Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 518 - The Seven Heroes

Chapter 518 - The Seven Heroes

The people ignored the confused young man who kept on spouting words they could not comprehend. The appointed head of the allied kingdom was about to speak when he was interrupted by the gigantic man.

"Where are the Sun Eaters?! Where is this place?!"

The gigantic man raised his halberd and pointed it at the person in front of him. The knight had the tip of the halberd near his nose. The knight wanted to draw his sword but he could not move due to being intimidated by the stature and presence of the gigantic man.

"Answer me!"

As his rage was building up the gigantic man lifted his halberd upward and he started gathering unknown energy infusing it into his weapon. When he was about to attack a loud sound of a book closing startled the man making him stop. The gigantic man then started looking for where the sound originated from.

"How about we all calm down and listen to our hosts' story." The middle-aged man placed his pocketbook in the pocket of his coat. He then sipped some of his tea while smiling. "As expected nothing beats drinking good tea."

While the middle-aged man was enjoying his tea, the gigantic man charged forward towards him. As the gigantic man's momentum increased he slashed his halberd downward towards the middle-aged man.

A loud explosion coupled with a shockwave was made by the attack. A storm of dust filled the area, the gigantic frowned as he looked ahead. As the dust dispersed the people present saw the middle-aged man was now standing on the tip of the halberd while taking a sip of his tea. The chair he sat on was destroyed and a deep crater was formed below where he sat.

It was an amazing sight to see how the middle-aged man dodged the powerful attack, but the strength shown by the gigantic man was also a sight to behold.

"Why are you being so violent, sir? Nothing productive has ever come from being so violent, so how about we both calm down and drink some tea instead."

The middle-aged man spoke to which the gigantic man replied by raising his halberd. The middle-aged man jumped backward, but the moment he was about to land he saw the halberd flying towards him.

The middle-aged man who was still in mid-air had no way to dodge the attack, so he took out his pocketbook and used it to redirect the halberd. The halberd was pushed into the ground, and the middle-aged man's pocketbook now had a hole in it.

"Not only do you look like a barbarian but you're acting like one as well. That was my favorite book and was a gift from a beloved lady, now it has a hole in it. I wanted to talk nicely but it seems like you cannot act in a civil manner. So as a gentleman allow me to teach some manners."

The middle-aged man took out some scalpels from within his coat. Seeing the small weapon made the gigantic man feel irritated as he thought that he was being looked down upon. As the two were about to clash they were suddenly held by an invisible force. It was like a giant hand had gripped their bodies.

"You two are being so noisy."

The man who was sleeping on the bed had raised his hands as if he was clenching something. The gigantic man grew even angrier by being restrained making him look weak. He then started gathering that mysterious energy into his body strengthening him and making his skin turn darker in color. He then started thrashing about trying to release himself from whatever was holding him.

On the other hand, the middle-aged gentleman gently sighed. "Why must you force my hand." The middle-aged gentleman then inhaled a large amount of air then expelled it but what came out of his mouth was not air but smoke. Now surrounded by the smoke it made the people unable to see what was happening, it was then they suddenly heard a growling sound.

The man who was sleeping on the bed could no longer hold on and was forced to release the two. He then scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders, and went back to sleep.

Seeing that he was finally released from the unknown force that restricted him, the gigantic man's anger shifted from the gentleman to the man that was sleeping. He charged at the sleeping man and was going to attack, but then someone suddenly jumped in front of him, it was the half-naked man.

"I want to show off as well!"

The half-naked man then caught the gigantic man's hand and tossed him into the ground making another crater. As the half-naked man was about to continue his attack another person swooped in, this time it was the unknown gendered person wearing a mask.

"Why are you interfering in my performance?" The half-naked person asked.

"I was hired to stop you."

"Huh, by who?"

The person wearing the mask pointed at the beautiful lady sitting on her throne of gold. The half-naked man then shifted his attention to the lady.

"Do you want to join as well?"

"Hmph, I have no time for such barbaric games, and I do not wish for you to continue. So how much do you want me to give, for you to stop?… I'll give a hundred gold bars if you stop, is that enough?" The lady then raised her hand and waved it summoning a tower of gold bars.

"Don't bother, I cannot be bought!" Hearing the half-naked man's answer the lady scoffed at him.

"Heh, cannot be bought? There is no such thing as someone that cannot be bought. Everyone has a price, even the lofty Gods themselves have a price so surely you do too. So what is it?… Hmmm… Base on your attitude and the words you have said, I'm guessing you're an attention seeker meaning you want fame and glory. I can give that to you, I could create an arena were you can showcase your talents. I can have bards sing of your tale to every part of this world. I can have monuments of you placed in every kingdom, in every city, in every village. They will forever remember your name. I can give you all of these things, for as long as you are willing to follow my orders. So what do you say?"

Hearing the lady's proposal the half-naked man was shaken and was now hesitating. Seeing his reaction, the beautiful lady sneered. It was as she expected everything could be bought, even one's beliefs. As she was going to sweeten the deal, someone interrupted her.

"How idiotic, an angry idiot, a nosy fake gentleman, a lazy bum, a hypocrite, a goon, and a misguided princess. How utterly disappointing for these people to even be considered as heroes." The little girl who was meditating spoke.

"Are you talking to me, little girl?"

The moment those words came out of the lady's mouth a sudden pressure befall the people in the room. It was a suffocating feeling that pressured them into the ground. Most of the knights and rulers have already laid down on the ground unable to stand.

Even the powerful heroes that were summoned had difficulty shaking off the pressure they were currently feeling.

"Think before you speak young one. No one, not even the creator himself is allowed to call me a little girl."

While most of everyone was being affected by the pressure released by the little girl, there was one person that was completely unaffected.

"Wow, that was awesome. Is this some sort of cutscene from a new game? Did I somehow stumble on a hidden trailer or something?" The young man who looked to be the weakest of the summoned heroes spoke excitedly… Everyone, even the little girl who seems to be the most powerful was shocked by what they saw.

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