114 Runemasters (3)

The amount of nether that Blake sent through the rune formation was certainly a lot.

But it didn’t take too much time for him to squeeze out the nether as the rune formation just swallowed up every ounce of nether that he sent towards it as if it was a bottomless ravine.

The rune formation instantly ate up all the nether that Blake sent it, and in just a few seconds, Blake had already started to feel his body going sluggish.

2 more seconds went on, and Blake started to feel his feet losing their strength as Blake now needed to consciously hold up his feet lest they suddenly give up and his face would kiss the ground on the rune formation.

Fortunately, right after those 2 additional seconds had ended, Blake finally felt the rune formation stop receiving any of his nether anymore.

Blake was about to make a calculated fall to his back to prevent himself from falling right on top of the rune formation as his body was truly drained after giving so much of his nether away to activate the rune formation.

But before Blake’s body began to tilt sideways and fall, Blake suddenly felt a soft yet firm support on his back before his body was taken off the ground.

“Thanks a lot for the help.”

Vera’s voice came right from his back as his body began to dangle with the support of Vera’s two hands holding onto his body while she flew with her wings to the sky.


“Now let’s enjoy the show that our rune formation and your nether would bring out from the best possible angle.” She said before moving to the sky above the forest, away from the clearing.

“Robus! Move back a little from there! Just to be safe, don’t go inside the clearing.” She instructed Blake’s gorilla best friend.

Which the latter nodded in understanding as he understood Vera’s words clearly due to having hearing and understanding Blake speaking with him every day.

Of course, the covenant that they made with each other also helped Robus understand the demon language better.

With Vera floating in the same place, giving her and Blake the best view of the clearing and the rune formation right in the middle of the clearing, and also with Robus also having his own view from among the trees, Vera nodded in satisfaction as she continued her prior explanation to Blake.

“The reason why runemasters were respected if not feared in the deeper realms was because with enough preparations, they would be able to do something that someone who wasn’t a runemaster would never be able to achieve.”

“And the real example of that was this.” She said with a tinge of pride in her voice as she looked at the scene in front of her.

The 19 humanoid demons that were free-falling from the sky were now about 250 meters away from reaching the ground, and at least half of them would have survived the fall as they had a lot of time to think about what they should do to break their fall.

However, that would only be the case if there wasn’t anything else happening to them on their way towards crashing onto the ground beneath them.

The rune formation that Blake had poured in so much of his high-quality nether into had long glowed after Blake filled it with his nether, and it was finally time for them to be activated.

And with the runes that Vera had told Blake to add, cubes were activated in a certain order just like how Vera had instructed Blake.

The one cube on the top then flashed for a split second before releasing the spell that was contained in it.

The ground inside the clearing then began to shake slightly for a split second before small earth spikes, the size of Blake’s forearm began to sprout from the ground.

Their size was definitely small, and they couldn’t even pierce through the humanoid demons if the humanoid demons were standing on their feet.

But the sheer amount of earth spikes that came out of the ground was so much that there was barely enough room to walk around the center of the clearing as every other inch on the ground was filled with those small earth spikes.

Blake then nodded in understanding as he realized that the humanoid demons would have their chance of surviving significantly diminished with those earth spikes filling the ground.

But he knew that those earth spikes wouldn’t guarantee 100% that the 19 humanoid demons would die.

However, there were still 2 more cubes filled with more spells, so Blake kept his mouth shut and just watched the show from the best possible view possible while being carried and half-hugged by his drop-dead gorgeous teacher.

After the first cube flashed and the spell manifested itself, the flash died down and it only glowed like the others as the second cube in the order began to flash and also manifested the spell inside it.

Different from the first cube where the ground shook before the earth spikes filled the ground, the moment the second cube activated itself, Blake began to see and feel visible air currents flowing right in the middle of the clearing, right around the rune formation.

And it only took Blake 2 whole seconds of wondering what those air currents were doing as in the next second, a tornado, as tall as two basketball courts started to manifest around the rune formation.

Blake was standing quite a distance away from the middle of the clearing, but he could still feel the slight pulling force the wind tornado generated, trying to bring him in slowly towards the center of the tornado.

But with Vera holding tight onto him, the minuscule pulling force was only considered to be a refreshing breeze for him.

However, the same couldn’t be said for the things that were directly beside or around the tornado.

The grass, the earth, particularly, the earth spikes that manifested from the first spell.

With their small size and the tornado’s strong pulling force, the earth spikes were plucked out of the ground as they went into the tornado, following the movement of the air current, running around non-stop in circles, turning the already dangerous tornado even more deadly with hundreds of sharp earth spikes circling around it.

‘So that’s why she needed to keep the space on the rune formation locked...’ Blake thought to himself as he saw the tornado-blender in front of him.

Blake was already 100% sure that the 19 humanoid demons would all be dead if not a half-step from dead when they got close enough to the approximately 55 meters tall tornado, but remembering that there was one more cube still not activated, Blake kept his awe and amazement for later when the rune formation had all been activated.

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