Siegfried was truly shocked.

What kind of impossible turn of events was this?

Sure, the damage could be somewhat justified by the adjustment done by the Ruin of Martial God: Valhalla, which allowed a low-level Adventurer to deal the same damage as a high-level Adventurer, but the fact that he had sniped down an enemy miles away in this dark cave was completely illogical.

The +3 Rusty Mosin-Nagant had an old scope on it, but the gun was so old that it probably wasn't even calibrated properly. Despite that, he managed to hit such a distant target?

So legends never die,’ Siegfried thought, impressed by the old man’s display of skill.

Han Sang-Gi was a legend of Battle Homeground, which was a game with survival, battle royale, and FPS elements. He was renowned for his godly accuracy back then, and he had a ninety-five percent shooting accuracy for shots fired from more than a kilometer away, and he often killed his targets from two kilometers away.

But that was not the only thing impressive about his stellar career.

Battle Homeground was different from an average FPS game, as it required the player to make almost instantaneous decisions depending on their current situation and strategic position on the map.

He’s different from most gamers,’ Siegfried thought. He was amazed by Han Sang-Gi's skills. The Legends were called toothless tigers these days, but a toothless tiger was still a tiger at the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Han Sang-Gi finished reloading and pulled the trigger of his +3 Mosin-Nagant once again.

Click… Clack!

Bang! Bang!

He fired two shots this time.

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

Two messages popped up, informing Siegfried that he had obtained Experience Points.

This meant that two targets were killed in two bullets.

One shot, one kill.

A monster would die whenever Han Sang-Gi pulled the trigger of his +3 Mosin-Nagant, but he did not stop there.

Hmm… Maybe I should run like I used to,” Han Sang-Gi muttered before opening his Inventory and taking out a few bottles of very poor-looking Molotovs.

Then, he jumped out from behind his cover and ran in a zigzag manner toward where the enemies were located. He threw the Molotovs while running to create cover and hide himself from the enemies' line of sight.

A few seconds later…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He took out a pair of old revolvers and pulled the triggers.

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

A message would pop up whenever Han Sang-Gi pulled the trigger.

He was now fighting in close combat with the monster, but he'd shoot them accurately in the head before reloading lightning fast and shooting the others coming at him.

W-What the hell?! Is he John Wick or what?!’ Siegfried exclaimed inwardly.

Han Sang-Gi truly looked like the main character of a Hollywood movie, the John Wick Series, portrayed by actor Keanu Reeves. Every single one of his movements seemed calculated, just like a soldier, and Siegfried wasn't talking about an ordinary soldier. He was talking about an elite soldier serving in the special forces.

In fact, Han Sang-Gi was a military enthusiast who had a hobby of learning the tactics used by the special forces.

Ten minutes later...


The sound of gunfire reverberated throughout the cave for one last time.

Han Sang-Gi, the Home Battleground legend, had annihilated the enemies by himself.


After the battle, Han Sang-Gi grinned triumphantly at the other Legends and exclaimed, “Ha! Did you see that? I’m not washed yet!”

Haha! He says he’s not washed yet!”

“Look at him trying to act cool in front of his junior!”

“Oh? You still seem to be young, Sang-Gi!”

The three Legends exclaimed in response and gave Han Sang-Gi a thumbs-up.

Siegfried approached Han Sang-Gi and handed him a handkerchief. Then, he sounded extremely respectful as he said, “Thank you for your hard work, sunbae-nim.”

He was not faking this at all, as he sincerely respected Han Sang-Gi.

As expected, they’re built different,’ Siegfried thought. He was a gamer as well, so it was impossible for him not to be in awe after witnessing the skills of a living legend like Han Sang-Gi.

Haha! It seems I showed off a bit too much in front of my junior!”

“Not at all, sunbae-nim!”

“How was it?”

“You were freaking awesome! I think it is still too early for you to retire, sunbae-nim!”

Hoho! This is nothing compared to the younger me back in the day!”


“I’m glad I didn’t embarrass myself in front of my junior.”

“But sunbae-nim…” Siegfried said. Then, he carefully asked, “That sniping just now…”


“How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Shooting them down so accurately.”

“Ah, you mean that?”

“Yes, sunbae-nim.”

“I just shot them.”

E-Eh? Just shot them…?”

“I’m kidding,” Han Sang-Gi joked. Then, he said with utmost seriousness in his voice, “I saw them, and I shot them.”


“But why are you asking?”

“I want to…” Siegfried hesitated for a second. Then, he said, “I would like to learn from you.”

“Huh? You want to learn how to shoot?”

“Yes, sunbae-nim.”

“So let me get this straight. You want to learn how to shoot like me when you’re not even a ranged DPS?”

“I think it will come in handy one day if I learn it so…”


Han Sang-Gi burst out into laughter and even the other three Legends burst out into laughter too.




Siegfried’s face turned red as he wondered, ‘Are they laughing at me right now? Is it because they don’t want someone like me to learn their skills?’

The situation seemed bad to him, but it was far from the truth.

“Oh! This kid is too good!” Han Sang-Gi exclaimed while patting Siegfried’s shoulder. Then, he flashed a huge grin and said, “You want to learn, just in case? Bwahaha! Good! Excellent!”

The other three Legends chimed in as well.


“I like him more now!”

“Good! Good!”

It turns out that the Legends were laughing out of delight after hearing that Siegfried wanted to learn from Han Sang-Gi.

Others would consider Siegfried to be extremely powerful without any clear weaknesses, so his humble demeanor of wanting to learn moved the Legends and made them extremely happy.

“Listen, my junior,” Han Sang-Gi said with a huge smile.

“Yes, sunbae-nim?”

“I will teach you.”


“How can I not when it’s my junior asking me? It’s not like you’re a stranger, right?”

“T-Thank you!”

“Let me know when you’re free. I will teach you everything I know.”

“Yes, sunbae-nim!”


Siegfried struck gold by getting the opportunity to learn how to move tactically and snipe targets from long range from none other than the Battle Homeground legend, Han Sang-Gi.


Siegfried accommodated the Legends as they pushed through the Ruin of Martial God: Valhalla dungeon. The raid proved to be far more difficult than originally thought.

Ughh…! My joints…!” Han Sang-Gi groaned and fell to the ground. It was funny how he was groaning on the ground like an old man with arthritis despite pulling off those godly movement mechanics earlier.

The three other Legends were in the same state as Han Sang-Gi.

“We have no idea when the enemy will attack, so please wear your armor properly. Ah! Park Gi-Don sunbae-nim! Please refrain from dragging your weapon on the ground!”

Unfortunately, Siegfried had handed over the responsibility of leading the Legends to Seung-Gu, so he was forced to boss around the Legends while sweating profusely in the middle of it.

The party walked until they reached the end of the cave. The end of the cave was an exit, and a vast green plain greeted them upon stepping out of the cave.

“Where is this?” Siegfried muttered, tilting his head in confusion.

He checked the minimap to get an idea of their current location, but it simply showed that they were currently in the Ruin of Martial God: Valhalla. There was no other information aside from them.

Should I use Inzaghi’s Clairvoyance?’ Siegfried wondered if he should use his maphack ability, but he decided against it.

Inzaghi’s Clairvoyance was a limited-use item, so he could not afford to waste it just because of a minor inconvenience. Also, it would be unwise of him to rely on the maphack for every single situation he was in, as he would eventually run out of charges.

Let’s keep walking and use it when we have no other choice,’ Siegfried thought.

It was then.


The ground started shaking.

Clip, clop, clip!

And the sound of hooves thundered throughout the plains.

What’s that…?’ Siegfried wondered and turned to where the sound was coming from.

Exactly one kilometer away from the party’s current location…

S-So many of them?!’ Siegfried shrieked in horror after spotting cavalry numbering at least in the thousands charging at them.

[Hero Terracotta: Cavalry]

[A terracotta monster of ancient war heroes.]

[Type: Monster (Statue)]

[Level: N/A]

[Note: Strong against everyone.]

The cavalry turned out to be the horseback version of the Hero Terracottas.

“Please prepare for battle!” Seung-Gu exclaimed before hopping into the Golem King, Reventon.

Bang! Bang!

Their ranged DPS, Han Sang-Gi, pulled out his +3 Mosin-Nagant and sniped down the cavalry.

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

Han Sang-Gi sniped down his targets and killed them with a bullet each, but their situation didn't improve at all.

“Erm… I think we’re in danger,” Siegfried muttered, realizing the threat of the oncoming cavalry. The charging force of a cavalry regiment was so powerful that a handful of them could change the entire flow of a battle.

But what if there were thousands of them rather than just a handful?

Clashing against the cavalry head-on meant annihilation for the entire party, and there wasn't even a shred of doubt about it.

Well, Siegfried would probably survive because of his flight ability and Grand Duel, but that was not the case for Seung-Gu and the Legends. The Legends didn't have any skills that would boost their chances of surviving such an attack.

We have to retreat,’ Siegfried thought and hurriedly looked back at the cave.


However, the exit they came out from just a few seconds ago suddenly caved in.

There was no way they could run away now.

“Hey! Are you kidding me?!” Siegfried exclaimed out of anger. He was now stuck between a rock and a hard place, as exiting through the cave was no longer an option. ‘If we can’t fight in an advantageous terrain, then our only choice is…’

It was then.

“Everyone! Over here!” Kim Gi-Tae shouted. Kim Gi-Tae was the legend of Space Craft, and he rushed toward the cave exit, which had become nothing more than a cliff face.

“Hey, Gi-Tae! Wait for us!”

“That bastard is only fast when running away!”

“I bet he’s just trying to save his own skin.”

The Legends grumbled while running after Kim Gi-Tae.

“H-Hyung-nim? What should we do?”

“What else?! Run!”

Siegfried and Seung-Gu ran after the Legends.

I’m sure he has something in mind,’ Siegfried thought while running. He did not bother trying to understand what Kim Gi-Tae was thinking and just fully trusted him.

Rather than stepping up and resolving the situation, he wanted to see what kind of solutions the Legends would make and learn from them.

Soon, the party arrived right in front of the side of the mountain, but it was a dead-end without any clear escape paths.

“Hey! Bald Junior!” Kim Gi-Tae shouted.

“Huh? Are you talking about me?” Seung-Gu responded, sounding flustered.

“Who else is bald here?!”

“T-That is…! Sniff…” Seung-Gu sniffled with tears in his eyes.

“Hurry up and summon your golems!”


“Summon your golems and form a barricade!”

“Ah! Yes!” Seung-Gu replied and summoned all of his golems, forming a zigzag barricade.

“I’ll leave the center to you, Bald Junior!” Kim Gi-Tae shouted.

“Yes, sir!” Seung-Gu replied and positioned Golem King Reventon according to Kim Gi-Tae's instructions.


“Yes, sir!”

Seung-Gu switched all of his Iron Golems into Siege Mode and fired their cannons at the oncoming cavalry.


The cannons developed by the Proatine Kingdom on the shoulders of the Iron Golems spat fire.

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

A huge number of the calvaries died with just the fire bombardment, but Kim Gi-Tae wasn't done yet. He turned BNW into a real-time strategy game, just like Space Craft. He was once famous as the Emperor of Space Craft, and Siegfried was witnessing the legendary tactics of the RTS Emperor with his very own eyes.

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