When the four elders heard that voice they started to look around but saw no one, nor could they feel the presence of the interloper. Yet despite not seeing him he was still able to stop the Golden Core Elder's palm strike. This would mean that the other party was at least at the Golden Core Realm. Even Fang Mu was confused as he remained motionless, his body too hurt to be able to fight.

"Who is there? Do you know who you're messing with here? We are from the Sun Clan and the Meng Clan! If you know what's right for you then you better leave now while we're being merciful."

The elders of the Sun and Meng Clan waited for a response, and when they heard no response they thought that the interloper was intimidated by them and left. So the Golden Core elder was about to continue his attack on Fang Mu, but as he was about to release another palm strike someone suddenly appeared beside him.

"I told you that's enough."

Every single person in the scene was surprised to see a man suddenly appearing out of nowhere. They were all stunned, but at the same time, they examined the newcomer. Yet no matter how hard they checked the man that was standing before them was nothing more than a normal mortal man. There was not even a single trace of Qi in the man's body. Then how was he able to get so close without any of them noticing? They couldn't even detect the use of a spiritual tool.

"I don't know who you are mortal, but-" As the Elder was talking to Ren, he was trying to get his hand free from Ren's grip but for some reason could not. He could not even make Ren's hand budge a little bit.

"This is the last time I will say this, that's enough."

Hearing Ren say those words again just made the Elders angry especially the one Ren was holding onto. Even though they could not understand how Ren got near without them noticing, in the end, he was still nothing more than a mortal man. The Elder from the Sun Clan that Ren was holding onto, lifted his free arm and was about ready to attack Fang Mu again, but before he could do anything the hand Ren was holding was crushed. The Elder who had his arm crushed did not scream in pain as he looked at Ren in shock.

"I warned you, now don't blame me for bullying you, weaklings."

The moment Ren said those words a sudden burst of killing intent assailed all of the men in the vicinity. The killing intent was so intense that their entire bodies were paralyzed and shaking in fear. The Elders were still unable to understand how, but now they know that the man before them was not just a mortal man.

Ren sighed as he saw the fear in the eyes of these men he then tore off the arm of the man he was holding. Seeing that scene, two of the Elders who were at the Foundation Establishment Realm quickly ran towards their young masters and were going to flee. The last remaining Elder who was at the Golden Core Realm was going to support the other Elder in the same realm.

"You think you can flee?"

Ren's shadow started to expand, when the two Elders at the Golden Core Realm saw this, they immediately flew into the air. On the other hand, the two young masters and the two Foundation Establishment Realm Elders were unable to dodge Ren's shadow. Chains came out of the Shadow restraining them. The Golden Core Realm Elder who had one of his hands torn gritted his teeth as he sent a sound transmission to the other Elder from his clan.

"I'm going to unleash my strongest attack, once that man is distracted you take the young master and flee back to the clan."

After sending that message, the Golden Core Realm Elder made his Golden Core appear in front of him. The Golden Core was both the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of people in the Golden Core Realm. Showing it to the enemy was just asking for it to be destroyed, but he needed to do this to be able to use every ounce of his power. Seeing that Ren was unmoving and simply staring at him waiting, made the Elder furious. Ren was not even treating him as an opponent, it was as if Ren was looking at an amusing performer. The Elder from the Sun Clan shouted at the other Golden Core Realm Elder from the Meng Clan.

"What are you staring at, if you want your young master to live, join me and attack with everything you got!"

The Elder from the Meng Clan nodded his head as he too summoned his Golden Core. The two Golden Cores that shone brightly looked like miniature suns. The two Elders then attacked Ren using their Golden Cores that burn as hot as the very sun itself.

Seeing this attack, Ren simply sighed as he reached out his hands and actually touched the Golden Cores with his bare hands. Ren proceeded to crush the Golden Cores with nothing but his own physical power.

When the Two Elders saw their Golden Cores so easily destroyed all hope disappeared from their eyes. Their power, their skills, their cultivation, everything was there in their Golden Cores, now without them, they were weaker than even a normal mortal. Fortunately for them, Ren was kind enough to kill them.

Seeing how easily Ren dealt with the two Golden Core Elders, the four who were being restrained knew that they had no chance. As they saw the approaching Ren, Sun Lan started shouting in a hysteric manner.

"Damn you! I'm not meant to die here! I'm the f*cking genius of the Sun Clan! My future was supposed to be brighter than any star in the sky! I'm not going to die, in the hands of some-"

Sun Lan finally stopped talking as a rock struck his head making it explode.

"You talk too much, now then."

Ren waved his hands and various weapons suddenly pop out of Ren's shadow piercing the three who were restrained. The three weren't even able to scream as they died. After killing the remaining people Ren yawned.

"Well, that was boring," After Ren said those words Walter suddenly appeared behind him.

"You didn't need to fight such weaklings, master. If you so wish I could've disposed of them myself."

"Tsk, that would've been even more boring. Anyway, that doesn't matter." Ren then look at the beaten-up Fang Mu and smiled, "Well then."

Fang Mu was dumbfounded by the sight, of a man who appeared and killing the people who were stronger than him like he was killing ants. When Ren turned around to look at him with that vicious smile on his face, Fang Mu gritted his teeth. If there was already but one percent chance of surviving before, now before this man with a crazed smile Fang Mu was sure that not even a miracle could save him.

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