Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 8 - Higanbana: Chapter 43 – Who Else Can Stop Her?

Volume 8 - Higanbana: Chapter 43 – Who Else Can Stop Her?

Yoritomo and Michizane engaged in a relentless aerial battle, neither yielding to the other. The outcome remained undecided, stretching the conflict over an extended period.

Witnessing Yoritomo’s momentary distraction, Lily swiftly ascended the execution platform once more. She effortlessly leaped atop the heads of the black-armored soldiers who had arrived as reinforcements, determined to reach her destination.

Though Kato Keiren and Kudo Shigemitsu might have still clung to life, their injuries proved severe, rendering them unable to impede Lily’s relentless advance.

“Kagami Lily! You shall not proceed any further!” Shenzu, adorned in foreboding black armor, positioned herself in Lily’s path.

Despite her recent focus on training and the acquisition of treasures from Yoritomo, Shenzu remained a middle-late Throned General, lagging behind in power.

Lily’s gaze brimmed with disdain, fully aware that it was Rokuhara Tandai who had taken the life of Fayumi no Yoruko. Otherwise, she would have swiftly dispatched Shenzu upon their encounter.

In a gentle whisper of wind, a young girl draped in flowing black robes materialized at Lily’s side.

Lily’s eyes widened in instant recognition. “Sister… Shimizu?”

While Shimizu had long been aware of Lily’s presence, Lily had been preoccupied with the chaos of the imperial army and hadn’t noticed her sister amidst the tumultuous crowd.

“Now is not the time for conversation

1, Lily. Allow me to handle this woman. You must hasten to rescue Lady Ayaka,” Shimizu said, her hand resting firmly on the hilt of her sword.

At that moment, several lesser Tengu, acting on someone’s command, raised their spears and launched them toward Ayaka.

Ayaka, currently devoid of spiritual power, was at grave risk of being severely injured or worse.

“Sister Shimizu, I entrust this task to you!”

With a swift movement, Lily leaped to Ayaka’s side. Sakura petals infused with the immense power of a Big Dipper Stage blossomed beneath her feet, allowing her to hover in the air. While Lily possessed the ability to levitate using her spiritual energy or treasures, this method was slower than her usual means of movement.

Lily had earned the reverence of the demons in the depths of Yomi due to her formidable strength, which had surpassed that of a double-soul Big Dipper. By breaking through the Throned Sovereign Stage using the most potent method, she had achieved the equivalent power of a triple-soul Big Dipper.

In the depths of Yomi, once a combatant’s strength exceeded that of a double-soul Big Dipper, they were considered victorious in the endless slaughter and would be transported out of that realm. This was the reason there were no formidable Big Dipper Archdemons remaining there.

A barrage of spears was hurled towards Lily and Ayaka. Most were propelled with the force of Permanence Stage strength, but Lily effortlessly obliterated them with her Domain. However, a few were formidable spears thrown by Throned Sovereigns, posing a genuine threat to Ayaka’s life.

Lily swiftly unfurled her Sakura Parasol, and with a resounding bang, the parasol expanded to a colossal size, spanning tens of meters wide. It formed an impenetrable barrier, effortlessly blocking the incoming barrage of spears.

This was a newfound ability unlocked by the Sakura Parasol after its rebirth. It enhanced her defensive capabilities, expanding the range of protection it offered. However, it did not grant her any additional offensive powers.

Taking advantage of the parasol’s formidable defense, Lily advanced towards Ayaka, gracefully treading upon the floating Sakura petals. With a focused mind, she materialized two blades of Domain energy and swung them at the chains restraining Ayaka.

Despite the force behind Lily’s attack, the chains only sustained minor damage, appearing merely dented from the impact.

“I can’t break them?” Lily questioned, realizing that these chains were far more resilient than she had anticipated. They were clearly designed to restrain a powerful Big Dipper like Ayaka.

Undeterred, Lily swung her blade with determination.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Her strikes targeted two long wooden pillars that supported the chains, causing them to shatter and collapse along with the chains themselves. Ayaka was released from her confinement, falling along with the falling pillars.

Reacting swiftly, Lily infused her blade with a gentle yet potent purple lunar energy. She unleashed two precise and razor-sharp lunar slashes that sliced through the remaining chains binding Ayaka’s arms. Despite their forceful impact, they miraculously spared Ayaka from any harm to her body.

Ayaka descended powerlessly, her body falling towards the ground.

“Sister Ayaka!” Lily exclaimed, leaping forward in an attempt to catch her and prevent her from hitting the ground.

Suddenly, an acrid and suffocating black fog engulfed Ayaka, attempting to whisk her away into the depths of the darkened night sky.

“Who dares to take her from me? Release her!” Lily’s voice echoed with fury and determination. Ayaka had already endured unimaginable torment, and this malevolent black fog sought to claim her once again.

Without hesitation, Lily hurled her spinning parasol into the air. Known for its defensive capabilities against countless attacks and spells, the parasol sliced through the black fog with precision. Infusing her movements with the power of purple lunar energy, Lily blurred into an afterimage, swiftly moving toward Ayaka’s captured form.


In an instant, she stood before Ayaka, cradling her delicate body in her protective embrace. Lily’s heart swelled with a mix of relief and unwavering resolve.

With a surge of indescribable power, Lily tapped into a source beyond her physical strength. It was a power born from the depths of her being, fueled by her unwavering desire to safeguard the woman in her arms.

In the depths of the darkened sky, an unsettling presence materialized, its essence suffused with potent Eldritch energy.

With a deliberate movement, Daitengu revealed himself, drawing back the black raincoat that concealed his form. This enigmatic garment seemed to possess the uncanny ability to blend seamlessly into the night, rendering him nearly invisible.

It was this very raincoat that allowed him to stealthily approach Ayaka during her clash with Yoritomo, launching a surprise attack from behind.

“I’ve arrived, and there’s no escaping now,” Daitengu declared, his voice carrying an air of sinister confidence.

In his grasp, he wielded a massive golden bludgeon in one hand and a paper fan in the other. As he unfurled the fan, torrents of inky black fog cascaded forth, resembling the sinewy tendrils of a colossal octopus, inching ever closer toward Lily and Ayaka.

“Get lost!” Lily bellowed, her fury propelling her into action. She executed a swift backhanded slash, summoning forth a radiant purple sword energy that hung suspended in the air, its languid movement defying expectations.

With Ayaka cradled protectively in her other arm, Lily positioned herself before the initial sword energy and unleashed another resolute swing.

A resounding impact reverberated through the air as the sword energy shattered into a cascade of fragmented shards, transforming into a shower of vibrant spiritual energy. These luminous droplets dispersed the encroaching black fog, reducing its potency.

The long, featureless mask worn by Daitengu gave him an air of eerie impassiveness, intensifying the foreboding aura he exuded.

“Surprising indeed, Kagami Lily, to think you could actually stop my spells. Huhuhuhuhu!” Daitengu remarked with a peculiar laughter. The timbre of his voice struck a chord of familiarity.

“However,” he continued, his tone taking on a darker edge, “can you withstand the force of my golden bludgeon?”

With both hands gripping the formidable weapon, Daitengu propelled himself forward, his ebony wings propelling him at an alarming speed. The colossal bludgeon cleaved through the air, seeming to churn the very fabric of the sky as it hurtled towards Lily with menacing intent.

Lily, unable to dodge the incoming attack while carrying Ayaka, swiftly unfolded the Sakura Parasol, causing it to instantly enlarge. The giant red parasol extended above the Royal Palace, shielding them from the impact to a large extent.


Despite the immense size of the Sakura Parasol, the force of the blow still sent Lily soaring through the air. Meanwhile, Shenzu and Shimizu, sensing the imminent danger, exchanged glances and leaped off the execution platform.

With a resounding crash, the Sakura Parasol collided with the platform, obliterating it completely. The masked Tengu warriors who were supporting the platform met a grisly fate, crushed under its weight.

One advantage of the parasol’s enlarged form became apparent—the handle had pierced through the remains of the platform, firmly embedding itself into the ground. This provided a stable support structure, safeguarding Lily and Ayaka who were sheltered beneath it.

“Such a marvelous treasure! I’ve never witnessed anything like it,” Daitengu exclaimed in awe, mesmerized by the incredible power and versatility of the Sakura Parasol.

Undeterred by the assault, Daitengu swung his golden bludgeon horizontally, aiming to strike down Lily.


The immense force propelled the Sakura Parasol through the air, causing it to collide with a building several hundred meters away. Yet, amidst the chaos, a gust of vibrant purple sword energy surged forth from beneath the fallen parasol, ready to retaliate.

“What?” Daitengu’s expression turned to one of surprise as he swiftly waved his hand fan. A protective barrier of shimmering blue energy enveloped him, successfully blocking the onslaught of Lily’s purple lunar sword energy. A blinding flash of white light erupted upon impact, but the barrier held strong.

“What a cunning woman!” Daitengu taunted, flapping its wings while hovering in the air.

“Master, be careful! That’s Daitengu!” Shiu, engaged in her own battle against the black-armored soldiers, shouted urgently.

“Shiu?” Lily’s voice echoed with a mix of surprise and relief as she held Ayaka’s waist, supporting her weight while clutching her sword tightly. Her eyes fixed upon Daitengu with fierce determination.

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“Why are you and Sister Shimizu here?” Lily demanded to know, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and accusation.

“Master, we don’t have time for that now! It’s him! Daitengu attacked Lady Ayaka from behind, injuring her!” Shiu’s voice trembled with a blend of anger and urgency.

“What? No wonder Sister Ayaka was captured! It’s because of you, you vile demon!” Lily’s voice reverberated with seething anger, “You people are the ones responsible for her plight!”

Lily’s heart burned with fury, but she knew she couldn’t fully engage in combat with Daitengu. He possessed power on par with Yoritomo, making him a formidable opponent. Furthermore, her priority was protecting Ayaka, leaving her unable to devote her full attention to the fight.

“Kagami Lily! It was I who injured Ayaka! But fear not, I won’t go all out. I can’t bear to kill you!” Daitengu taunted as he raised the golden bludgeon, charging at Lily once more.

“Shameless!” With Sakura Parasol sent flying, Lily had no choice but to grip her sword with one hand, bracing herself for Daitengu’s powerful blunt attack.

“You despicable creature!” Lily clenched her teeth in the face of the overwhelming blow.

Suddenly, a blazing arrow, radiating with intense brightness and power, streaked through the night sky like a comet, hurtling towards Daitengu.

“What?” Even Daitengu took notice, his expression showing a hint of concern. He halted his assault on Lily, quickly raising his hand fan to block the incoming arrow.

Bang! An explosion of brilliance illuminated the night sky, forcefully pushing Daitengu back several steps.

“Go-Shirakawa, you cur! Don’t think I can’t recognize you just because you’re wearing a mask!” Masakado brandished a massive bow that shimmered like a starry sky.

“Taira no Masakado? You treacherous scum. You were beheaded, why won’t you stay dead? How dare you stir up trouble here?”

“Accursed imperial lapdog! For beheading me, I shall exact vengeance upon you all!” Masakado soared through the air, his steps accompanied by swirling spiritual energy. With a volley of fragmented arrows and shattered rocks, he dove towards Daitengu!

“Fear not, Miss Kagami. Allow me to handle this imperial hound!”

“Damn it all!”

Daitengu swung his golden bludgeon, conjuring a tempest of azure winds. Meanwhile, Masakado unsheathed his elongated sword, gleaming like celestial bodies.

They clashed fiercely, their clash of weapons producing powerful shockwaves. The golden bludgeon and long sword collided, igniting sparks and resounding with a thunderous cacophony.

As Yoritomo and Daitengu were engaged in combat with Michizane and Masakado, Lily gestured for her Demon Hound to approach. Placing Ayaka on its back, she summoned Sakura Parasol to shield her with its protective Domain

2. With determination in her eyes, Lily prepared to face the impending onslaught alone.

A horde of black-armored soldiers on the ground charged towards Lily, while numerous Tengus descended upon her from the air.

“Hmph, do you really think you can stop me?” Lily’s gaze hardened, unyielding to the approaching forces.

Meanwhile, amidst the wreckage of the platform, Shimizu and Shenzu clashed in a fierce duel.

Clang! Shenzu held the upper hand, overpowering Shimizu with a powerful slash that forced her to the ground.

If Shimizu weren’t an exceptional duelist, she wouldn’t have stood a chance against Shenzu. Despite Shimizu’s formidable skill at the pinnacle of the Permanence Stage, she still fell short when compared to Shenzu’s might.

“Hmph! Is that the extent of your abilities?” Shenzu confidently advanced towards Shimizu.

Meanwhile, Shimizu remained on the ground, her shattered jade necklace exposed. In an unexpected turn of events, the broken jade emitted a subtle yet captivating purplish elemental glow.

Simultaneously, Shenzu’s shattered jade on her chest also emitted a matching light.

“What is this…?” They exchanged puzzled glances, both surprised by the familiar glow emanating from each other’s shattered jade



Robinxen: Some smarts in a battle sequence?!

Robinxen: Couldn’t she put her in the mirror? Or is it one of those annoyingly specific conditions preventing it.

Robinxen: Power up time!

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