Chapter 72: The party committee start

Chapter 72: The party committee start

There was only the sound of the photocopier machine in theGeneral Affairs Office. No one speaks a single word. Tan Limei kept looking atthe clock, and she turned to Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi. She waved her watch.It was 10 am. Tan Limei then looked at Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie. DongXuebing's heart was beating fast. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

Let fate decide!

5th story, No.1 meeting room. The Branch PartyCommittee meeting starts.

The morning rays shine through the windows of the meetingroom, and there were a few vases of flowers in the room.

The 10 committee members all arrived at the meeting room.Branch Bureau Chief Yan Liang was seated at the head of the table. The rest ofthe members were sitting by his sides accordingly. Political Commissar ZhouGuoan, Deputy Political Commissar Li Mingyu, Deputy Political Commissar ChengHaimei, Deputy Branch Bureau Chief and Director of the General AffairsDepartment Xu Yan, Political Section Chief Pang Bin, Deputy Branch Bureau ChiefZhao Jinxi, Commission for Discipline Inspection Secretary Song Shoujie, DeputyBranch Bureau Liu Hua and Deputy Branch Bureau Yang Yizhong. This ranking wasaccording to the importance of their positions. It was not according to theirseniority. For instance, Deputy Political Commissar Li Mingyu and Deputy PoliticalCommissar Cheng Haimei were ranked above Political Section Chief Pang Bin dueto their experience and length of service. But in terms of authority, ChiefPang had more influence.

After all the members were seated, Yan Liang cleared histhroat.

Xiao Lu, who was in charge of taking the meeting minutes,closed the heavy doors and sat in a corner with a pen and paper.

"There is a lot of things on today's agenda. First..." YanLiang was unlike the other leaders where they will start talking about howgreat the party or the policies were. He was not someone who likes to wastetime. He was a direct and straight forward person. "Not too long ago, the demolitionof the Youanmeng area had cleared the rows of houses in front of our branch.The feedback from the ground is that our Bureau has become too open, and it isnot suitable for our intelligence officers to enter. What do you all think?"

Yang Yizhong was the first to speak. "It's time for us toshift to a new place. These buildings are already decades old."

Most of the leaders of committees do not like to use votesto decide. It will make the leader look like he could not control his people.But Yan Liang leadership style was different. He is a fair person and likesbeing fair to others. This was why as long as one member disagrees with therest of the members, he will ask the members to vote to decide on how the issueshould be handled.

"Next is a personnel issue. Chief Pang." Yan Laing and therest of the members flipped to the last page of the documents in front of them.

Pang Bin is short and fat. When he heard Chief Yan callinghim, he immediately said. "Some time ago, General Affairs Office's Deputy ChiefZhou Changchun early retired due to his health, and after some observations, wehave listed 3 nominees to replace him. General Affairs Office Guo Panwei,General Affairs Office Guo Shunjie and General Affairs Office Dong Xuebing."

Yan Liang nodded. "The information of the 3 candidates is infront of you. Let's discuss."

Personnel appointment is a sensitive issue. This is becausethere are many office politics factors in it, and most of the fighting isbecause of this. All the members read the documents carefully. Actually, all ofthem had read the documents before the meeting.

"I shall start first." Pang Bin sat up straight, and his bigbelly was pressing against the meeting table. "The Deputy Chief of the GeneralAffairs Office is an important role. Most of the documents and other mattershave to pass through there. So, I feel that this Deputy Chief must be someoneexperience. Guo Panwei has been in General Affairs Office for 7 to 8 years. Heis more senior than Guo Shunjie and Dong Xuebing. He is also hardworking andexperienced. I believe he can lead the General Affairs Office to the nextlevel."

Yan Liang nodded but did not express any opinions.

After Pang Bin finished, he took a glanced at Deputy PoliticalCommissar Cheng Haimei. She knew Pang Bin was waiting for her to speak up andsupport his suggestion. But Cheng Haimei pretended not to see it, and shestared at the spotless tabletop in front of her.

Pang Binn frowned. This bitch had promised she will supporthis candidate a few days ago. But these few days, her attitude had changed.Pang Bin knew Cheng Haimei had changed her mind and was bought over by Deputy PoliticalCommissar Zhou. Did she change her stance to let her nephew get a transfer?

Pang Bin could tell Deputy Political Commissar Zhou wasdetermined to let his people get this position.

It seems that even with Chief Yan's support, Guo Panwei'svotes will not be enough!

Zhou Guoan was sitting there confidently drinking his tea.

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