Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 502 - Through The Door Of Cleansing

Chapter 502 - Through The Door Of Cleansing

Silika raised her death scythe and used it to slash at Valdel. The blade of the death scythe stopped before it was able to touch Valdel.

"I forgot to say something very important." Valdel who had already gathered his resolve was shocked to see Silika stop.

"What is it?"

"It's something about what you'll see once you enter. Since Lisa hasn't died for that long, she's still at the beginning phase of the cleansing of her soul. That would mean right now she's having a long dream. A dream about a future that could've been, a dream she wishes to see, the thing she most desires. Showing such a dream is so that she would feel a sense of fulfillment, with that cleansing her soul would become easier. Once she feels fulfilled and satisfied, the true cleansing would start. Her memories, her personality, everything about her about Lisa will be erased. She will then start anew in the next life."

"So when I enter I'll be seeing a dream. Alright is that all?"

"The longer you stay in that dream, the more you will forget about the real world, and then you'll slowly become a part of that dream. If a dream version of you exists, then once you enter you'll be replacing him. Since you, Ren, and Lara were such important people in Lisa's life, surely counterparts of you exist in this ideal dream of hers. The memories of that dream version of you will merge with your own. So do not be fooled, those memories are not real, and yours are. Also, the time frame in that dream world is different from the time frame here in the real world. A day there could be a second here, a year there could be a few days here. I can probably keep the door unlock for you for about an hour or so. Since, I'm not really at my peak condition, once the door locks, the next time I can open it from my side would be a month from now. By then who knows if you can still remember the real world. It's possible that at that point your soul will be cleansed alongside Lisa's."

"I see, so basically I just need to find Lisa fast and bring her to the door."

"Yes, well basically that."

"Anything else you need to say?"

"Hmm… Oh right, the current Lisa will only have vague recollections of the real world thinking her life here was the dream. The memories she has of this world would be nothing more than some dreams she has from time to time. The longer she stays the less she would dream about it, and then eventually forget all about it. So right now, Lisa might not want to go beyond that door back to the real world. Not to mention only you would be able to see that door and open it."

"So aside from locating her, I need to convince her that she's in a dream and needs to wake up."

"Well, you can also force her through the door."

"Alright, is that all, or is there anything more?" Valdel looked at Silika a bit impatient now.

"Nope, that's pretty much it."

"Alright then, let's get this done already." Silika nodded her head and once again lifted her death scythe. Valdel watched as Silika brought down her death scythe and slashed at him. As the blade came and seem to pass by, for some reason, he didn't feel anything.

"What is it, do you need to say something else?"

"No, I already separated your soul from your body." Silika pointed downward. Valdel looked below and saw his own body on the ground, it was at that moment he noticed that he was nothing more than a floating orb. "Wait, so I'm not talking with my mouth, then how are you able to hear me?"

"It's nothing special, as a former Goddess of Death, it's quite easy for me to communicate with wandering souls. Anyway, now that you're in this form you can enter the door, but before you do so I need to change the place you'll arrive at. Since if you enter now without any preparation you'll enter your own dream world, not Lisa's. Just wait there for a second."

Silika held onto her death scythe and pointed it at the door made of pure energy. Silika's energy then made contact with the door. After a few seconds of silence, Silika lowered the death scythe.

"Alright, you can enter now. Just walk up to the door and it will open for you." Hearing what Silika said, Valdel did not hesitate and did as he was told and approached the door of pure energy. Once he was close enough the door swung opened and a powerful suction force was pulling him in. As he was being sucked into the door, Valdel heard Silika's voice.

"Never forget why you went there, do not forget yourself, do not believe what you see, nothing in there is real, it is all but a dream."

Valdel's soul entered the door of pure energy. At first, there was nothing but dark blank emptiness, and Valdel felt like he was floating towards somewhere. As he continued to float aimlessly he saw a light at a distance, it seems that his soul was floating in that direction. The light was getting nearer and nearer and when he reached it, he was blinded by it.

"Dad, are you alright?" Valdel who was blinded by the light heard the voice of a child. He then opened his eyes and saw that his body was back and right in front of him was a child, who looked somehow similar to him. It was at that moment a torrent of memories invaded his mind.

'This must be the memories of the dream version of me.' The pain of the sudden burst of information was momentary, and once it was done the child was now in front of him looking at him with worry in his eyes.

"Dad, what's happening to you?"

'… This boy is my child, Rex.' As Valdel was about to speak, he heard the familiar voice of the person he wanted to save.

"Dear, what's happening?"

"Mom, something's wrong with dad!"

Valdel who still had a raging headache turned around and saw her standing before him looking worried. She might look a bit older and more mature, but Valdel was sure that this person was Lisa.

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