Chapter 466

[Leonid van Agoge]

[The previous king of the Lambda Kingdom who went missing fifteen years ago.]

[He was renowned for being a fighter and had climbed to the pinnacle of the continent with his bare fists.]

[Type: Named NPC]

[Race: Human]

[Affiliation: Lambda Kingdom]

[Position: Ex-King]

[Level: 350]

[Class: Infinity Champion]

[Rating: Master (Grappling Master)]

[Titles: Youre Dead If I Catch You!, Five Star Heavens, Human Weapon, Steel Arms, Steel Legs, Man of Steel, Exhibitionist, Grappling Master, Striking Master]

Siegfried checked with his Rune of Insight and confirmed that the Leonid in front of him was indeed the Leonid he had heard of.

No wonder it hurt a lot Siegfried finally understood why a suplex managed to wipe out ten percent of his HP. It was absolutely normal for a Master to deal that much damage, after all.

Anyway, its nice to meet you. What is your name, young one? Leonid extended his hand and asked.

My name is Siegfried van Proa, Siegfried replied.

Oh? Van Proa? You must be royalty, then. I havent heard of your family before Well, I guess it must be a new kingdom or something.

Yes, it is something like that.

I see I hope you'll understand. You see, Ive been stuck here for the past fifteen years, and I have no clue whats going on in the outside world.

I understand.

Anyway, I hope well get along from now on.

Excuse me?

I mean, both of us will be stuck here from now on, so theres no harm in us becoming buddies, right?


Tsk Tsk Tsk Although, its quite unfortunate for a young man like you to be here Leonid clicked his tongue and shook his head. Then, he added, It seems like not long has passed since you ascended your throne Hahaha

Pardon me?

But what can we do now that youre stuck here? Theres no way we can make it out alive, Leonid said. Then, he took something that resembled an octopus from his inventory and added, You will have to survive eating these things.

Munch! Munch!

Leonid took a huge bite off of the hideous creature and started a live mukbang[1]show right in front of Siegfrieds eyes.

I got hungry all of a sudden! Haha! Leonid said with a laugh before taking another huge bite.

Munch! Munch! Chomp!

Ugh! Siegfried grimaced and frowned at the disgusting mukbang.

Why? Are you hungry, too? Have a bite! Its definitely an acquired taste, but youll soon get used to how chewy and juicy they are. Well, as long as you dont mind their fishy smell

Bleurgh! Siegfried felt like puking from the stench.

What in the world was that guy eating right now?

He used his Rune of Insight to check the details of the hideous creature Leonid was feasting on.

[Mutated Three-Legged Octopus]

[A three-legged octopus inhabiting the Daedalus Underground Great Labyrinth.]

[It has mutated to thrive in dark and damp places like this labyrinth rather than the sea.]

[It looks gross and tastes awful, but it is extremely nutritious.]

[Type: Neutral Creature]

[Rating: Unique]

[Level: 50]

[Note: It possesses the majority of nutrients a person would need, and consuming one will replenish twenty percent of your HP, Mana, and Stamina.]

Surprisingly, the ugly hideous creature, the Mutated Three-Legged Octopus, was not only nutritional but also served as an excellent potion. In fact, consuming one would have the same effect as consuming three expensive high-grade potions.

Is this labyrinths specialty local produce? Siegfried thought this could be the other local specialty of the Daedalus Underground Great Labyrinth in addition to the dropped items.

What if he could catch these things en masse and sell them off?

Excuse me

Hmm? Nom! Nom! What is it? Munch! Munch!

Are those things in abundance here?

Very. Nom! Nom! Nom!

What do you specifically mean by very?

There are three on the wall beside you right now.

What?! Siegfried jumped and looked at the wall Leonid was pointing at.

He was right.

Squirm! Squirm!

There were three Mutated Three-Legged Octopus clinging to the wall right beside him. Siegfried was shocked because he didn't notice them, but that wasn't the end of the surprise.

Oh? You haven't noticed yet? This place is full of them. Look up; there are around one hundred of them above you.

Hiiik! Siegfried shrieked in horror after seeing the ceiling crawling with these ugly, hideous monsters.

I was able to survive here for fifteen years thanks to those guys. Theyre full of nutrients and an excellent source of protein! Munch! Munch!

Haha Hahaha

Are you sure you dont want some?

I I will pass on your offer. Thank you.

I guess youre not hungry yet.

Haha Siegfried awkwardly laughed in response. Then, he whispered to Hamchi, Hey, I think we can make a killing if we sell these.

Siegfrieds eyes no longer looked normal. His pupils had been replaced with dollar signs, and he was salivating as well.


But how did you end up here? Siegfried asked.

They chatted quite a bit while walking along the labyrinth.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Puuk! Puk! Puk!

Of course, Siegfried did not forget to throw his projectiles and hunt the Mutated Three-Legged Octopus while walking.

Kyu! Kyuuu!

Hamchi was tasked with picking up the Mutated Three-Legged Octopus that fell on the floor.

Did you by any chance Come here on your own accord? Siegfried asked.

I did, Leonid replied with a nod.

Siegfried doubted his ears for a moment and asked again, Huh? You came in here on your own accord?

Yes, I did.

I apologize for asking this, but are you crazy?

Leonid had to be crazythat was the only explanation Siegfried could think of. The Daedalus Underground Great Labyrinth was a place not even Daode Tianzun would dare to venture into. It was a dungeon nobody could clear unless they possessed the Inzaghis Map and Inzaghis Compass, which were extremely rare items.

Yes, I was.

Excuse me?

I was half-crazy fifteen years ago.

May I ask why?

I was overconfident yet unsatisfied with being stuck as a Master. I wanted to further advance from my title as one of the Five Star Heavens and become a Grandmaster. Greed got the better of me, and I couldn't stop myself.

Wow Theres another obsessed with becoming a Grandmaster over here Siegfried muttered under his breath while thinking of Betelgeuse.

Becoming a Grandmaster was every Masters dream, but it was a realm only a select few could reach. The fact that numerous people had failed to reach that dream and had died as Masters was proof of how exclusive that title was.

I chose this Daedalus Underground Great Labyrinth as my training field and believed I would receive enlightenment in this place. But the result of that was

You got stuck in this place instead

As much as Id hate to admit, thats exactly what happened, Leonid replied in a voice full of regret. Then, he added, I wasnt even able to get a glimpse of enlightenment here. I've been wandering these corridors like a lost spirit for the last fifteen years.

I guess you got overconfident.

I was a fool, and rotting in here until the day I die is the price I have to pay for my foolishness.


But what about you? Why would a young royal be here? Were you exiled? Leonid asked.

Siegfried shook his head and replied, No, I came here to rescue my subject. The kidnappers chose this labyrinth as the meeting place.

What?! That doesnt make sense! Even the kidnappers would lose their way here!

Thats their problem, Siegfried replied with a shrug. Then, he continued, They probably have a way to leave this place, which is why they called me here. Well, they could be plotting to trap me here. Or maybe theyre absolute morons and got lost after calling me here?

But whatever their intention was, the fact that youre trapped here doesnt change, right?

I have a way to go out.

Y-You have a way to get out of here?!


Really?! Are you absolutely certain?!

That is the whole reason why I came here. I mean, why would I come here if I cannot leave?


I am not a reckless person like you, Elder-nim.

Leonid suddenly swung both hands and grabbed Siegfrieds hand. Then, he cried out, GOOD SIR! Please take me with you! I beg you!


Then, Leonid smirked and cast a bait, If you help me get out of here, then I will take you in as my disciple! Haha!

Unfortunately, the bait was not enticing to Siegfried at all.


Around the same time Siegfried met Leonid...

Stop! Metatron shouted after sensing something.

What is the matter, my lord? Chaos asked.

I can sense Avenger!


The corridor in front of them branched out to seven different ways.

Its coming from this direction, Metatron said while pointing at the far-right corridor.

Oh! As expected of my lord!


Yes, my lord!

Take the map with you and bring that fellow to me.

As you command, my lord!

Chaos hurriedly left while thinking with glee. My lord will finally obtain Avenger!

His heart pounded with thoughts of the riches and honor he would enjoy once Metatron became the rightful heir to the throne.


Siegfried narrowed his eyes and asked, Youre offering me that? Not money?

H-Huh? Leonid was taken aback by the lackluster response.

Hmm? Does this young man dont know me? Ah, I guess its possible since fifteen years have already passed Leonid came to the conclusion that Siegfried's reaction was probably due to the fact that people had already forgotten about him.

Ahem! Leonid cleared his throat and said in a deep, serious voice, Listen here, my young friend.

Please call me Siegfried.

S-Sure, Siegfried. Let me ask you something.

Make sure its an easy question. Im not a fan of hard ones, you see.[2]


Ahem! I am Leonid, Siegfried.

Yes, I know. You are the Grappling Master, Leonid. One of the Five Star Heavens.

Oh? Then you must be aware that becoming my disciple is worth more than gold or silver? You could become a Master too if luck is

But I like money more.


I used to learn under Daode Tianzun, and Sword Emperor Betelgeuse desperately wanted me to become his disciple, too.


But I already have the best master in the entire universe, so I doubt your teachings will be of any value to me.

Did you just say you know Daode Tianzun-nim and Betelgeuse hyung-nim? And you used to learn under Daode Tianzun-nim?


Bwahaha! Come on! Leonid burst into laughter. Then, he said, Its not good to be so delusional at such a young age


Siegfried swung his +10 Blood Butterflys Wings, unleashing Quick Draw.


Leonid's overgrown, disheveled bangs were cleanly cut in a straight line, and his hair fell to the floor.


Leonids face turned ghastly pale before he exclaimed, That skill just now! That was Betelgeuse hyung-nims Quick Draw!

Do you believe me now? Siegfried asked with a smirk.

Oh my god Are you Betelgeuse hyung-nims disciple?!



I just learned this one skill from him.

H-How is that possible?! Quick Draw is hyung-nims secret technique! Theres no way he will teach it to someone whos not even his disciple!

What happened was

Siegfried was about to explain when he was suddenly interrupted.

Kyu! Owner punk! Hamchi exclaimed.


Sniff! Sniff! I smell something! I can smell it!

What smell?

Do you remember that demon last time? I can smell that demons scent! Kyuuu!

Really? Do you think that demon is the kidnapper?

I think so! Hes near! Kyu!

Hey, hurry and hide! Siegfried told Hamchi. Then, he turned to Leonid and said, May you please hide for a while, too? I have some personal business to attend to.

Alright, I will leave you to your own business for now, Leonid replied albeit awkwardly.

Then, he crouched down before jumping up to the ceiling and clinging to it like a toad.

What the fuck was that? That looks so not cool, Siegfried thought while holding back his laughter.

Ten minutes later, Chaos appeared and said, Long time no see, you little brat.

Hello~ Youre the piece of trash beaten up by a little brat, right? Siegfried replied with a smile.

Argh! E-Enough small talk! Did you bring Avenger with you? Chaos writhed in agony after the memory of being beaten to a pulp by Siegfried returned.

Yup, I did.

Then lets go. My lord is waiting for you.

Oh? Whos your lord?

You will find out soon.

Okay, if you say so, Siegfried replied with a shrug and followed behind Chaos.

1. Mukbang is the Korean word for the show where people eat stuff on camera. Its usually associated with eating a lot more than what normal people can eat.

2. Author-nim originally wrote Let me ask you something and Siegfried replies with Dont bite too hard. Its gonna hurt if you do. The word ask and bite is the same , but the word play didnt work in English, hence the replacement. The more you know!

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