Chapter 541

Siegfried had transformed into a human eraser, erasing anyone who stood in his way, and it was courtesy of Irradiate. The addition of the Ignite Emerald to his already powerful damage turned Irradiate into a biological weapon of mass destruction.

What if they possessed some resistance against poison? Their pitiful poison resistance was nullified in front of Siegfried’s Irradiate.


“W-What the hell is this...?!”

“This is poison?!”


None of the Adventurers survived after coming in contact with the thick green poisonous fog. Their fate was sealed the moment they came into contact with it, and most of them died within three seconds or even less.

There were some who possessed abnormally high poison resistance, but they were struck down by Siegfried’s +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and were sent on their way to the afterlife.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The remains of the Adventurers piled up as more and more Adventurers perished.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

As the death count rose, the number of items on the ground rose as well!

[King God Bald Phoenix]

[A title given to those who had picked up more loot than anyone else on the continent.]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Mythic]

[Effects: Adventurers who die within a one-kilometer radius of the title holder are guaranteed to drop an item upon death, plus an additional item. Adventurers killed by the title holder are guaranteed to drop two valuable items plus an additional valuable item. Dying at the title holder's hands has an additional 300% chance of dropping an extremely valuable item.]

[Special Effect: This title's effects cannot be seen by the Rune of Insight (wink~!)]

There were countless items on the ground, and they were all dropped by the dead Adventurers. The title "King God Bald Phoenix" made them drop up to three items upon death, which was a tragedy to the deceased Adventurers.

“W-What the hell is that?!”

“Don’t come near me!”

“Get lost!”

“H-Hey! Fuck off!”

The Adventurers on the Immortal Kingdom’s side ran as far away from Siegfried as possible after seeing his rampage.

“Hey! Where are you going? I still haven’t finished collecting payments!” Siegfried shouted and hurriedly chased after them.

There was no way he would let his enemies run away.


He placed down Shadow Hell with its size maximized to cover the entire battlefield.


“I can’t... feel my legs...!”

“What kind of slow is this?!”

The Adventurers found it difficult to move after getting slowed down by Shadow Hell. The slow was so powerful that their Movement Speed was reduced to a snail's pace. To make matters worse, the Night Stalkers emerged from the ground and slowed them down some more.

The combination of Shadow Hell and the Night Stalkers made the Adventurers feel as if they were in hell; they could not move at all.

Ah, I should make it easier for the others,’ Siegfried thought and placed down Blaze Field. The Adventurers on the coalition forces’ side started smashing through their enemies as if their enemies were nothing.

Siegfried directed his attention back to his prey and started walking toward them. He did not bother running and simply walked toward his prey.

Thud... Thud...

He did not really feel the need to rush, so he took his sweet time as if he were strolling in his backyard. Ironically, he looked far from relaxed, as he resembled the Grim Reaper in the eyes of his would-be victims.

This was a normal reaction, as the Adventurers would drop dead and convulse like a swarm of locusts sprayed with extremely potent insecticide whenever Siegfried walked past them.

Siegfried, armed with the Ignite Emerald, had become the ultimate biological weapon of mass destruction—a human eraser capable of erasing those he walked past.

“Oh my god...” Prince Kyrix gasped in horror after seeing the sight in front of him.

Ugyaaah! You’ll die like this.”

Prince Kyrix recalled Siegfried’s warning just before the battle. A chill traveled down the prince’s spine after finally understanding what the warning meant. He would have, without a doubt, croaked if he had insisted on following Siegfried on the battlefield.

“I don’t think... we will lose this battle—no, we can’t lose this battle,” Prince Kyrix said with utmost certainty.

Why? Because the God of Death, Siegfried van Proa, was on the coalition force’s side.


The coalition forces won by a landslide, thanks to the destructive powers that Siegfried had displayed on the battlefield. His Irradiate massacred their enemies while Siegfried's Blaze Field and Shadow Hell empowered his allies.

Huff... Huff...! Hamchi is exhausted! Kyuuu!”

“I’m tired too...! Huff... Huff...!”

Siegfried and Hamchi were completely drained after running around collecting the items that the Adventurers on the Immortal Kingdom’s side had dropped upon dying.




The Adventurers on the coalition forces’ side did not partake in the item looting spree and just stood around watching the duo feast on the sparkling items littered across the battlefield.




Some of the Adventurers salivated while looking at the items on the ground, but none dared to let their greed get the better of them. What would happen if they as much as touched one of the items?

They didn't even want to imagine the consequences of doing that. They wanted to loot some of the thousands of items on the ground too, but they did not dare do so. They were too scared to make a move.

Fear was indeed a powerful human instinct that could suppress even greed.

Thanks to this, Siegfried managed to pick up the items without getting disturbed.

It was then.


A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: Congratulations!]

[Alert: You have obtained a new title – King God General Supernatural Bald Three-Legged Crow!]

His King God Phoenix title evolved to its higher tier.

Haha... Hahaha... So it decided to go all out this time...” Siegfried laughed weakly after reading his new title "King God General Supernatural Bald Three-Legged Crow"[1].

[King God General Supernatural Bald Three-Legged Crow]

[A title given to a person who had transcended the realm of a normal person when it came to looting random drop items.]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Universal]

[Effects: Adventurers who die within a one-kilometer radius of the title holder are guaranteed to drop an item upon death, plus an additional item. Adventurers killed by the title holder are guaranteed to drop three valuable items plus an additional valuable item. Dying at the title holder's hands has an additional 300% chance of dropping an extremely valuable item and a 100% chance of dropping their main weapon.]

[Additional Effect: Three-Legged Crow’s Blessing]

[Three-Legged Crow’s Blessing: The legendary crow will appear and automatically pick up all of the items dropped on the ground.]

[Special Effect: This title's effects cannot be seen by the Rune of Insight (wink~!)]


A crow’s apparition slightly larger than an eagle suddenly appeared and flew around Siegfried the moment he finished reading the title's description.

[Three-Legged Crow Apparition]

[An apparition of the legendary bird.]

[The Three-Legged Crow is regarded as a holy and mythical bird.]

[Type: Apparition]

[Level: 35]

[HP: Infinite (∞)]

[Note: It will pick up items dropped by dead Adventurers on the battlefield.]

Kyaaak! Kyaaaak!”

The apparition cried out and swooped low on the ground, picking up the dropped items.

[Alert: You have obtained +11 Baldric Sword!]

[Alert: You have obtained a Mysterious Fortune Cookie!]

[Alert: You have obtained +13 Northwood Hunting Shotgun!]


[Alert: You have obtained Money In The Bag!]

[Alert: You have obtained +3 Furry Handcuffs!]


The Three-Legged Crow Apparition moved at incredible speeds and looted the thousands of items littered on the ground in the blink of an eye.

Kyaaak! Kyaaaak!”

All of the items appeared in Siegfried’s inventory. The apparition let out a satisfied crow as if showing that it had done its job before disappearing.

“Whoa... That was really fast,” Siegfried muttered in amazement.

Kyuuu! We don’t have to run around from now on, owner punk!”

“Yeah, it seems things will be easier from now on.”

“That’s right! Kyuuu!”

“Okay, shall we go take a look inside since we got all the items?” Siegfried said before he walked deeper into the interiors of the Axion Fortress, leaving behind the bloody battlefield.


Most of the Adventurers and undead monsters fell in the siege, so there were not that many defenders remaining in the inner parts of the fortress, making it easy to clean it up.

Siegfried led the Adventurers and occupied the interior of the fortress, and he successfully arrested all of the coalition forces’ officials who had already become undead monsters.

And the Siege of Axion Fortress ended just like that...

They had safely reclaimed the important fortress.

“My son!” cried out Palisade the Second. He was the previous king of the Solid Kingdom, and he was bound tightly by ropes. “What is this?! I am your father!”

Palisade the Second was no longer human. He looked like a human and was talking like a human, but his fleshly body had already been corrupted beyond recognition; chunks of his flesh had started falling off of his skin.

“Untie me at once and behead those fools!”


“Why can't you see how beautiful the cradle of death can be?! You should evolve into the Immortal Race like me, your father, and submit to His Majesty, King Death Fog! Be a part of the glory of immortality!”


“What are you doing?! Behead these fools at once! Do you not recognize your own king?! I am King Palisade the Second!”

The undead monster screamed at the prince and his knights, demanding Siegfried and the Adventurers' arrest and execution. It seemed that Palisade the Second still had his memory intact, and he was just brainwashed into believing that he had sworn allegiance to Immortal Lord Death Fog.


“My son! Why aren’t you listening to your father?!”

Prince Kyrix could not find the words to respond to Palisade the Second and could only respond by muttering "father" repeatedly. The fact that his father had become an undead monster had already torn his heart to pieces, and it was especially heartbreaking to hear his father asking him to become an undead, too.

“My son! I guarantee you that the undead is the superior race! So you must heed my—”

It was then.


Palisade the Second’s head was smashed, causing his decayed brain to splatter all over the ground. A pungent, rotten stench instantly filled the hall.

“F-Father!” Prince Kyrix cried out after seeing his father’s head smashed right in front of his eyes.

Palisade the Second’s decayed brain matter fell in slow motion for the prince. And when Palisade the Second's brain matter fell to the ground, Prince Kyrix turned in a certain direction.

Plop...! Plop...!

He turned to where Siegfried was standing. Blood and brain matter was dripping down from Siegfried's +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.

“K... King S-Siegfried...?” Prince Kyrix muttered with quivering eyes.

“I figured it would be difficult for you to do it yourself, so... I took the liberty of helping you,” Siegfried said. Then, he added, “You have time until tomorrow morning to mourn. I hope that will be enough time for you to compose yourself.”


“Then, I will leave you alone,” Siegfried said and nodded slightly before walking away.

1. You might find it strange that a phoenix turned into a crow, but the Three-Legged Crowis a legendary bird in East Asia. It was also used on the flag of the Goguryeo Kingdom, which was an ancient Korean kingdom. More info here:

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