Chapter 145


A notification popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: You have obtained the item ‘Bi-Turbo Shoulder’ from the Autonika Workshop Random Box!]

The flash of green light signified that it was a set item.

‘Wow! Jackpot!’ Siegfried exclaimed in delight.

Most set items were known to be excellent items regardless of their rating.

He immediately checked the item’s options.

“Huh? Isn’t this that item?”

Siegfried was quite familiar with it.

[Bi-Turbo Shoulder]

[A unique armor set crafted by the Autonika Workshop. It is an artifact with twin turbochargers installed on it.]

[Set effects are only active when three items in the same set are equipped.]

[Type: Armor (Shoulder)]

[Rating: Unique Set]

[Level Restriction: Level 180]

[Options: Defense +1,100, Magic Resistant +1,100, Health +700, Attack Speed +7%.]

The stats of the item were average. Its options were exactly what one would expect from a Unique armor.

However, the item’s set effect was pretty attractive.

[Bi-Turbo Set:]

[Bi-Turbo Shoulder ?]

[Bi-Turbo Gloves]

[Bi-Turbo Mail]

[Set Effects: Skill Power +20%, Skill Area +70%.]

The set effect contained the word ‘power’.

BNW used many words to describe the effects of set items, but the meaning of those words actually wasn’t straightforward and differed depending on what word was used to describe the effect.

For example, the word ‘power’ didn’t simply mean damage. In this case, the words ‘Skill Power’ meant that the effects of the user’s skills would be increased.

This meant that if Siegfried were to use the Bi-Turbo Set and activate Blaze Field, the Defense and Magic Resistance shred would increase, and the skill’s area of effect would increase as well.

Therefore, the Bi-Turbo set was especially attractive to Adventurers with many Area of Effect skills. However, the amount that one would have to pay to gather all three parts of the set would usually be billions of won.

Siegfried smiled.

It was a shame that he did not get a legendary or epic artifact. However, the fact that he got a part of the Bi-Turbo Set made the random box reward extremely worth it.

‘Should I try gathering all of its parts? This is the perfect gear for me right now. The area of effect of my debuff skills will increase, and its effects will become more powerful, too...’ Siegfried smirked as he inwardly thought, ‘The timing is perfect as well. I mean, it’s about time I start gearing up.’

It was time for him to gear up. Yes, he could have technically still used his current items for twenty more levels, but that was no longer possible as most of his defensive gears were destroyed in the previous battle.

‘Ah... I should’ve hit that bastard more. That asshole...’ Siegfried grumbled inwardly upon recalling how the Flame Ignito had destroyed his items.

“Kyu? Hey, owner punk. Did something good come out?” Hamchi asked.

“Yeah, this item alone is worth a fortune,” Siegfried replied.

“Tsk... Hamchi wanted to see your despair. What a shame... Kyu...” Hamchi pouted.

‘Ah... What should I do with this little bastard?’ Siegfried suppressed his sudden urge to smack the hamster by diverting his attention toward the remaining random boxes.

As expected, the next set of random boxes only contained trash.

[Mechanical Chastity Belt]

[A mechanically complex chastity belt.]

[The belt will blow up if an unauthorized person touches it.]

It seemed like an item that was developed to prevent someone from cheating on their significant other, but the method was pretty morbid.

“I should probably sell this to a noble or something,” Siegfried grumbled as he threw the Mechanical Chastity Belt aside.

“Jackpot! Kyu!” Hamchi exclaimed. He ran and picked up the Mechanical Chastity Belt.

“Why are you picking that up?” Siegfried asked in disbelief.

“Mind your own business! Kyu!”

“Yeah, sure... You can have it...” Siegfried muttered and sighed in resignation while thinking, ‘Sigh... that perverted rat is definitely cooking up something bad...’

Siegfried opened the last remaining random box.


A bright green light flashed out from the random box.

[Alert: You have obtained the item ‘Bi-Turbo Gloves’ from the Autonika Workshop Random Box!]

The glove part of the Bi-Turbo Set greeted Siegfried with a bright flash of green light.

“Oh!” Siegfried exclaimed in delight upon seeing the Bi-Turbo Gloves.

Thirteen out of the fifteen random boxes were a bust, but the fact that he managed to get two out of three items of the Bi-Turbo Set made it obvious that he had profited greatly from this endeavor.

[Bi-Turbo Set:]

[Bi-Turbo Shoulder ?]

[Bi-Turbo Gloves ?]

[Bi-Turbo Mail]

[Set Effects: Skill Power +20%, Skill Area +70%]

‘The complete Bi-Turbo Set will cover my shoulder, hands, and torso. So I would only need trousers and a headgear...’ Siegfried muttered to himself. He started racking his brain to find a way to complete his gear.

He decided to use the Bi-Turbo Set as the core of his gear because it would enhance his debuff skills. He left the storage to head for the Autonika Workshop. Siegfried had decided to simply buy the last remaining part that would complete the set.

After all, he had already gathered two of the three required items to complete the set.


The headquarters of the Autonika Workshop was located in the capital of the Ingolstadt Kingdom.

[Ingolstadt Kingdom Capital: Horch]

Siegfried arrived at Horch through a Warp Gate and turned on the minimap to find the main store of the Autonika Workshop. There, he would buy the last remaining part of the Bi-Turbo Set—Bi-Turbo Mail.

“Ah, I think this is the artifact that you are looking for...”

“Oh, we do not have any ongoing sales for this product. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

“Do you have any nice swords?”

The Autonika Workshop’s main shop was bustling with Adventurers and NPCs even though it was a weekday morning.

“But why is nobody entertaining me?” Siegfried muttered while looking around the shop.

“Hey, owner punk! Are you seriously asking that question?”


“Look at yourself right now! You look like a beggar!”

“Oh... is that why...?”

It was only after Hamchi had pointed it out that Siegfried finally realized how bad he looked right now. He had lost most of his defensive gear while fighting Flame Ignito, so he looked like a beggar who had just entered the game.

“Mind your appearance, will you? Kyu!”

Siegfried already knew that it was important to be presentable, so he did not particularly blame the shop staffer for not entertaining him at all.

Finally, a shop staffer approached and politely greeted him.

“Hello, customer. My name is Shinozukan, and I am one of the managers of the Autonika Workshop’s main store.”

“Ah, hello, Manager Shinozukan-nim. My name is Siegfried.”

“Pardon me? Are you the king of the Proatine Kingdom, Siegfried van Proa, by any chance?”

“Do you know me?”

Siegfried was surprised.

‘What the hell? How does an NPC know about me?’

He was a king—yes, but his kingdom couldn’t be described as a huge kingdom at all. It was a surprise that a shop manager would be aware of his name.

“Most certainly, Your Majesty.”


“I am a salesman, so I have thoroughly studied the names of highly influential people on the continent that might become one of my clients, and Your Majesty’s name is on that list,” Shinozukan replied.

“Amazing...” Siegfried was awed by the Shinozukan’s dedication to his work.

However, Shinozukan was even more amazing than Siegfried thought.

The moment Siegfried stepped foot into the store, Shinozukan was the only one who considered Siegfried a potential customer among the many staffers in the store.

‘Hmm... He looks poor, but his every step exudes confidence. His eyes are the eyes of someone that has the luxury to spend... I have to grab him! I must make him buy something from me!’ Shinozukan made a decision the moment he saw Siegfried.

He decided to take hold of Siegfried while the other staffers were ignoring Siegfried.

“Haha! You are being far too generous, Your Majesty. I’m just working hard to put food on the table. So, tell me, what kind of artifact are you looking for today? I will do my best to be of assistance to you,” Shinozukan said respectfully.

Siegfried was surprised by Shinozukan’s respectfulness. After taking a moment to compose himself, he then inquired about the Bi-Turbo Mail.


“Oh...” Shinozukan muttered with a troubled look before saying, “I regret to inform Your Majesty that the Bi-Turbo Set was discontinued three months ago.”

“What? Really? Why would you discontinue the production of such a great artifact? Are you really speaking the truth?”

“Yes, I am, Your Majesty.”

Siegfried immediately switched on the in-game browser and looked up information regarding the Bi-Turbo Set online.

‘This is crazy...! The prices are five hundred percent higher than three months ago!’

Shockingly, the price of the Bi-Turbo Set has explosively increased in a short period of time thanks to it being discontinued by the Autonika Workshop. In fact, he even went on to Trademania but could not find any of it listed.

“Why was it discontinued? Wasn’t it a popular set item?” Siegfried asked.

“I would love to answer your question, but... there is no way that a salesman like me would know why the higher-ups had made that decision. If it is fine with you, we do have another artifact set similar to that one. Would you like to take a look, Your Majesty?”

“All right.”

In the end, Siegfried had no choice but to follow Shinozukan and take a look at the other artifacts. It was the smart choice to make. After all, there was no way he would spend all of his money just to forcibly complete the Bi-Turbo Set. Moreover, he could just buy another artifact set with similar options.

However, none of the other artifact sets could satisfy his requirement.

“Hmm... Nothing really catches my eye. They’re all good, but they aren’t as good as the Bi-Turbo Set.”

“You’re not the first one to have said that, Your Majesty. Haha...” Shinozukan let out an awkward chuckle.

“Is there really no way for me to get my hands on it? I already have two of the three parts. I only need the mail to complete the set.”

“I think you can commission one of our craftsmen to create the item, but they can be pretty picky when it comes to the qualifications of the requestor...” Shinozukan muttered with a bitter smile.

“What are those qualifications?”

“One has to have purchased at least a hundred artifacts from our Autonika Workshop, or they could also have a high social standing. Unfortunately, Your Majesty doesn’t really qualify because—”

“Because I am the king of a small kingdom. Is that correct?”

“I apologize for being unable to assist you,” Shinozukan apologized and bowed.

‘Ah, what should I do? I really want to complete the set, but it seems that there’s no way I can buy it even if I have the money to buy it. It will also be a dumb move to buy one from the scalpers...’

‘I can’t use my status here because my kingdom is too small in the big picture. I wonder if there’s a way for me to convince them to craft it for me...’ Siegfried pondered. A few moments later, he suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.

Siegfried decided to give it a shot.

“E-Excuse me, manager-nim?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I think that... I deserve to be treated as a VIP of your workshop,” Siegfried said. He had made a decision to thicken his face as thick as possible.


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