Mo Feng's sigh wasn't loud or anything but it looked like everyone had heard it. The audience was shocked by the sight they saw, Mo Feng standing so easily even under the heavy gravity. When Ming Hao saw the contempt in Mo Feng's eyes and was grew more irritated. He wanted to grab hold of those eyes and reap them off of Mo Feng's face.

'Stop looking at me like that! How dare you look at me like that!'

Ming Hao screamed in his mind as he poured more of his Qi into his attack. The black hole got bigger and the gravity grew heavier, making the space around them start to distort. Finally, the calm look on Mo Feng's face disappeared. Seeing his reaction Ming Hao couldn't help but snicker.

"Heh, so you finally understand how powerful I am, but it's too late now."

Mo Feng did not respond as he grabbed the handle of his sword. The moment his hand touched the handle an unimaginable pressure assaulted Ming Hao, it was a pressure like no other. Just feeling that pressure almost made him cough up blood.

The next moment the sound of something being sliced was heard. It was a crisp sound that echoed followed by the sound of broken glass. The black hole that was warping the very space in front of them suddenly disappeared. Only the Elders understood what happened, but everyone else was dumbfounded.

Yet the most confused was Ming Hao as he looked at the still-standing Mo Feng. That was the trump card that he had reserved in case he ever fought someone with a stronger cultivation than him, yet now he actually used it at someone with a weaker cultivation than him and it did nothing. It took him a lot of effort to understand the basics of the Void Technique, he needed to understand a lot of principles.

"That was better than I expected. So do you have anything else?"


"HAHAHAHA, do you see that, did you see that Fang Mu, that's your Senior Brother, that kid actually learned more from me than I thought!"

Ren who was watching in the distance couldn't help but laugh and clap his hands as he heard what his disciple just said.


Ming Hao's face turned ugly as the anger in his heart rose to a new level. He has never been humiliated like this before. Seeing Ming Hao not responding while continuing to float above him, Mo Feng shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Looking at that ugly expression on your face I guess you really don't have other tricks to play. So how about you concede since you don't have the strength to even play with me."

Ming Hao whose anger had reached its peak roared as he threw a few talismans on the ground. The talismans made a formation on the ground. Ming Hao was about to activate the talismans but before he could do so they were cut into pieces. This time Mo Feng didn't even use his sword, simply his sword intent alone had cut everything.

Seeing his talismans being sliced in half as well as the bored look on Mo Feng's face Ming Hao charged at Mo Feng. Ming Hao used his sword to attack Mo Feng, there was no technique in his swordsmanship only violence.

The disciples were shocked to see their elegant Senior Disciple act in such a manner. Mo Wei was desperately praying for Mo Feng to lose, in fact, he wished that Mo Feng would die here. On the other hand, Ying Yue was hoping that Mo Feng would end this fight already. She knew that Mo Feng could easily win now but she was nervous that Mo Feng would make a mistake at some point if he kept on going on like this.


Mo Feng was evading the attacks of the crazed Ming Hao and sighed again. He had trained desperately for the past few months because he thought Ming Hao would be a challenge, yet now he was disappointed. Ming Hao who was nearing the peak of the Golden Core Realm was too weak.

Mo Feng dodged a few more attacks before counter-attacking by punching Ming Hao in the gut making Ming Hao fall to the ground in pain. Even though the bodies of the cultivators are stronger than normal humans, and even though Golden Core Realm cultivators can heal their bodies even if they only had a single blood left, they still felt pain.

"Ming Hao surrender now or I'll be forced to inflict you with more pain."

Mo Feng spoke while looking at the coughing Ming Hao. The shame, the anger, and the pain were all mixing up within him as he remained on the ground motionless. Seeing him like this Mo Feng shook his head as he looked at the Elder in charge.

"Elder, it's obvious that Ming Hao cannot defeat me and he won't admit defeat so what do I do? Do I still need to continue this fight?"

The Elder looked at the discouraged Ming Hao and then at the unscathed Mo Feng. After a few seconds of deliberation, the Elder nodded his head and gave an announcement.

"The winner of this battle is Mo Feng!"

There was a moment of silence before the crowd burst into cheers. This was the first time they saw someone defeat somebody with a higher cultivation with such ease. They weren't even able to see Mo Feng take out his sword.

"Ming Hao, please exit the stage. Mo Feng, please select your next opponent."

The moment the Elder said those words Mo Feng turned his back on Ming Hao no longer caring about this enemy of his. Everyone thought that everything was over and Mo Feng would continue to fight another person, but then something unexpected happened. Ming Hao's flying sword came flying toward Mo Feng.

The unexpected attack caught Mo Feng off guard and even the Elder was a step too late. The Flying Sword had pierced Mo Feng's chest.

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