” Cheon Tae-Hun clamped his mouth shut. He could roughly guess what happened.

“Listen, Tae-Hun.”

“Yes, master?”

“See, the thing with people? You gotta have your wits about you. You gotta be flexible!”

“...I’m sorry?”

“It's not like I've created several cultivation techniques before, right? So, how the hell can anyone expect me to create something perfect from the get-go?! That's what I'm trying to say!”

Cheon Tae-Hun clamped his mouth shut again.

When someone above you in the pay grade was bad-mouthing someone else further up the food chain, you could respond in one of two ways. One, you could give your everything to kissing ass to create an even tighter bond with the irate higher-up. Or, alternatively…

‘I’m sh*t scared of what might happen later, so… Let’s just keep my mouth shut.’

If Bang Jin-Hun's target was Vator or Wiggins, Cheon Tae-Hun might have participated in this bad-mouthing session. After all, Cheon Tae-Hun was Bang Jin-Hun's direct disciple, wasn't he! Since his master was insulting someone, he should do his part as a good disciple and add more spice to the proceedings.

However, bad-mouthing Kang Jin-Ho proved too much of a burden.

Even so, Cheon Tae-Hun decided to say something before things got out of hand. “Sir… You got the result you wanted, so isn’t it all good?”

“...Look here, man.”


Bang Jin-Hun wordlessly turned around, then brushed the back of his skull up.

“Heol…?!” Cheon Tae-Hun’s eyes powerfully quaked. He could see a clear patch of ‘white’ flesh among Bang Jin-Hun’s hair. No, that wasn’t right. There were two such empty patches the size of a 500 Won coin on Bang Jin-Hun’s scalp!

“Can you see them? Huh? Can you?”

“W-what…? How? Master…?”

“The doctor said it’s hair loss from extreme stress,” Bang Jin-Hun muttered while holding his head. “Holy cow, a martial artist suffering from stress-related hair loss… In the shape of a coin, no less… Have you ever heard of a crap like that before? Have you?”

Cheon Tae-Hun was left speechless. For sure, he had never heard of a martial artist suffering from patchy hair loss until today. Just how bad the stress must’ve been for Bang Jin-Hun to suffer from such a disaster!

“At this rate, Imma kick the bucket before I get the chance to finish anything! You hear me?!”

“P-please, calm down, master,” Cheon Tae-Hun hurriedly raised his voice in an attempt to console Bang Jin-Hun. “Bald patches like those aren't anything to worry about, master. I'm sure they’ll heal on their own soon enough. Although, the top of your head does look a bit thinner than before…”

“What was that, you brat?!”

“...M-my apologies,” Cheon Tae-Hun hurriedly faltered and lowered his head when Bang Jin-Hun glared daggers at him.

Not many things in this world were as scary as a baldy whose baldness had been pointed out. The baldy in this situation would instantly fall into a berserk state, much like a dragon angrily destroying the world after its reverse scale was touched!

“You better watch your damn piehole, you hear me?!”

“I'm sorry, master.”

“Tsk!” Bang Jin-Hun tutted loudly, then pointed at the A4 document stack with his chin. “So? What do you think?”

“Rather than what I think…” Cheon Tae-Hun frowned and smacked his lips. “Shouldn’t we, you know, try to make it more formal? This is supposed to be a secret manual for the Assembly, not some kid’s scribbling on recycled paper, so printing them out like this is a bit…”

Bang Jin-Hun grumbled loudly. “So what? Should I hand it over to a publisher and have them print it for us? While telling them this document contains foundational martial art techniques for the Martial Assembly?”

“Even so, at least binding them would be…”

“This is still a rough prototype, okay! Not a finished article!”

Cheon Tae-Hun sighed in defeat.

Bang Jin-Hun always had this unreasonable side to him. Then again, this hard-headed attitude was what enabled him to stand up against Lee Jung-Geol when the latter still had a total grip on the Martial Assembly. However, it was also true that Bang Jin-hun's unreasonableness seemed to have worsened recently.

‘This is why you need to be careful with whom you become friends with!’

It was as if Bang Jin-Hun’s personality changed after he started hanging out with the ‘wrong’ sort of crowd!

“Mm… I'm not sure,” said Cheon Tae-Hun while perusing the documents.

“Take your time reading it, okay?”

“...Master, if I had the discernment to break down and analyze a secret manual, I wouldn't be living like this.”

“You dumbass… I’m not telling you to analyze the damn thing. I just want to know if you find the manual too difficult to master.”

“Oh!” Cheon Tae-Hun nodded in understanding, then tried to peruse the secret manual once more.

However, Bang Jin-Hun suddenly decided to say something unnecessary. “Besides, the Assembly Master has already inspected the manual for errors and stuff, anyway. I'm not stupid enough to leave something that important to you.”

“…” Cheon Tae-Hun slightly raised his head and glared at Bang Jin-Hun with unreadable eyes.

Bang Jin-Hun tutted. “You dare glare at me?”

“No, master!” Cheon Tae-Hun hurriedly lowered his gaze.

While grumbling away, he perused the secret manual… No, the stack of A4 papers parading as a secret manual, then took his time mulling his reply.

“Master, some parts are a bit hard for me to understand, but receiving guidance should be enough to deal with that issue… I can safely say it's not completely beyond me.”

“I see. Mastering it on your own is difficult, but you can still master it. Is that it?”

“Yes, master. That about sums it up.”

Bang Jin-Hun let out a lengthy groan. Cheon Tae-Hun’s evaluation was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Cheon Tae-Hun was a certifiable genius. Although he got left behind in dust after figurative monsters forced their way into the Assembly's upper echelons, Cheon Tae-Hun's talent didn't go anywhere.

If things had not gone through such a cataclysmic upheaval, Cheon Tae-Hun would've been contesting the future Assembly Master position with Lee Seong-Hwi, Lee Jung-Geol's disciple.

Since a genius like him found this cultivation method challenging, it indicated that most outsiders would fail to master it on their own in case a copy of the secret manual was leaked outside the Assembly.

One could potentially master this cultivation technique, but they would fail if they weren't part of the Martial Assembly… That was the level of difficulty Bang Jin-Hun wanted to achieve.

With that, all the inspections were now finished.

“Finally…!” Bang Jin-Hun groaned while sagging on the couch.

It felt like he managed to pass the final exam. The only thing remaining was to bind this stack of documents into a book and distribute it to the Assembly members.

Cheon Tae-Hun cautiously raised his voice. “By the way, master?”

“What?” Bang Jin-Hun lifelessly asked back.

“Do we… really need this?”

“...Say what now?”

“N-no, well… I mean, we’re already mastering our martial arts, aren’t we?”

Bang Jin-Hun cocked an eyebrow while staring at Cheon Tae-Hun.

Why was this brat asking that question? Was it because he thought it’d be too annoying? Or too difficult for him to handle? The answer was ‘none of the above.’

‘This dumbass…’

Bang Jin-Hun bit his lower lip before sitting upright on the couch.

“Hey, Cheon Tae-Hun.”

“...Yes, master?"

“You better puff your chest out, or else. You hear me?”

“…!” Cheon Tae-Hun hurriedly stood straight and straightened his back after sensing the anger in Bang Jin-hun’s voice. It seemed Cheon Tae-Hun had been subconsciously cowering.

“You're supposed to be a man, so why are you moping like that? I don't remember teaching you to behave like a loser!”

“My apologies,” Cheon Tae-Hun's head faltered again.

Bang Jin-Hun tutted loudly.

‘Yup, I had a feeling this might happen.’

The Martial Assembly was progressing forward at a breakneck pace. The rate of its strength improving could even be called scary. However, such a process would always give birth to negative side effects. And Bang Jin-Hun was currently facing one of those side effects.

Kang Jin-Ho was teaching demonic cultivation to the Demon Flames. Vator selected those with talents for external arts and personally taught them while also being in charge of the Demon Flames’ education.

Meanwhile, Wiggins selected those who’d master magic and Western swordsmanship. And the demon cult believers would soon receive their own demonic cultivation manuals, too.

…Which meant people like Cheon Tae-Hun and Bang Jin-Hun were left behind.

This was the result of selecting people according to their talents. Nothing more, nothing less. Even so, the ones left behind wouldn’t think that way. They would start to feel like useless dregs that had failed every single test.

Bang Jin-Hun growled unhappily. “You dumbass! You think you’re losers or something?”

“...No, master.”

“Hah… Listen to me. There is nothing for you to worry about.”

“I'm sorry?”

“I could've finished everything in only one night if the aim was to create a cultivation method anyone can learn and become moderately stronger. Why do you think I went through that Hell to create this secret manual? While bothering the Assembly Master, too!”

When he sensed the passion in Bang Jin-Hun's voice, Cheon Tae-Hun sucked in a deep breath and stared at the secret manual with renewed interest.

On the surface, it didn’t look all that remarkable. Mastering it shouldn’t change anything too drastically, or at least that was the impression Cheon Tae-Hun got. But Bang Jin-Hun was implying that that assumption was dead wrong.

Bang Jin-Hun tutted. “Hah, this brat… You don’t believe me, now do you?”

“N-no, master. I wouldn't dare doubt you.”

“Don't say that if you don't even mean it, you dumbass. I knew you'd doubt me, so I had it verified already, okay?”

“By who, master?”

Bang Jin-Hun smirked triumphantly. “I’ve been reliably informed that, as long as you master this thing properly, you can utterly wreck even the best demonic cultivators.”

“...And who informed you?”

“What do you mean, who? Didn’t I already tell you? Our uber-talented Assembly Master, obviously.”

Cheon Tae-Hun’s eyes quaked subtly again. Kang Jin-Ho verified it?

“Really, sir?”

“Hah… Will you listen to this damn brat?”

Judging from Bang Jin-Hun's response, it didn't seem like he was lying here. In that case, the story would have to change. And drastically, too.

That was because Cheon Tae-Hun viewed Kang Jin-Ho as a man of zero empty compliments. Kang Jin-Ho was the type to torment his underlings by telling them to start over instead of offering inflated evaluations on a martial art that didn’t meet his standards.

‘In other words, this cultivation method, it…’

Cheon Tae-Hun stared at the documents, still unable to see anything remarkable about it.

Bang Jin-Hun grunted. “That’s what orthodox cultivation is like. Or have you already forgotten?”

Cheon Tae-Hun slowly nodded. Yes, this was an orthodox cultivation method. And the orthodox cultivation was all about steadily building one's foundation.

A cultivator was supposed to lay the foundation again and again until it became sturdy enough to support a tower high enough to touch the heavens. That was the orthodox cultivation’s principle.

Rather than effectiveness or efficiency, it rewarded diligence and dedication.

“Master… I think mastering this cultivation method will take a long time.”

“The Assembly Master said he had done something about that, too. Don't ask me what he did because I don't know either. Sure, I may have created this thing, but the core and all the important bits were cooked up by that dude, you see.”

“Oh. In that case, I guess I can trust…”

“What the hell? You wanna die?”

“...My apologies.”

Cheon Tae-Hun’s grip on the secret manual tightened noticeably.

Bang Jin-Hun smirked at how Cheon Tae-Hun was barely reining in his excitement.

‘Hah, this brat. Yeah, I can see how much you wanna celebrate.’

Either way, it was fine with Bang Jin-Hun. It didn't matter to him whose name was on the cover of this secret manual. He only cared about the young martial artists, who had been feeling left out and alienated by the recent events, standing back up again through this martial art.

Improvements in various small parts wouldn't be quite enough at the end of the day. If Bang Jin-Hun and Co. were serious about strengthening the Martial Assembly's combat capabilities, those left behind had to be pulled up as well.

Cheon Tae-Hun expectantly asked Bang Jin-Hun. “When will we start?”

“I still need a little more time.”

“Why? What’s the delay?”

“Listen here, you brat! How am I supposed to teach everyone by myself? We need at least ten people. We gotta find ten elders good enough to act as instructors so I can impart this method to them. Then they can start teaching everyone else!”

“But, master? Why can't you teach us directly?”

Bang Jin-Hun slapped his forehead in disbelief. “What the… Where would everyone gather, then? Besides, even though I know I can be super loud, I'm not loud enough for everyone to hear me, okay?”

“None of those things are an obstacle to us. In that case, let us begin tomorrow, master.”

“...Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“Yes, I heard you.”

Bang Jin-Hun frowned deeply. “Then, why are you like this?”

“Trust me on this, master. I can take care of everything.”

“What? How?”

Cheon Tae-Hun smirked triumphantly. “As long as everyone can see and hear you, it should be fine, yes? If the pupils run into walls or can’t understand something, they can always ask an elder during their spare time. Assuming that elders would master the cultivation faster than everyone else, of course.”

Bang Jin-Hun was taken aback. “Uh, o-okay?”

“Then, isn’t everything already sorted out?”

Bang Jin-Hun tilted his head in confusion as he watched a bright grin spread on Cheon Tae-Hun’s face. He couldn’t figure out what this brat was saying. “What the hell… What is it that you want me to do? Grab a mic or something?”

“Master, sir…!” Cheon Tae-Hun resolutely corrected Bang Jin-Hun. "The era has changed, sir. You should also do your best to get used to the ways of the modern world.”


“Have you heard of the… online tutoring, sir?"


The triumphant smirk on Cheon Tae-Hun's face deepened. “That will solve your problem. You can teach everyone as if they are all in the same classroom as you. They can also watch your demonstrations. Besides, everyone taking part will be a martial artist, sir. It won't be our first rodeo, so everyone should be able to keep up with the teachings.”


“Allow me to attempt the first-ever online video lecture in Murim's history. How about we set up a company, sir? What do you think about calling it… Giga Murim Study?”[1]

“...I have no idea what you're on about, you crazy brat!”[2]

And so, the debut of Bang Jin-Hun as a new streamer had been decided.

Revolutions and reforms usually tormented the old folks the most—especially those who tried to cling to the old ways!

1. I've no idea what the author is referencing here. Although, there is a YouTube channel called Giga Study English in Korean. Also, MegaStudy is a well-known Korean online academy, so it might have something to do with that? ☜

2. It seems I'm not alone in my confusion, then... ☜

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