Chapter 534

Tae-Sung and Seung-Gu were not the only ones whom Cheon Woo-Jin had invited.

“Huh? Who are they?”

“I called them.”

“Y-You called those girls?! Why?!”

“What’s the point of three guys going on a trip? I know them personally, and they’re quite the fun bunch.”

“No, I’m not going.”


“Not going!”

“Until when are you going to act like a kid?!”

“I’m not acting like a kid! I’m just uncomfortable!”

“Uncomfortable? Ha! Hey, Seung-Gu.”

“Yes, hyung-nim?”

“Grab him!”

“Let go! Let go of me! Argh!”

And that was how Tae-Seung was forced onboard by Cheon Woo-Jin and Seung-Gu.

Tae-Sung didn't say a single word afterward.

Damn it... I should’ve just slept and home or played the game...’ Tae-Sung grumbled inwardly.

The fact that he was going on a trip overseas with women he did not know bothered him greatly. He'd sound like a loser to some people, but this was an inevitable outcome, as he had been cooped up in his VR capsule playing the game for the past couple of years now. Anyone living like him was bound to develop social anxiety in one way or another.

“Hey, just relax and enjoy it.”


“They’re not going to bite or anything, you know? They’re nice girls.”

“But how can I have fun with people I don’t know?”

“I’m saying this out of concern, so don’t get worked up, okay? You’re really going to end up as an old hikikomori if you keep that up.”


“Do you want to end up in a retirement house all alone without ever having dated anyone?”

“N-No!” Tae-Sung screamed without even realizing it.

What Cheon Woo-Jin said was so shocking that he had unknowingly pictured himself with gray hair sitting all alone in a retirement home.

“I’m not saying we should do the deed with them or anything, you know? Just relax and have fun, that’s all.”

“S-Should I?”

“You should. And don’t feel burdened. This isn’t some group date or anything. We’re just going out as friends.”


“Hey, you’re rich and successful yet why do you not have any self-confidence?”

“Alright, I get what you mean.” Tae-Sung nodded. He knew what Cheon Woo-Jin said was sound advice.

I can’t keep living like this. And neither can the game be the only thing that matters to me.’

BNW had become a major part of Han Tae-Sung’s life to the point that he was getting disconnected from reality. Yes, he was having fun right now, thanks to making a lot of money and becoming stronger in the game.

However, what was going to happen to him at this rate? It was highly possible that he would end up a gaming addict and be completely cut off from reality.

“I’ll try.”

“Good! That’s the spirit!”

Cheon Woo-Jin looked quite satisfied with Tae-Sung’s response.


Tae-Sung, Cheon Woo-Jin, Seung-Gu, and the women they came with had lots of fun together. Their destination was a private resort on a once uninhabited island near Bali, Indonesia. It went without saying that the private resort belonged to Cheon Woo-Jin.

They played water sports, grilled meat, took pictures together, and exchanged social media followers. This was the first time in a long time that Tae-Sung enjoyed life as a normal person.

Three days later, Tae-Sung got back from his vacation and the first thing he did upon reaching home was boot up his VR capsule.

He was waiting for the BNW client to fully load when he recalled the things that happened these past three days, which made him smile, ‘That was fun. I should go on trips more often and do things in real life, too.’

Of course, no romantic interests had blossomed during the trip. Everyone had a good time together, and it was just a fun trip for everyone involved.

[Alert: Loading Complete!]

[Alert: Welcome to the Nürburg Continent!]

Han Tae-Sung closed his eyes after reading the messages. Then, he opened his eyes as the Adventurer, Siegfried, in a shabby old room of an inn on the continent.

Kyu! Welcome back, owner punk! Did you rest well?!” Hamchi welcomed him.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Good! We should get going then! I heard your artifacts are done! Kyuu!”

“Really? Let’s hurry then.”

Siegfried and Hamchi left the inn and headed straight for the Bavarian Workshop.

“Welcome!” Quandt warmly welcomed both of them.

“I heard my artifacts are ready?” Siegfried asked.

“They are!”

“Can I see them?”

“Sure thing,” Quandt replied confidently and laid out the artifacts in front of them.

“Oh!” Siegfried exclaimed in awe after seeing his artifacts dyed with the Dark Imperial Ink. One thing he previously was unhappy about was the disharmony between the colors of his gear. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about that, so he decided to just put up with it or ignore it.

However, the new colors of his artifacts had resolved that irk of his. The jet-black matte finish hadn't only made his gear look unified but very threatening as well. He could already imagine how cool he would look once he wore his gear set.

But that was not the end of the surprises. Quandt added the Blade Falcon Talon to his gloves, turning them into dangerous-looking claws, and the +10 Blood Iron Boots were enhanced with the Blade Falcon Talon, making it possible to stab the enemy with a simple kick.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Quandt asked smugly.

“I do.”

“What are you waiting for? Hurry up and try them on.”

“Should I?”

Siegfried proceeded to wear his items dyed by the Dark Imperial Ink one by one as his heart thumped with excitement.

Wow? I look really cool,’ Siegfried thought while checking himself out in the mirror. He was quite satisfied with how the black armor set made him look more dangerous and charismatic than he really was.

Quandt wrapped the +10 Great Champion’s Belt, which was dyed jet black as well, and said, “Try this on too.”

Huh? What’s this?” Siegfried asked while looking at a large green jewel embedded at the center of the belt.

“That’s an Ignite Emerald.”


“The Ignite Emerald is the top of the line among the Ignite Crystals. Why don’t you try using that laser you shoot out or your radioactive energy? You will see what I mean once.”


“I altered your weapon too,” Quandt said as he handed the +13 Horse Fly.

The +13 Horse Fly could no longer be called a "horse fly." The weapon’s rainbow colors had been replaced by a jet-black color, making it no longer look like a child’s toy.

“Do you like it?” Quandt asked.

Siegfried smiled brightly and replied, “It’s the best. I love it.” fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

Ah, it’s not only the appearance that changed. The Dark Imperial Ink gives a boost of around ten percent to your artifacts’ stats and durability. Also, they can now slowly recover their durability over time all on their own.”


“So not only do you look cooler now, but you've become stronger, too.”

“Thank you very much!”

Keke! This is nothing!”

“I’m always indebted to you.”

“Debt? You and the Bavarian Workshop are soul partners!”

“That’s true! Keke!”

“So don’t feel burdened. Ah, I saved the best for last.”

“The best?”

“I crafted a new artifact just for you. Here, why don’t you take a look?” Quandt said before he took out an artifact and presented it.


“Wow...” Siegfried muttered in amazement. He was stunned after seeing what was presented to him. The artifact presented to him was a fusion of his +10 Blood Butterfly’s Wings, Attachable Thruster Set, and the materials he obtained from the Blood Falcons.

[Black Crow Wing Suit]

[A cape capable of providing Attack Power, Defense, Mobility, and coolness.]

[It is a cape, but it possesses extremely high Attack Power.]

[Type: Cape]

[Durability: 1,000/1,000]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effect: +7 All Stats, +100 Charisma]

Quandt opened the Black Crow Wing Suit and showed its insides. “Look. I placed your projectiles inside, so you no longer have to do that unnecessary throwing motion. All you have to do is swing your cape to use Torrential Flower Rain now.”


“It’s still early to be surprised. I combined the Attachable Thruster Set into it so you could fly, the Blade Falcon Feathers to cut down your enemies with Quick Draw, and the Dark Imperial Ink to make it flexible yet durable. That thing is no longer the same cape you used before!”

“This is insane...!”

“And the hood is crafted from the Blade Falcon Beak and Blade Falcon Eyes you brought. It will enhance your vision while flying, allowing you to spot hidden enemies on the ground.”


The Black Crow Wing Suit was a combination of all the good things a cape could possess, and the jet-black design that made it look like an ominous crow made it appear even cooler.

“Can I... try it on?”

“Of course! Here, let me help you.”

Quandt helped Siegfried put on the Black Crow Wing Suit.

“What?! This is me?!” Siegfried exclaimed out of shock after seeing his reflection in the mirror.

The combination of his newly upgraded gear set and the Black Crow Wing Suit made him look like an extremely charismatic and powerful noble.

Kyuuu! You look awesome, owner punk!” Hamchi exclaimed.

Oh! That looks good on you! It seems as if the most powerful warrior of the Black Crow Family has returned!” Quandt chimed in, sincerely praising him.

Siegfried awkwardly scratched the back of his head and grinned. “Really? Haha... I think so too... Hehehe...”

Kyu! Your outfit looks really cool!”

Hoho! Haven’t you heard? Fashion complements one’s face–”

“Nope! Kyu! Your outfit looks cool, but that’s it! Kyuuuu!”

Tsk... Siegfried clicked his tongue and sulked.

Quandt interrupted them and asked, “Ahem! I think you’ve heard what we think, but what about you? Do you like it? Hoho!”

“Like always, it’s the best,” Siegfried replied with a smile.

“I’m glad you like it! Haha!”

“I more than like it. I’m always grateful for you, Quandt-nim.”

Keke! I can always do more for you!”

“Anyway, I will be taking my leave now. I’m quite busy these days.”

“I’m sure you must be. Alright then, go on now!”

“Thank you again. I’ll come visit soon.”

Siegfried did not forget to bow and say goodbye before leaving the Bavarian Workshop.

“What are we going to do now, owner punk? Kyuu!”

“Hmm... Let’s return to Proatine first.”

“Alright! Kyuuu!”

He had said he was busy, but he really didn't have much to do until the location of the other soul fragments had been identified, so he decided to go back to the Proatine Kingdom for now.


The first thing that happened as soon as he returned to the Proatine Kingdom was accepting Michele's summons.

“Your Majesty.”


Siegfried felt goosebumps all over his body after seeing the way Michele was glaring at him.

W-What’s wrong with him? Did I do something...? I don’t recall doing anything. Wait, did I? No, I’m sure I didn’t...’ Siegfried racked his brain to the best of his abilities, but nothing came to mind. The only thing he could think of was the situation with Descartes and the United Guild, but it did not seem to be the issue here.

I wonder what’s up with this kid...’

“Your Majesty.”


“Did Your Majesty recently...”


“Do something again?”


“Did you cause another big problem?”

“Big problem?”

“Please be honest with me,” Michele said in a strict, commanding, and authoritative voice that would remind anyone of the strictest teacher they ever had in school. Then, he added, “I might go easy on you if you tell me honestly.”

“W-What? I really didn’t do anything!” Siegfried retorted.

“Are you certain?” Michele narrowed his eyes and asked.

“I am! I didn’t do anything recently!” Siegfried protested.

Michele’s eyes flashed as he asked, “Then what are these?”


He slammed a stack of documents on the table, causing Siegfried to flinch.

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