Chapter 82


[HP: ??????????]

The skill that reduced the green dragon’s HP by 10% was the Level 65 active skill of the Debuff Master, ‘Machine Gun Smash’.

[Machine Gun Smash]

[Strike the enemy twenty times in 1 second.]

[The number of strikes increases the higher the skill’s level.]

[The enemy will be afflicted by Speed Restraint upon a successful strike and will not be able to escape the subsequent strikes.]

[Level: 1]

[Cooldown: 40 seconds]

[Skill Duration: 1 second]

[Maximum Strikes: 20]

Every strike from the Machine Gun Smash wasn’t as strong as Smite, but it had the highest DPS among Siegfried’s skills.

Gwuooooh!” Smogger cried out once again.

“You dare!” Durian growled. He pulled his scimitar out and charged toward Siegfried. He couldn’t just sit around and watch.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Smogger continued to thrash about while Durian and Siegfried were on top of its head. The two grabbed each of Smogger’s horns to maintain their balance while fighting on top of the dragon’s head.

“You coward! You don’t have the right to call yourself a warrior! You agreed to surrender, but what is this deception?!” Durian shouted in fury while unleashing a barrage of attacks.

This dumb f*cker is strong…’?

Siegfried was taken aback by Durian’s strength.


[Type: NPC]

[Race: Human (Northern Plains Barbarian)]

[Level: 131]

[Job: Chieftain of the Plains]

[Class: Dragon Tamer/Wild Warrior]

[Titles: Ruler of the Plains, Father of Dragons.]

Durian was only Level 131, but he was much stronger than anyone Siegfried had ever faced so far, aside from when he was still Elemental Mage Tae-Sung. This was the reason the barbarian tribes were fearsome. Their bodies had been tempered and hardened by their near desolate and impoverished lands, and their temperament also became rough and aggressive thanks to their environment. It was impossible to quantify the strength of a barbarian chieftain simply with levels.

But that was all…

Siegfried specialized in killing those stronger than him, and Durian’s strength and level advantage only ended up becoming the main reason why Durian would lose for sure.

An opening. I’m going to stab it!’?

Siegfried used Stunner’s pointed part like a pickaxe and dug into Durian’s waist.


Kuwaaaah!” Durian cried out in agony.


Stunner penetrated through the leather armor and dug into Durian’s shoulder.

Now the head..’?

This time, Siegfried swung his hammer toward the barbarian’s head.

Bam! Kwachik!

Stunner’s flat surface smashed Durian’s head, and the sound of something being cracked open could be heard.


Ughhhh…!” Durian’s eyes widened in shock the moment the hammer connected with his head. He then let out a moan and fell to the ground.


[Alert: You have killed the Barbarian Chieftain, ‘Durian’!]

The ruler of the plains who dreamt of ruling the entire continent had his life cut short by a player and the king of a backwater territory. The price he paid for his ignorance of the world beyond the plains was a heavy one.


The Green Dragon was freed from Durian’s control upon his death, and its green eyes started shining in a yellow hue.

[Warning: The Green Dragon, ‘Smogger’ is on a rampage!]

A message popped up in front of Siegfried.

“Rampage…?” Siegfried tilted his head in confusion.


Dragon Fear pervaded the entire Casein Castle.


After being freed from Durian’s control, Smogger was confused.

Why am I here? Why are the humans and elves attacking me? I’m sure I was hibernating in my lair…?’?it thought.

The Green Dragon wondered for quite a while, but its thoughts quickly turned into anger.

These insignificant insects dare try to hunt me? They dare?!’

The dragon had just recovered its sanity, but it was so furious it lost its sanity once again.


The Green Dragon unleashed its anger, and the ‘real disaster’ a dragon could cause was finally revealed.

This terrifying and overwhelming Dragon Fear on par with a natural disaster could be the actual strength of the Green Dragon. Durian wasn’t a full-fledged Dragon Tamer, and he only managed to put Smogger under his control thanks to the Dragon Steering artifact of the Pullman tribe.

In short, he simply got lucky and stumbled upon the hibernating Green Dragon. Since it was asleep, he managed to put the artifact around its neck…

Smogger could finally display its full strength after being freed from Durian’s clumsy control.

The power of a dragon was truly fearsome, regardless of their age!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Smogger thrashed about, and the lord’s hall of Casein Castle started crumbling down!

The second phase of the Dragon Raid had officially started.


The grounds of Casein Castle were instantly demolished.

“Bring the nets and the chains! Elves! Please aim for the dragon’s wings!” Siegfried urgently shouted.

It was a wise choice to make. After all, preventing the dragon from taking flight would eliminate its racial advantage.

Fortunately, a dragon’s wings and eyes were its weaknesses, so it wasn’t totally impossible to raid this powerful monster.


However, the main problem was that it was still impossible to bring the Green Dragon under control despite the combined efforts of the elves’ arrows, the large metal nets, and chains.


The floor and walls of Casein Castle would crumble every time Smogger haphazardly smashed with its long, powerful tail.


The walls of the lord’s hall crumbled when Smogger smashed its head into them.

This crazy bastard dares to wreck with my house?!’?Siegfried cursed inwardly.

He couldn’t just sit around and watch as the Green Dragon continued to wreak havoc in his house!

Smite, Flying Spur, and Machine Gun Smash.

Siegfried used his active skills and pummeled Smogger’s head.


[HP: ??????????]

However, Smogger’s HP only decreased slightly despite his efforts.

Any other monster would have already dropped dead after those vicious attacks…

‘Human… I will tear you apart!’

Smogger transmitted its hostile intentions directly into Siegfried’s mind through telepathy.

Creak…! Creak…! Clack!

The chains and nets binding Smogger snapped, and a member of the mightiest species on the continent was finally free from restraints.

‘You bastards…! I will devour… all of you…!’

Smogger immediately rushed toward Siegfried.


The Green Dragon swung its tail at Siegfried.



“Your Majesty!”

Everyone froze and watched in horror as Smogger’s tail flew at breakneck speeds toward Siegfried. However, Siegfried started glowing in a golden color.


Smogger’s tail connected with Siegfried.



“W-What happened just now?”

“How can this be possible…?!”

However, Siegfried remained standing. In fact, he stood steadfast without moving a single step, even after being hit by the Green Dragon’s tail. In addition, Smogger had swung its tail with all of its might, so the attack just now carried tons of kinetic energy.

Of course, his HP was reduced.

[Siegfried van Proa]

[HP: ??????????]

In fact, his HP was reduced by a whopping 20% in a single hit.

However, it was already a miracle that he wasn’t sent flying after being hit. The miracle was produced by the Debuff Master’s Level 70 skill, ‘Adamant Body’.


[Adamant Body]

[The user will gain ‘Super Armor’ giving them infinite ∞ Hit Recovery when the buff skill is activated.]

[While active, Adamant Body prevents the application of all crowd control effects, including but not limited to: knockback, knockdown, and airborne. The user’s defense will receive a significant boost as well. ]

[Level: 1]

[Cooldown: 1 minute]

[Duration: 30 seconds]

[Defense Increase: Armor +30%]

‘I will be able to attack even after getting hit if I use Adamant Body, but what if I add Contempt for the Strong’s counter-attack damage on top of that?’?Siegfried thought.

Explosive Damage!

‘I will be able to dish out as much explosive damage as I can as long as my HP can withstand it!’?he thought with a grin.


Siegfried slammed his hammer into Smogger’s tail.


[HP: ???????????]

Ten percent of Smogger’s HP disappeared in an instant. Its tail was crushed as well.

Grrrr!?Grwuoooh!?Smogger roared in pain and thrashed about.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!?

Meanwhile, Siegfried drank a whole bottle of potion.

I have to use potions sparingly if I want to enter into a slugfest with this thing,’?he thought. He had to stake his HP on the line if he wanted to continue dealing explosive damage against the Green Dragon.


The slugfest between Smogger and Siegfried continued for five minutes.


[HP: ??????????]


[HP: ??????????]

Siegfried’s HP was reduced to 40%, while Smogger only had 20% left.


Smogger opened its mouth and inhaled a huge amount of air.


Siegfried instantly knew what the Green Dragon was trying to do. It was trying to use the trademark skill of a dragon, Dragon Breath.

He was certain that the Green Dragon was going to use its destructive Poison Breath, and he instinctively knew that everyone in Casein Castle would die if they were exposed to the Green Dragon’s radioactive poison breath.

Siegfried had to prevent that from happening no matter what.

As such, Siegfried immediately used Wave of Oppression and interrupted Smogger’s channeling. Then, he threw himself at the Green Dragon to prevent it from casting its Dragon Breath once again.

Unfortunately, Smogger was actually just pretending to channel its breath once again, so when Siegfried threw himself at the Green Dragon, Smogger opened its mouth and swallowed him whole.


Grr…?Grwuoh… Grwuoooooohh!

Three seconds later, Smogger roared in agony as it thrashed and rolled about before sprawling on the ground.


[HP: ??????????]

Siegfried had used the Firebat Full Plate Armor’s ‘Porcupine’ and ‘Flamethrower’ to turn the green Dragon’s insides into a mess!


Inside Smogger’s stomach…

[Alert: You have killed the Green Dragon, ‘Smogger’!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 71!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 72!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 73!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 74!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 75!]

[Alert: Congratulations! You have successfully hunted a dragon!]

[Alert: You have obtained the title ‘Dragon Slayer’!]

A string of messages appeared in front of Siegfried’s eyes, but he wasn’t smiling even after reading them. He was currently in excruciating pain since he was directly exposed to the Green Dragon’s radioactive toxic gas.

Keuk!” he groaned in pain.


In addition, Smogger’s stomach was still full of radioactive toxic gas that it didn’t manage to unleash earlier.

I can’t let this get out of here!’?Siegfried thought. He knew that every single one of his subordinates in Casein Castle would die, and his castle would turn into the land of the dead if the poison gas managed to get out.

Let’s try absorbing it. Everyone will be safe if I absorb it until I die. It’s worth a try!’?

Siegfried decided to use Attribute Absorption. He activated Attribute Absorption not only with his hands but with his entire body as he started absorbing the Green Dragon’s radioactive toxic gas.

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