Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 798: The Hardcore Navigator Two

From the very moment Navigator Two began to articulate its thoughts, Duncan had already discerned a notable divergence in this entity’s state, especially when contrasted with the Storm Goddess. This distinction was not attributed to any “contaminated” condition manifested by its physical host mechanisms, but rather to its preservation of “awareness.”

Expressing his intrigue openly, Duncan posed a question: “Our encounter with Gomona revealed her approach to sealing away ‘death’ and ‘decay’ within a temple to mitigate the erosive forces within the sanctuary. I had presumed your circumstances to mirror hers, yet it appears your situation is markedly different?”

Responding to Duncan, the central host conveyed with a slight shiver, “The dilemma of decay and corruption infiltrating our ‘essence’ is a shared ordeal among us. However, the strategies we employ to decelerate this rot vary significantly.”

“The burden of being the ‘foundation’ of the world weighs most heavily on Gomona, compelling her to adopt the drastic solution of splitting herself ‘in two’. Ta Ruijin, on the other hand, chooses to hibernate amidst flames, postponing his decay within the confines of an endless dream loop, while Bartok has constructed a solitary jail for himself, a boundless wilderness from which escape is impossible…”

“In contrast, my existence is perhaps the most unique – as you observe, I am merely a machine crafted by mortals, only to be bestowed with the traits of life and decay through the cataclysmic event of the Great Annihilation. My method of combatting this is through ‘iteration’.”

The central host’s lights flickered as Duncan registered surprise at this revelation, prompting him to inquire, “Iteration?”

“I currently operate as version 16 · 08 · 102-beta,” Navigator Two elucidated with a mix of calmness and gravity. Perceiving a subtle shift in Duncan’s demeanor, it offered a detailed explanation, “The first numeral denotes the generation, the middle number represents the major version, and the final digits signify minor version updates. The beta designation reflects a recent update to my light driver, which remains unstable – those are the light effects you see dancing across the auxiliary servers, now capable of executing 4096 distinct light patterns.”

Upon concluding its explanation, Duncan’s expression grew even more perplexed.

After a brief pause, Duncan managed a wry smile, “I had assumed those lights were critical status indicators…”

“My condition can either be self-reported or monitored externally – though such was the case when my creators were present. Now, there’s no one to assess my operational state,” Navigator Two continued, maintaining its serene and earnest tone, oblivious to Duncan’s shifting mood, “As for the lights, they were an addition by one of my creators post-creation.”

It paused momentarily, the sound within the central host wavering slightly.

“The rationale behind his action remains elusive to me, yet he seemed to believe it significant. The joy on his face upon witnessing my first ‘blink’ is a memory I cherish. Hence, I’ve committed to mastering more ‘blinking’ techniques over the years, ensuring the retention of those lights with each version iteration,” Navigator Two shared.

Behind the central host, lights on the auxiliary servers, resembling tombstones, began to blink intermittently, their glimmers akin to stars in the night sky.

Duncan’s mind drifted to a memory of the vast, dark ocean, recalling the immense form of Navigator One, adorned with countless, enigmatic lights.

Alice’s eyes lit up with wonder as she admired the twinkling lights on Navigator Two’s frame, whispering in awe, “How beautiful!”

“Indeed, their beauty is perhaps their purpose,” Navigator Two replied softly.

In the ensuing silence, Morris, having contained his excitement, seized the opportunity to inquire, “So, you employ ‘iteration’ as a means to delay your own ‘decay’…but could you elaborate on what ‘iteration’ entails?”

Navigator Two’s red light shifted upwards as if directing its gaze towards Morris, and replied with a gentle tremor emanating from within: “The exterior may be fragile, yet the realm of knowledge is ever-renewing – thus, it is through the ceaseless evolution and rejuvenation of oneself that those perpetual truths can be upheld…”

Suddenly, a cacophony of roars and tremors filled the air as shadows of varying sizes on the distant sea surface began to oscillate within the fog. Morris, taken aback, scanned his surroundings, only to witness an unforgettable spectacle.

The sea surface was adorned with innumerable black crystal formations, which gradually began to “bloom” like a forest of blades. The crystals split and cracked open, revealing previously obscured silhouettes within – these were vast, tombstone-like black mainframes.

The sight stretched across the sea, presenting a mysterious and majestic tableau, yet it was, in reality, a graveyard of countless tombs!

“Each of these are former incarnations of myself,” announced Navigator Two, its voice breaking through the silence and effectively pulling Morris back from his state of astonishment. The voice of this “God of Wisdom” retained its characteristic tone, revealing, “Every cycle of iteration leaves behind such remnants.”

Still reeling from the revelation, Morris turned to face the scene again.

Lucretia, standing nearby, shared in the shock. She had mentally prepared herself to encounter the remnants of ancient deities, having already witnessed the colossal form of an ancient god within the Storm Goddess’s sanctuary. Yet, the sight of these divine forms amassed like mountainous relics was beyond her wildest expectations.

“This concept of iteration is truly remarkable,” Duncan admitted, somewhat stunned by the visual before him. This was not the scenario he had envisioned upon hearing Navigator Two’s explanation of “iteration.” “The software updates I’m used to certainly don’t involve such dramatic manifestations…”

“Indeed, it does provoke quite the reaction,” Navigator Two responded with composure, “Each cycle of upgrading necessitates a method for disposing of my previous incarnations. However, there are instances where the new version fails to overtake the old, resulting in a temporary regression. However, I typically have multiple contingency plans ready, which are initiated in the event of a failure. Then, the concerted effort of several new iterations ensures the triumph over the previous version, guaranteeing the success of the update…”

Duncan was left speechless at this admission.

The notion of Navigator Two’s “system upgrade” felt extreme, akin to a physical transformation or a tangible “hardware update.”

Yet, while Duncan grappled with these thoughts, Morris and Lucretia beside him had moved beyond their initial astonishment. Even Nina, who stood close by, nodded in agreement, whispering, “Our mentor always taught us that the quest for truth is inseparably linked to both a strong constitution and the spirit of a warrior.”

Morris, hearing this, expressed his approval, “The pursuit of knowledge is indeed a battle, a truth you’ve clearly grasped.”

Inspired by the conversation, Shirley added softly, “I’ve always been adept at combat, yet I’ve never felt knowledge flood into me in the same way…”

From her shadow, Dog emerged, quipping, “Your situation is unique; knowledge struggles to keep pace with you…”

Alice, observing Navigator Two and the interchange among Morris, Shirley, and Dog, appeared puzzled by the ongoing discussion, simply allowing a giggle to escape her.

Vanna, positioned at the stern of the vessel, crossed her arms and sighed, shaking her head.

This prompted Duncan to reflect, drawing parallels and forming bizarre associations among his companions – in this world, scholars chase knowledge as if it were a wild beast in pursuit of mortals. Yet, for his companions, the dynamics seemed askew – knowledge eludes Shirley, finds Alice approachable, but fails to penetrate the mind of the doll lady. As for Vanna… the lady appeared indomitable, likely having vanquished knowledge during her academic endeavors.

Shaking these fanciful thoughts from his mind, Duncan redirected his attention to Navigator Two.

He now had a newfound understanding – he recognized the source of the scholars’ formidable resilience in this world.

The challenging conditions they faced were merely a facet of their determination; the real catalyst seemed to be the physical enhancements undertaken by the God of Wisdom, an entity that literally opened up its own cranium for the sake of progression…

In that moment, Navigator Two’s focus shifted, its central host’s red light sweeping across Duncan’s boat and eventually resting on Dog.

“This dog’s appearance seems familiar to me.”

Taken aback, Dog remembered something from its past, instinctively retracting its neck and seeking refuge behind Shirley.

Shirley quickly acted, grasping the chain near Dog’s neck and looking up with apprehension at the enigmatic deity before them.

“There’s no need for alarm,” Navigator Two reassured them in a soothing tone, “You’re safe here; no force will tear you apart now – I’m merely surprised to find such a unique being among the imperfect creations of Navigator One.”

Its red illumination intensified, betraying a hint of curiosity for the first time.

“What happened with you two?” Navigator Two inquired, its voice soft yet filled with genuine interest.

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