Defiance of the Fall

Chapter 1127 - Wolf Teeth Camp

"The bigshots have dealt with the Transference Array and the World's Blight, but there are still a lot of Kan'Tanu here," Tussar grunted, echoing Zac's thoughts.

Zac nodded, and the Acheron Company resumed its push. The sea of thorns had lost their strength and ability to bring over reinforcements, and the trapped Kan'Tanu had lost their morale. It only took an hour for the combined alliance armies to utterly cleanse the region. There was no surrender, and no prisoners of war were taken. It was gruesome, but months of fighting with these crazed cultists had proven there was only kill or be killed.

The dust eventually settled, and Zac looked down at his exhausted soldiers. They were worse for wear but held enough reserves in case something happened. If anything, their eyes burned fiery retribution, some even looking around for targets to vent their anger on. Zac felt the same way. They'd lost over 80,000 soldiers since arriving and there were twice as many wounded.

If not for the high-quality Healing Pills and defensive talismans, that number would have been significantly higher. Still, it was a far better outcome than most. The spread-out camps of Alliance armies told a tale of immense struggle and suffering. Some must have lost half their men judging by their size, and Zac knew there were dozens of armies who fell on their way to the Kan'Tanu base.

No one moved for the next two hours. The only sounds from the sprawling camp around Zac were muted discussions and ripples from cultivators breaking through. The hard push had led to another round of breakthroughs, especially among those who'd recently been integrated to the elite company.

Zac wasn't as lucky. He was one of the few who had participated in every single battle, but the opponents he'd faced weren't enough to stir any particular insights. Seeing a whole planet embroiled in war had resonated with his Branch of the War Axe, but not to the point it had become anything tangible. It was still much-too-early to think about Peak Branches.

He had gained a good chunk of contribution points, though. Each Hegemon he'd killed was worth twice as much on the frontlines for some reason, and he'd killed way more than he did in any campaign. It was no wonder he'd been falling on the ladders until now. The losses were great, but the survivors would grow at an accelerated pace.

The tranquility lasted for two hours until Tussar came knocking at his door. "Young lord, we've been called."

"Why? By who?" Zac asked as he got to his feet.

"The commander. He's waiting for us in the center of the Wolf Teeth Camp," Tussar said. "As for why? I'm guessing we're about to get new orders."

"It's not to go back and rest by any chance?"

"Wouldn't keep my hopes up," the veteran scoffed.

Zac called over his captains, and the small group flew into the conquered base. Zac looked down at the destruction below, thanking his lucky stars they hadn't arrived any sooner. Hours had passed since the fighting ended, but using [Cosmic Gaze] almost blinded him. The city was absolutely covered in lingering Dao and energy, proof just how intense the battle had been.

The dust had already settled, but the alliance had erected huge isolation arrays covering its center. They were stopped on their approach, but a few words from Tussar let them pass through the barrier. Their surroundings shifted, but they weren't met by the expected crater. Instead, they found themselves at the edge of a huge square with thousands of Alliance members scuttling back and forth.

The whole square was an enormous array. It was dozens of times larger than the already huge battlefront arrays, and there were innumerable array pillars teeming with spatial energy. Zac was shocked how quickly the alliance had cleaned up and set up such a complex array. But on second look, he realized something was wrong.

For one, the array was clearly of Kan'Tanu origin. Secondly, most of the core pillars had huge silver hands grabbing them.

"Was it fake?" Emily muttered. "What's going on?"

"The attack was real, but we didn't want to show the whole picture while there still were so many Kan'Tanu around," a deep voice said.

Zac looked over to see a Dravorak General fly over. He looked no older than 20, but his aura and strength indicated he was a powerful Late-Stage Hegemon at least a few thousand years old.

"As for what we're doing? We're rerouting it," the general continued. "Rather than turning the Transference off, we're connecting it to a beacon of our own. It'll cause a disturbance that'll hopefully throw some cultists into a deadly spatial storm should they transfer over."

"Ah, this is Rastorik Hersafir, one of the 128 generals of the sixteenth," Tussar introduced.

Zac nodded in greeting. He didn't know the man but vaguely remembered that the Hersafir Clan was a powerful faction in the Dravorak Dynasty. They were considered a C-grade faction by Zecia standards, but it was unknown whether they actually had any living Monarchs in their ranks.

"Zachary Atwood," Zac said with a nod.

Rastorik's eyes widened a bit, but his face soon became an impassive mask again. "I knew your army had to belong to a powerful faction, but I didn't expect it to be led by Baron Atwood himself. I have to give you my thanks. You're not even part of the sixteenth, yet your valiant effort helped lessen the pressure on my men."

"It's what I should do," Zac smiled. "Can I ask why you've called us over?"

"I've just received orders from central command," Rastorik said. "Due to its nature, I decided to call you over to discuss it in person."

"What's going on?"

"I'm sure you have a decent idea of our goal by now," Rastorik said. "A small Mystic Realm has appeared in this region. It's currently grinding against the main dimensions, causing tears and pathways. You should have seen it on your way over."

"I know. So what's the situation? Where are you sending us?"

"The main battlefront is spread across six planets closest to the Mystic Realm," Rastorik said. "We are sending you to one of the Late D-grade battlefields.

"Late D-grade," Zac muttered with a frown.

The Acheron Company had managed to take down a Late D-grade world as part of his campaign mission, but he'd spent a whole month resetting battlefields until encountering a weaker target. That had still been a tough fight only made possible through his armada of Cosmic Vessels. Stepping onto a hectic battlefield with multiple Late D-grade factions was another thing entirely.

"I won't lie to you, the situation over there will be dangerous," Rastorik said. "However, with the spatial turbulence, neither side dares to go overboard and use powerful weaponry."

"That'll only hold until one side starts losing," Tussar muttered.

Zac didn't feel optimistic either, but there was nothing to do. He could ignore the order, but that would brand his faction as deserters during a critical mission. At best, his soldiers would become penal warriors pushed to the frontlines. At worst, they'd be branded traitors to Zecia and executed. It was not just Alliance rules, but something enforced by the System.

Their group stayed for another 20 minutes to go over details and orders were sent back to the army. Zac stopped just as they were about to leave the illusion array and thoughtfully looked at the large silver hand holding the main array pillar. He slightly nodded in thanks before leaving. The Acheron Company was covered in a haze medicinal energy upon their return, and large braziers were constantly releasing more.

It was an extravagant measure that would increase their recovery, but two hours was too short a span to fully recover. But there was nothing else they could do. The orders had been given and it was time to set out. The first division, led by Vilari, stood ready, each soldier a handpicked elite.

"Emily and Ra'Klid, have your seconds-in-command take charge of your divisions. Janos, you're in charge. Follow the arrangements of the Alliance."

'Your job should be relatively safe, but don't take any unnecessary risks,' Zac added in a mental message. 'If it seems you've been given a suicide task, then stall until reinforcements arrive. If you're pushed against the wall, use the emergency items and drown the enemy with money. Your lives are more important than this mission.'

Zac led his men back toward the base and was relieved to see he wasn't the only one. Seven more groups had been called, each looking quite impressive. A whole block had been cleared out over the past hours, and a simplified version of the array that took them here had been installed. It was already humming with power, and one army after another stepped onto the podium and disappeared.

"Are you sure about this?" Zac asked as their turn came up.

"I feel responsible, so I'll see this through to the end," Tussar said with a solemn expression.

"I understand."

The array activated and the world turned into a nauseating hurricane of erratic patterns. Zac felt a tight pressure on his intangible form, but it wasn't to the point it was threatening. Senior Silver lived up to her reputation, forming a spatial tunnel through such a chaotic patch of space. Furthermore, their destination was in the same neighborhood, and their surroundings soon changed once more.

Zac had already learned his lesson, and his army was ready to go the second they appeared. Thankfully, they'd appeared inside a military base, and the region seemed to be fully under alliance control. It was just a temporary stronghold like those erected in the graded battlefield, but it proved the situation was at least somewhat stable.

"Baron Atwood?" a Dravorak liaison asked Zac led his men off the teleporter.

"That's me," Zac said while stowing the defensive talismans he'd prepared.

"I'm Hask Serlin. Your army will be under General Dossin's command for this operation. I've been ordered to lead you and your second-in-command to meet with the others."

Zac glanced at Vilari, and the trio flew toward to a reinforced structure nearby. Over twenty people were already gathered, most of them Middle Hegemons. General Dossin was another Dravorak soldier had the strongest cultivation in the room, though her aura seemed more like that of a magician or Array Master than a straightforward soldier.

She was in the middle of discussing something to a seated warrior, but indicated for Zac and Vilari to take two open seats. It soon became clear that more than half of the gathered leaders were newcomers like himself, gathered from four different subsidiary battlefields. Only one of the faces were familiar though. It was a stalwart woman wearing loose robes, her aura crackling with lightning. She was the first to pass through the teleportation array at Wolf Teeth Camp, while the rest seemingly had been sent elsewhere.

Judging by an irate comment from an elderly Clan Leader, they'd been incredibly lucky to be assisted by Senior Silver. Some transfers hadn't been as smooth, with the unlucky ones losing over twenty percent of their people to spatial turbulence. Even now, they didn't know if the lost men were dead or lost in outer space.

"It seems like everyone is gathered. Our time is limited, so I'll keep things simple. You're all talents who've proven you can accomplish more with less, which is why you've been picked for this mission. But rest assured, you are not carrying this burden alone. There are over a hundred similar units spread across this and a few more worlds. And while there are great risks with this mission, there are also incredible rewards."

A bloodwood box appeared on the table before the general, and a gust of highly condensed energy spread through the room when she opened its lid. A single green pill was placed upon a bed of white pebbles. It was completely in uniform in appearance, except for an unfamiliar sigil imprinted on one side. Zac didn't recognize the pill at all, but his pores screamed for it.

"Our main goal is to seize the ancient fortress, but there are more things at stake. This pill was retrieved from the body of a Kan'Tanu who emerged from a pathway. We don't know its name, but we've confirmed it was once a C-grade Pill of a quality surpassing anything ever produced within our sector. Even today, it's the equivalent of a Supreme Late D-grade Pill."

It was possible the Dravorak general had taken out an old treasure of her dynasty to trick them, but Zac doubted it. Zac could tell the pill was incredibly old. Its aura gave a weak hint of antiquity matching the Limitless Empire. It was almost like it held a glimpse of the original, untamed Dao within.

"Everything you find inside the fortress is yours, be it ancient relics or the loot of your enemies," Dossin said as she closed the lid. “This is an unprecedented opportunity. For you, and for the alliance as a whole. Victory will allow us to finally push back against the invaders. Defeat will be the nail in our coffin.”

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