[ Yo.]

This....what is this?

Confusion and shock keep me from blacking out then and there.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom " You're...d-dead.", I say in a weak voice.

[ Am I ?], John says sitting down beside me.


[ You must be so confused now ^_^]

John....or whatever this thing was leaning on my shoulder while continuing to prattle on about nonsense.

" What are....you?", I ask trying to understand just what was happening right now.

[ Did you f*orget:~~:~ about us so soon...when we're the reason you entered this world...]

John's voice overlapped with the voice of many others and I finally understand...they're back...the voices are back.

"So.....you have a physical form now ?", I ask trying to keep myself awake.

If I die now, the timing would be perfect.

I wouldn't have to listen to these assholes anymore....still I can't give up on my life just like that.

[ Well.....not really, how could we get a physical form when we don't exist?.....you're just hallucinating.]


That's just great.....

[ So...you don't look so good, pal.]

" Mhmm", I mumble out struggling to stand up or do anything else than listen to these dumbshits.

I try to ignore their ramblings and try to find my way out of here.....there must be something that can be done.

I noticed it when I was looking around to find something that would help me get up,

A pair of red eyes observing me within the darkness of the cave.

'Oh no...I'm fucked'

The boss monster was making its appearance.

The boss monster was an evolved Wolfia, compared to its kin....it was humongous, thick blue fur covered its skin and its piercing red eyes were fixed on the pile of dead Wolfia that Jennifer had dumped before she left.

Tears flow down its eyes as it tries to wake up the already dead kin.

Of course, after making sure that its friends couldn't be saved, it was glaring at me.

'Shit.....I need to get out of here.", I thought slowly crawling away from the boss monster.

I could hear it slowly walking towards me and with each step it took, I felt closer to death.

[ Are you trying to save yourself....after all this....you still want to live ?]

I ignore them and try my best to make some distance between me and the unhinged beast.

[ As always.....you're so selfish.]

The wolf's steps suddenly stopped, I look back using a lot of effort to find that the wolf was indeed moving but.....much slower than before.

It was as if time had slowed down...

" Is this your doing ?", I ask trying to their way but my body was too weak, I collapsed on the ground exhausted.

[ Hmmm...not really.]

" What do you want ?", I ask thinking of some sort of way to end this charade.please visit

[ We just want to talk ^_^]

I scoff hearing them,

" You want to talk me into killing myself again ?"

[ Oh.....we're hurt, ending your life was a choice you made...not us.]

" I thought you died since you all have been so silent lately.", I say wanting to know the reason for their return.

[ Well.....we did have some difficulty because your mental fortitude increased a lot because of this world....probably because you created this place....but as always it all crumpled down with enough time...we feel even stronger now....it's strange isn't it ?]

" Urghhh...just what do you want from me ?"

[ We just want to remind you.....of what you've conveniently forgotten.]

The whole world disappeared after their sudden proclamation.

We were in a world of white now, there was nothing except the two of us.

I look down at my body to find that all my wounds had vanished.

" Where are we ?", I asked John, who stood in front of me with a mischievous smile on his face.

[ Home.], he says snapping his fingers.

The view before me completely changed in the blink of an eye, the both of us were now in a very familiar studio apartment.

A small T.V was playing 'Le Chortle', a ridiculous show that I used to watch together with my family.

In front of the T.V, a boy sat in the middle, laughing watching the show along with his parents...

Seeing this brought back emotions that I had buried long ago, out in the open.

I was back.....home.


Lecia and the others were worried.

It had been close to two hours and Adam and Jennifer still hadn't returned.

" I'm worried....", Jacob said looking at the shining portal.

" Me too...why haven't they returned yet?", Eric asked looking concerned.

" Maybe your friend is dead."

Everyone looks at the person who spoke in surprise and silent anger, Eric looked especially furious and frustrated.

" Why are you still here...Bob ?"

Eric's teammate, Bob... stuck to Eric like glue even after coming out of the portal.

" They won't die...Adam's super strong, ya know ?", Max said reassuring everyone.

Out of nowhere, Jennifer materializes outside the portal, covered in blood.

Everyone rushed towards her, worried.

Jennifer was sobbing uncontrollably.

" What happened ?!", Katherine asked, shaking Jennifer.

" Hey...Jennifer, w-what is t-that ?", Lecia asked, eyes wide as she pointed at something beside Jennifer.

As everyone saw the bloodied hand near Jennifer, they all go silent.

" A-adam's d-dead.....", Jennifer sobbed out stunning everyone around her.


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