Chapter 86: Humanoid Demon Souls (2)

Blake’s expectation was undoubtedly high when he put the insect wing demon’s soul into his mouth.

How could it not be? Even just remembering the taste of the brownish humanoid demon’s soul was enough to give him shivers.

Just the idea of possibly tasting the same or at least a similar tasting soul would definitely make him very excited.

But when the insect wing demon’s soul finally came into his mouth, Blake’s expectation was suddenly turned down to rock bottom as he gained the clarity of mind that was needed to do an experiment.

And the reason for that was none other than the absence of any sweetness in the soul despite Blake had put the soul directly onto his tongue.

The brownish demon’s soul already gave him an addicting sweet flavor the moment it touched his tongue while the insect wing demon’s soul was as tasteless as the other souls that he had consumed before.

So when the first impression of the soul was already a letdown, Blake threw away all of his expectations and fully focused on finding out whether the humanoid demon’s soul really tasted different compared to the souls of the demonic beasts.


Closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly to refresh his mind that was still clouded by the taste of the brownish demon’s soul, Blake then swallowed the insect wing demon’s soul, fully ready to analyze his own senses to find any difference.

With the soul entering his throat down to his body, Blake’s eyes were fully closed as he focused on the feeling and the taste of the soul that had just entered his body.

Blake felt the soul spreading from the core of his body to his whole body as it started giving its flavor.

Even though Blake had put all his focus on his senses and even closed his eyes to do it better, Blake found out that the taste of the insect wing demon’s soul was not any different than other souls that he had eaten before.

The humanoid demon’s soul did not taste any different from the usual demonic beast’s soul that he ate almost every day. Albeit the savoriness of the soul indicates that he did get about 6 or 7 souls from eating it.

But after eating the sweet and savory soul of the brownish demon, the soul that was worth 7 souls only tasted good and could only satisfy his appetite a little despite it being the exact thing that he had been desperately yearning for a few hours ago.

Realizing that fact, made Blake wonder whether it was actually a good thing or a bad thing that all humanoid demons’ souls didn’t taste like the brownish demon’s soul as he would probably be known as ‘The Humanoid Demon Hunter’ in the future if that was really the case.

Blake then shook his head at the thought that appeared in his mind as he focused back on the current reality.

After getting the result of his first test, Blake then processed the result of what he currently got.

The result was clearly not the one that Blake desired, but Blake would understand if that was really the case.

However, the result still didn’t answer his question about why the brownish demon’s soul had that very sweet, addicting flavor that the other souls didn’t have.

‘Does he possibly have special elements, bloodline power, or something special that others don’t have?’

Blake then looked around his surroundings, particularly towards the other floating soul orbs above the corpses of the humanoid demons.

His eyes scanned every corpse before he finally stopped on one.

‘Or is it because he was a demon mage?’

Blake then walked over to the greenish demon that also died in terror knowing that it was unable to move its body even slightly when a massive amount of mana gathered under it.

Blake then looked at the dark soul orb above the greenish demon’s corpse for a second before also snatching it and putting it into his mouth.

Just like before, Blake closed his eyes and focused on his senses so that he wouldn’t miss any subtle difference.

And although Blake was more than prepared for yet another utter disappointment, this time, he actually got something.

When the greenish demon’s soul touched his tongue, Blake could actually feel a subtle taste of sweetness spreading all over his body that came from the soul that he hadn’t swallowed yet and was still on his tongue.

It was a subtle one, different from the brownish demon’s soul that was bursting with one flavor.

But even if there was only a tiny taste of it, the fact that it was there, different from the other souls that were all tasteless before they were eaten, was still something that Blake needed to take note of.

Blake spent 5 whole seconds feeling and tasting the greenish demon soul before he finally decided to swallow it.

And his earlier feeling turned out to be right.

When the soul entered his body and dissolved, Blake could feel the usual savory taste of the soul and also the sweet, subsidiary taste that the soul had when Blake placed the soul on his tongue.

And after tasting it for a second time, Blake could confidently say that a sweet and savory tasting soul was definitely much, much better compared to the usual savory souls.

Albeit it was only better in the taste department, and after checking the number of souls that he got, Blake found out that the sweet and savory taste of the soul gave the same amount of souls as their only savory tasting counterparts.

But that didn’t mean the three humanoid demon souls that he had eaten only gave him a small number of souls.

In fact, after swallowing the greenish demon’s soul, Blake suddenly got a notification in his mind.

[You have leveled up!]



Race: Darkness Demon

Level:11 (6/100)


Physique: 15

Spirit: 45

Unused: 5

Bloodline Power:

(Darkness Demon) Monarch’s Covenant

(Earth Ape Demon) Dark Earth Armor


+(Main) Reach level 15 and Evolve!



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