What’s she doing?’

Siegfried was curious about what Yong Seol-Hwa was doing. She was cutting the burning branches and placing them in the front pocket of her apron, which was something he found to be baffling.

I don’t think she’s trimming the trees, and I don’t think she can make any money out of those…’

In the end, Siegfried decided to ask her directly.

“What are you doing?”

Kyaaah!” Yong Seol-Hwa screamed and fell on her butt.

Eh? Are you alright?”

“Y-Yes, I’m alright!”

“Why are you so surprised?” Siegfried asked, extending his hand toward her.

“Because you popped up from nowhere…” Yong Seol-Hwa replied, grabbing his hand and getting back on her feet.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Yong Seol-Hwa could feel her thumping as if it were trying to jump out from her chest. No, her heart wasn't racing because she was startled.

I-I held hands with him!’

Her heart was beating wildly because they held hands.

“Hey, Seol-Hwa?”


“You’re on fire.”

Ack!” Yong Seol-Hwa shrieked and checked her skirt.

Fwaaaa! Fwaaaah!

She landed on a piece of coal or something, which set her skirt on fire.

“But what are you doing?”

“Ah, this?”


“T-This is a crafting material.”

“Crafting material?”

“Yes, and it’s a very expensive one, too,” Yong Seol-Hwa whispered in a very low voice that only Siegfried could hear.



“I had no idea!”

Siegfried hurriedly flashed his Rune of Insight to check whether she was telling the truth or not.

[Burning Branch]

[A branch set on fire.]

[Type: Miscellaneous]

[Rating: Normal]

[Effects: It’s on fire]

“It says it’s just on fire…? How is this an expensive crafting material?” Siegfried asked.

Ah, it probably looks like that to you, oppa.”


“But that’s not the case for me…”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Take a closer look at my eyes,” Yong Seol-Hwa said, pointing at them.

Hmm? What about your eyes?” Siegfried tilted his head in confusion and looked closer. Then, he was surprised after noticing something strange about her eyes, “Huh…?

He was surprised because her eyes were glowing pink.

“What the…? Why do you have pink eyes?”

“These are called Appraiser’s Eyes.”

“Appraiser’s Eyes?”

“Yes, oppa.”

“What’s that?”

“How should I explain this… I guess you can think of it as the ability to see the real value of objects?”


“For example, these would look like just another branch on fire to most people.”

“Yeah, that’s what they look like to me.”

“But that’s not the case for me…”

Yong Seol-Hwa took a screenshot and showed it to Siegfried.

[Burning Branch]

[A branch that has been on fire for centuries.]

[It possesses powerful fire resistance due to the amount of time it burned.]

[Type: Material]

[Rating: Unique]

[Effects: +5 Fire Resistance, +15 HP]

Oh? It’s different from what I saw. It was just a piece of trash when I checked its details.”

“This is a secret of blacksmiths.”


“Using quality materials is mandatory to craft a good item, so these Appraiser’s Eyes allow us to collect good materials.”


“For example… this,” Yong Seol-Hwa said before taking out a chainsaw from her inventory and swinging it at a nearby tree.


The saw blades spun ferociously and cut through the tree trunk.



The burning tree fell to the ground.

Yong Seol-Hwa swung her chainsaw a few more times and cut the burning tree up into two-meter-long logs.

“Now take a look at these,” she said, sharing the details of the logs.

[Burning Log]

[A log cut from a tree that was burning for centuries.]

[It possesses high amounts of fire resistance energy and is harder than steel.]

[Type: Material]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effects: +150 Fire Resistance, +250 HP, +500% Durability, Cannot be repaired]

“L-Legendary crafting material?!” Siegfried exclaimed, shocked at what he was seeing. He did not imagine in his wildest dreams that the burning tree could produce legendary crafting materials, which were believed to be extremely rare.


“Don’t tell me all of these trees could be turned into legendary crafting materials?!”

“No, I took a look around and only this tree would produce legendary crafting materials. But there are a lot of burning branches around here, so that’s a good thing.”


“I guess I’m lucky today. I got this rare crafting material and something else.”

“W-What can you make with that?”

Hmm… Give me a moment,” Yong Seol-Hwa replied before taking out a book titled Her Recipes and flipping through it.

A few minutes later.


“W-What? Did you find something good?”

“Yes, I think I did.”

“What is it?!”

“It’s a legendary sword called Wood Fire Sword.”

“A legendary sword? Does it have a level requirement?”

“Above Level 290.”


“I think today’s our lucky day. We obtained the core material of such a powerful item.”


“Should I go ahead and make it while we’re here?”

“Can you?”

“I have all of the materials needed, so I think I can do it.”

“Can you try making it?”


“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Then make it! I want to see what it looks like!”

Siegfried wanted to see the Level 290 legendary sword that Yong Seol-Hwa said she could make.

“It will take around three to four hours. Is that alright?”


“Alright, I’ll go make it,” Yong Seol-Hwa said with a bright smile. She could not help but be so happy that Siegfried was showing interest in her that she immediately started crafting the legendary item, Wood Fire Sword.

Oppa is showing interest in me! Kyaaah!’

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Yong Seol-Hwa hammered away at the Wood Fire Sword, tempering it first before using all sorts of different techniques on it.

Oh… So that’s how you make it,” Siegfried muttered in awe as he watched the entire crafting process from start to finish.

“You really can’t hold yourself back when it comes to artifacts,” Hamchi said, shaking his head before curling up and taking a nap.

On the other hand, Siegfried found the process of crafting an item to be so fascinating that he spent hours watching it.

Four hours later…


The Smithy of Creation unleashed a cloud of steam.

Click…! Clack!

The cover opened, and the Wood Fire Sword finally made its appearance.

[Wood Fire Sword]

[A masterpiece crafted from a burning tree.]

[It possesses powerful flame energy.]

[It is not the best weapon to slash enemies, but it will deal significant damage when used like a blunt weapon.]

[Type: Sword]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Durability: 500/500 (Unrepairable)]

[Level Restriction: Above 290]

[Attack Power: 6,000]


- +1,500 Fire Attribute

- +15,000 HP

- +150% HP Regeneration

- Applies flame charge on hit, dealing damage over time

- +50% Additional damage dealt using fire attribute skills

- Penetration Damage -10%

- Slashing Damage -25%

- Damage +15%

[Special Effects:]

- Explosion: Detonate all of the flame charges at once to deal immense damage. (Damage +1% per flame charge)

“T-This is insane… I think this can be considered one of the best Level 290 weapons out there if the reduced slashing and penetration damage is ignored…” Siegfried muttered in amazement after checking the options of the Wood Fire Sword.

“Yeah, that part is a bit of a bummer.”

“But it’s still amazing! I’m sure everyone will want to get their hands on it if you put it on the auction house.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I'm sure of that.”

“Hmm… I guess they will.”

“This is really amazing!” Siegfried exclaimed in awe of her crafting abilities.

The only blacksmith he watched craft an item thus far was Quandt, so this was the first time he was seeing another blacksmith craft an item, let alone an Adventurer at that.

“R-Really?” Yong Seol-Hwa stuttered in response. She completely forgot about her fatigue from crafting the item after Siegfried showed great interest in her.

“Of course! There aren’t that many blacksmiths among Adventurers, and I’ve never seen a blacksmith like you!”

Blacksmiths were indeed rare classes and seldom selected by players.

Just like Quandt said last time, crafting an artifact was an extremely difficult and complex process. It was a combination of magic, alchemy, metallurgy, smithing, design, and various other crafts that were basically an art on their own.

“It’s because I have a Legendary Class.”


“I’d love to get a Hidden Class, but that’s probably impossible, right?”

“I-It probably is. There are only three Hidden Classes around me, so—”

Eh? Really?”

“Yeah, one is me, an NPC called Gringore is the second one, and Cheon Woo-Jin—you know him, right? He’s the third one. Hmm… I think Beowulf is also a Hidden Class, but I’m not sure about that.”

“Wow…” Yong Seol-Hwa muttered in amazement after finding out that there were three people with the extremely rare Hidden Classes around Siegfried.

“I guess you could, too, if you get lucky.”

“W-Who knows…? Although I’m not sure if I have such luck.”

“Come on~ We all get lucky at least once in our lives.”

“Do you think it could happen to me too?”

“Why not? Even a piece of trash like me got lucky, so why can’t you?”

Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“So what happened was…” Siegfried proceeded to tell her his story.


“Change the drill!”

“Damn it! The ground is too tough!”

“We’ve dug meters now, but there’s nothing except for more rocks and our drills getting broken!”

Meanwhile, the Oberg Guild was busy drilling through the Geyser of Life, which was located at the center of the Cheyenne Plateau.

The reason behind their drilling was simple. Diesel did not want to wait for the Geyser of Life to spurt the invaluable potion every two hours and wanted to get as much as he wanted directly from the source underground.

That way, he stood to get tons of Topaz Potions, and it was only a matter of time before he became extremely rich. Thus, he instructed his guild members to drill the area around the Geyser of Life.


Unbeknownst to the Oberg Guild members, there was a creature slumbering around one hundred meters below the Geyser of Life.

It was then.


The drill dug through the ground and touched the slumbering creature’s back.


And the Adventurer continued drilling, thinking that he was drilling a hard rock…

Of course, the drill was unable to drill into the creature’s back, as its hide was tougher than any bulletproofing material known to man. The scales on its back were like exquisite metals that were tougher than any other metals known to mankind.


Eventually, the drill broke through. It did not manage to drill into the creature, but it unfortunately managed to awaken the creature from its long slumber.

The gigantic creature’s eyelids opened slowly.

“...Who dares?”

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