Chapter 239

The next morning, Siegfried went to the capital to check the guild’s headquarters.

The guild’s headquarters was truly grand. It was not that tall in height, but a large dome was on top of it, which made it give a sturdy and grandiose feel.

There were cannons installed all over the place that made it look insurmountable.

That wasn’t the end of it…

The headquarters was surrounded by twenty-meter-tall walls, and a moat surrounded the walls to make it even more difficult for enemies to scale the walls. It went without saying that the path from the walls to the headquarters itself was riddled with traps to make life even more difficult for the invaders.

The interior of the headquarters was in no way lacking compared to the exterior.

A plethora of facilities were prepared for the guild members, such as a training area, shops, a lounge area to relax and chill in, and even warp gates connected to most parts of the continent.

Last but not least, the meeting room where the guild master was going to host meetings with the guild members contained…

“What the hell? Why is that thing over there?” Siegfried tilted his head in confusion.

…the throne carved from the Green Dragon’s skull.

“People might get the wrong idea that I have a dragon skull fetish or something…” he grumbled and shook his head. Siegfried couldn’t help but start to feel burdened by the sadistic hobby that his subordinates had picked up.

Don’t tell me they’re going to use the Demon Lord’s skull and carve a throne out of it down the road…?’?he thought for a second before shaking his head. He realized that not a single player had ever seen the Demon Lord in the game.

“Hey, Seung-Gu,” Siegfried called out.

“Yes, hyung-nim?” Seung-Gu responded.

“Let’s start calling the Adventurers.”

“Okay, hyung-nim!”

Siegfried decided to finally contact the Adventurers who had contacted him to finalize the establishment of his guild.


“Hey, Min-Woo! Over here! Over here!”

Right after Siegfried contacted the Adventurers, The thirty-one-year-old gamer with the ID SingSingHighschoolGirl met the Vice Guild Master of the Genesis Guild, Min-Woo, at a café in Cheongdamdong.

“How have you been, noona?”

“I’m all right~ Hoho~”

“It seems that they finally contacted you judging by how you reached out?”


Her ID in BNW was SingSingHighschoolGirl, but she was actually a noonim who exuded a load of sex appeal in real life.

She showed her phone to Min-Woo.


[The guild headquarter has been fully constructed, and we will be finalizing the list of guild members shortly. Please gather at the border of the Proatine Kingdom at nine in the evening tomorrow.]

[The meeting location is below.]

- Siegfried.

“Huh? That bastard is really starting his own guild? I asked you just as a precaution, but I didn’t expect that he would actually do it,” Min-Woo grumbled in disbelief. He didn’t expect that someone was actually insane enough to establish a guild just to challenge one of the top ten guilds on the continent.

“Well, it sounds like he’s pretty serious judging by the message.”

“Yes, it seems like it.”

“So, what am I supposed to do now?” SingSingHighschoolGirl asked while feigning ignorance.

“C’mon, noonim. You already know what to do. Haha!” Min-Woo laughed out loud in response while thinking deep inside, ‘Look at this fox. She’s always trying to bewitch people be it in the game or in real life.’

SingSingHighschoolGirl was close to a gold digger in the game. She used her sexy figure and god-like makeup skills—she wasn’t that pretty without makeup—to charm men into doing her bidding.

Then, she would sell whatever information she got her hands on.

“I just have to infiltrate their guild and collect information while flirting with the guild master, right?” she asked.

“Exactly.” Min-Woo nodded in response and said, “That bastard Han Tae-Sung has always been single since the day he was born, so he will probably give you everything he has to offer if you flirt with him a little bit.”

“Really? He never had a girlfriend since birth? Omo! He’s cute!” SingSingHighschoolGirl exclaimed with glee. However, her smile turned sinister in the blink of an eye as she muttered, “You know, those kinds of guys are exactly my type. The young ones with a lot of money but with no dating experience.”

“Yes, I’m sure they look cute to you,” Min-Woo replied while thinking, ‘Sigh… Look at this fox licking her lips. It’s sending chills all over my body. Tsk, tsk…’

Min-Woo knew just how good the fox was at lying, how nasty her temper was, how fussy she could be, how promiscuous she was, and how much she loved branded luxury goods. This was the reason that he couldn’t help but feel repulsed whenever he saw her, regardless of her sex appeal.

Honestly, he wasn’t the only one.

Those who were familiar with her personality would feel repulsed by her as well.

However, Min-Woo decided to endure the fox’s repulsive face to meet with her because he needed a new face to send into Han Tae-Sung’s new guild. It was definitely going to be impossible for him to use the spies he usually used, as the guild in question was no different from a gathering of Adventurers who had suffered at the hands of the Genesis Guild.

Some of the Adventurers would definitely recognize their ordinary spices spies, and that was why he decided to enlist the help of the Queen Bee known as SingSingHighschoolGirl.

“All right, I got it. I’ll start working on him from today~” she said.

“Thanks, noona,” he replied with a slight bow.

“Not at all, I should be the one thanking you,” she said before flashing a strange smile.

Min-Woo obliged and took out an orange shopping bag with the logo of a coachman and a horse carriage drawn on it.

Tsk… This fox demands too much even before lifting a single finger…’?he grumbled inwardly. The orange shopping bag had the words HERMES engraved on it, which was a famous luxury French brand, and the bag inside it was a new collection that cost more than fifteen million won.

Hohoho!?Thank you~!” SingSingHighschoolGirl laughed out loud after receiving the bag, and then she added, “I’ll keep you posted from time to time then~”

“Okay, I will leave it to you, noonim,” Min-Woo replied while forcing himself to smile.


On the same evening at nine o’clock, around two thousand Adventurers gathered at the warp gate at the border of the Proatine Kingdom.

“To those who are hoping to sign up for the guild! Please line up over here!”

The Adventurers were led somewhere by the knights as soon as they emerged from the warp gate, and they soon arrived at the newly-built guild headquarters.


“Damn… The guild headquarters looks awesome…”

“When did they make this? A building of this scale is bound to take a long time to make, though?”

“Just how much did they spend on building this?”

The Adventurers were shocked at the freshly-built guild headquarters.

Oh? He seems to have spent quite a fortune on this?’?SingSingHighschoolGirl smirked after seeing the guild headquarters.

“Please come over here!”

The Adventurers were led inside the guild headquarters to finally meet their soon-to-be guild master, Siegfried.

“It is good to see all of you again. I have created a guild that could officially stand up against the Genesis Guild, just as all of you mentioned last time. We are now going to be one big family, so I hope that we can get along from now on,” Siegfried greeted the Adventurers.


“Nice to meet you too!”

“I’ll do my best!”

“Let’s band together and teach those bastards a lesson!”

The Adventurers started cursing the Genesis Guild.

“Yes, I agree with all of you because I am a victim, too. They almost ruined my life. I am not boasting that I was able to make a living from this game despite not being a pro gamer, but—anyway, I have a lot of grudge against them just like all of you, so let’s do our best,” Siegfried replied to the crowd.

Meanwhile, he was eyeing one single Adventurer from the thousands of Adventurers gathered here. The Adventurer was none other than SingSingHighschoolGirl.

Siegfried already had plans to use one of the spies the Genesis Guild had planted, and the spy he had chosen was SingSingHighschoolGirl. He chose only one spy to make it easier for him to control the flow of information.

So that’s the spy. Ah, I’m itching to bash her skull in…’?Siegfried had to suppress his desire to rush over and smash SingSingHighschoolGirl’s head apart.

This was not the right time. He was planning to use the Genesis Guild’s spy against them, so feigning ignorance was definitely going to be much more beneficial in the long run.

Siegfried ignored SingSingHighschoolGirl and addressed the crowd, “I will let all of you present here today to join our guild, so please wait for two days!”

Then, one of the Adventurers suddenly asked, “Guild Master hyung!”


“What is the name of our guild?”

Heok…!”?Siegfried was rendered speechless.

Shit! I didn’t think of that yet…!’?he was so engrossed in the construction of the headquarters and flushing out the spies that he forgot to decide on his guild’s name.

“Yeah! What’s our guild name?”

“Tell us our guild name so we can accept the invitation!”

“What’s our guild going to be called…?”

The Adventurers started asking Siegfried one by one.

Ah… What should I do? Siegfried and the Kids? No, that’s too self-centered… Fuck Genesis…? No, that’s too weird… Hmm… Head Crusher… I already used that! Damn it!’?

Siegfried found it difficult to come up with a guild name because his naming sense was abysmal, and he started sweating profusely under the pressure. However, Siegfried quickly recovered as his glib tongue kicked into action.

“I have thought of a few names, but I figured that since all of us have gathered with a common goal in mind, it is not fair for me to one-sidedly decide on our guild’s name just because I am the guild master! Therefore, I want all of you to come up with a name, and I will pick five out of them. We’ll vote from the five to see which name suits us the best!”

Siegfried used the special skill of anyone shrewd enough, which was passing the workload to someone else!

Huh? That sounds like a great idea…”

“Let’s do that!”

“I think it’s great!”


The Adventurers exclaimed one by one while completely oblivious to Siegfried’s intentions. Some of them even started thinking of a guild name on the spot.


Ten minutes later, Siegfried put his hand into a box and exclaimed, “Then, I will now start the draw!”

The box had a circular hole in it, and it was filled with two thousand papers with numerous potential guild names written on it.

“The first guild name is… Seggs Stamina Band…? This is a bit…” Siegfried smirked before placing the paper as the first option.


“Who wrote that?!”

“What kind of name is that?!”

The Adventurers started laughing after hearing the first name.

They figured that Seggs Stamina Band was a simple joke by someone.

“Now, the next guild name is… Haha… Seggs Stamina Association… Wow, we seem to have a lot of stamina around here…?”

The second name was the Seggs Stamina Association.

“Who wrote these? You’ll get a good beating if I find you! Haha!” Siegfried laughed it off as a joke while secretly hoping inside, ‘A normal one should come out this time, right?’


“Avengers? This is pure plagiarism! What if Disney sues us?!”

The third guild name was a bit risky to use as it was a trademarked series owned by Disney, and it was a famous name that was once a household name at one point in the past.

Siegfried’s troubles didn’t end there, as even the fourth guild name was a bit strange.

“Ne~ Ne~ Ne~ Ne~? Ah… Can’t you guys be a bit more serious…?” Siegfried grumbled.

It seemed that the soon-to-be guild members sucked at naming things just like their soon-to-be guild master. Yes, that was the only way to explain these extremely bad guild names.

This is the last one… The last one…!’?Siegfried prayed before drawing the fifth and final guild name.


He grimaced after reading the words on the paper.

I want to do it.

Siegfried had no idea what this person wanted to do, but he couldn’t help but suspect that it was definitely something inappropriate.

The list was finally completed but…

First: Seggs Stamina Band

Second: Seggs Stamina Association

Third: Avengers

Fourth: Ne~ Ne~ Ne~ Ne~

Fifth: ?? I want to do it

How did he end up picking these names from the thousands of names he could have picked?

Our guild master has shitty hands…’

‘How did he manage to pick the shitty ones from so many names?’

‘I think he’s just unlucky…?’

‘With his luck, I’m willing to bet that he’ll get struck by lightning on a sunny day and break his nose while falling backward.’

“Why don’t we just go with… Head Crusher Guild? Haha! You know, since we’re going to crush those Genesis Bastards’ heads?”

It was quite a tacky name that he was borrowing from his gang at Dondegiri, but it was the best name that he could come up with. Ironically, the Adventurers seemed to have acknowledged Siegfried’s effort. They nodded profusely in agreement.

Nobody would have expected such a turn of events, but it seemed that all two thousand of these Adventurers sucked at naming things just like Siegfried.

Anyway, the name of the guild that Siegfried had created to destroy the Genesis Guild ended up being Head Crusher Guild.

Meanwhile, the Head Crusher Gang at Dondegiri was forced to go through the humiliation of changing their name to the Hamster Gang. Well, it didn’t really matter since they all had a tattoo of a hamster on their arms, anyway.

Why is the guild name even important? I just have to achieve my goals, right?’?he shrugged it off before taking the guild registration form with him and heading toward the Adventurer Guild.

1. Noonim is the respectful form of noona, and it is used to address much older women or lady bosses.

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