Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 25 – That Sad Dusk

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 25 – That Sad Dusk

It was indeed Musashibo Benkei! The presence of his vengeful spirit in Ise raised questions about why his corpse still harbored a will. Lily, unaware that Yoshitsune had managed to reunite Benkei’s spirit with his physical body at Takadachi after the earth’s transformation, approached the situation with a mix of apprehension and respect. Despite her flushed face and unsteady posture, she calmly stepped forward and bowed. “Lord Benkei, I have come here as Yoshitsune’s successor to worship him. Please, let us pass.”

Benkei’s consciousness, clearer now, recalled Yoshitsune’s words from Ise. If Yoshitsune’s spirit hadn’t been trapped in Ise, he might have been inclined to assist this woman, described by Yoshitsune as beautiful, well-educated, and strong. Could this tall, delicate girl in white be his disciple?

Before Benkei could inquire further, Shizuka Gozen gently ushered Lily back, possibly to protect her, and stepped forward. “Benkei, do you remember me?” she asked. Benkei’s consciousness, clouded by resentment, initially failed to recognize her. But as Shizuka stood before him, memories resurfaced.

As Benkei’s vengeful spirit emerged from his corpse, his spiritual sense swept through Shizuka, triggering a rush of familiarity. “Madam…” he uttered, his recognition causing the surrounding lands and forests to tremble. “You are the madam…”

Shizuka, her voice tinged with sadness, addressed Benkei. “It’s been many years, you’ve worked hard. I am going to Heian-kyo to defeat our greatest enemy, Minamoto no Yoritomo! But before that, I want to go to Takadachi to visit Yoshitsune.”

Benkei, filled with a newfound fighting spirit, responded with enthusiasm. “Really? This day has finally arrived! I shall aid you in this task!” His voice, echoing his resolve, conveyed his readiness to support Shizuka in her quest to honor Yoshitsune and confront their formidable adversary.

“Lord Benkei!” Lily exclaimed, her joy evident. Though Benkei was a vengeful spirit, his formidable power was comparable to Michizane’s. His assistance promised to significantly bolster their chances of success.

Acknowledging the impracticality of accompanying two women, Benkei expressed his plan to journey to Heian-kyo alone. “The madam and you are both women; it will not be convenient for me to travel with you. I will go to Heian-kyo first and kill to my heart’s content! When your great army arrives, I will help!” he declared.

As he spoke, a monstrous eldritch cloud materialized around him, lifting him into the sky. He moved towards the southwest with great strides, his figure resembling a corpse transported by the cloud.

“Lord Benkei…” Lily whispered, her voice tinged with a mix of respect and bewilderment as Benkei departed resolutely, leaving her with a myriad of unanswered questions. The group then made their way to the entrance of Takadachi.

The temple, inconspicuous and ordinary from the outside, presented a different scene within its walls. Inside, the temple was in disarray, yet spotlessly clean.

Strikingly, Yoshitsune’s corpse was absent, with only a short knife lying on the floor. The blade, stained with dried blood, emanated a faint golden light and a clean smell, suggesting that if Yoshitsune had lived, he wouldn’t have been far from the celestial realm. The blood’s sacred luster, uncorrupted even after years, indicated that Yoshitsune might not have become a celestial, but could be considered a saint.

Suddenly, her clothes began to disintegrate, turning into ash and floating away. “Were those clothes returned to where they came from?” she wondered aloud. “Then why am I still here?”

Shivering in the cold, the golden sunset caressed her exposed body, filling her with a sense of shame. Before she could react, the ancient mirror emitted a strange, gentle light that enveloped her, transforming into a beautiful purple kimono decorated with ice blue flowers.

Feeling the mirror’s extraordinary nature, she tucked it into her sash. She paused upon seeing a dusty red parasol by the door and, for reasons unknown, decided to take it, perhaps as a precaution against rain.

With the parasol in hand, Lily left the temple, passing through a dark grove before arriving at ancient Kamakura, where the streets lay dark under the set sun.

“Lily! Lily!” She could hear her sisters’ worried voices calling out to her.

Opening her eyes, Lily found herself back in the sedan, still dressed in white with a ponytail. Confused, she got up. “I…” she began.

“Lily, are you really fine?” Ayaka asked, checking her pulse and heart rate again.

“Ah… I’m fine,” Lily replied, feeling unusually sensitive to even the gentlest touch.

“You fainted in Takadachi. We brought you down the mountain to the sedan, fearing it might impact you to stay there,” Rei explained.

Lily responded blankly, “Nn…”

“Are you really fine?” Rei inquired further.

“Nn,” Lily replied with a smile.

“Do you want to return to Takadachi? Is there anything else you need to say there?” Ayaka asked.

Sitting in the corner, Shizuka frowned slightly, seemingly uneasy about any bond between Lily and Yoshitsune that she didn’t know about. Lily, freshly awakened from her dream, was oblivious to Shizuka’s thoughts and simply shook her head. “No, let’s return to Kiyosu Castle.”

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