Chapter 128

- Get lost!

The Immortal King swung his magic sword at Siegfried.

- Die! I don’t have time to play around with the likes of you!

However, Siegfried wasn’t someone who would easily let the Immortal King go.

I should dodge that.’

Siegfried didn’t carelessly try to block the Immortal King’s attacks.

The difference between their weapons was simply too huge, and he was sure that the Frost Dragon’s Foot would get crushed if he tried to take the magic sword’s attack.


Siegfried dodged and smashed his hammer into the Immortal King’s chin.


Then he took out the Rod of God and used Weapon Master Shakiro’s Lightning with it.

[Immortal King]

[HP: ??????????]

However, the Immortal King’s HP did not show any signs of decreasing.

The Necrolich was considered to be one of the strongest undead monsters, and its defense was ridiculously high. Moreover, the huge difference in their levels somehow compensated for the debuffs Siegfried had cast.

- Burn to ashes!

The Immortal King recovered the HP he lost and immediately summoned a black wall of fire to block Siegfried’s path.


The black wall of fire slithered like a snake as it looked down at Siegfried before diving down to deal fire damage and darkness damage. Meanwhile, the Immortal King tried to recast his flight magic while Siegfried was trapped by the wall of fire.

I need to get out of here and protect my life vessels!’?the Immortal King thought as he was about to cast his flight magic, but Siegfried had always been stubborn.


He used Splitting Heaven and Earth to cancel the flight magic the Immortal King was trying to cast.

Whoosh… Crash!

The Immortal King was thrown into the air before he was slammed into the ground, and then multiple bolts of lightning came crashing down from the sky toward him.

- This little insect dares to…!

The Immortal King was enraged.


It wasn’t that high, but the fact that a mere human was holding him back when he was in a rush to go and protect his life vessel irritated him. Time wasn’t on his side as he had no idea when the remaining two life vessels would get destroyed.

- I will never forgive you…!

The Immortal King was about to curse Siegfried when a sharp pain pierced his nonexistent heart.



The sound of something breaking echoed in the Immortal King’s head.

[Immortal King]

[Level: 239]

The Immortal King lost another thirty levels.


Siegfried flashed an evil grin after he checked the Immortal King’s level with his Rune of Insight.


“Great work, Sir Seung-Gu.”

“You did all the freakin hard work, Dame Oscar!”

The second life vessel was destroyed by Seung-Gu and Oscar.

Kyu!?Great job!”

Hamchi was with Seung-Gu and Oscar just in case, but he also contributed quite a lot in destroying the life vessel.

However, that wasn’t the end of it.

“Let’s go, my honorable warriors.”

The Nordic King, Lionbreath, led his royal knights and Veteran Nordic Marines. They were now about to destroy the Immortal King’s third life vessel.

There were dozens of high-ranking Church of Osric officials and hundreds of church members standing in their way. There were even three Dullahans, which was a high-ranked undead monster, as well as eight Death Knights guarding the life vessel.

However, the Nordic Warriors, who were a bunch of people obsessed with strength, slaughtered the Church of Osric members who stood in their way and hacked their way through the defenders defending the life vessel.


The last enemy fell to the ground.

“I leave the rest to you, brother,” Lionbreath said with a smile before walking toward the life vessel.


I have to go now!’?the Immortal King unleashed powerful spells at Siegfried before immediately trying to use Blink.

His plan was to create a distance between himself and Siegfried.


Thankfully, he was able to widen the distance between them without any issues

Now’s my chance! Flight Magic!’?the Immortal King started channeling it, but…

Whooosh… Kwang!

Siegfried threw his hammer, striking the Immortal King on the head. The flight magic’s channeling was interrupted once again.


The Immortal King gritted his teeth.

- Hey! You stubborn little bastard!]

In the end, the Immortal King forgot about keeping up his kingly appearance as he started to unleash a torrent of cuss words at Siegfried.

- You son of a bitch! Just leave me alone, will you?! Leave me alone! You goddamned son of a bitch!

The little rat would run away if he tried to kill him, but he would stubbornly chase after him if he tried to escape.

In short, Siegfried was the worst kind of enemy for someone like the Immortal King, who was currently pressed for time.

- This stubborn little—


A sharp pain struck the Immortal King’s heart once again, and he was greatly weakened.

Ah! N-No…! My life vessel!’?the Immortal King despaired.

It was over.

[Immortal King]

[Level: 209]

The Immortal King’s level dropped by ninety levels, and this was a significant drop when taking into consideration that he was an insurmountable Level 299 when Siegfried first fought him.

I just have to make my enemies weaker if they are stronger than me,’?Siegfried thought with a smirk after confirming that the Immortal King had lost his levels.


Sure, it was strong, but it wasn’t overpowered enough to overcome a gap of a hundred levels. As such, Siegfried simultaneously targeted the Immortal King’s life vessels before going all out against him, and thankfully, his comrades successfully accomplished the missions he had given to them.

When facing a strong enemy head-on, it wasn’t that bad to implement a strategy, right?

In the end, Siegfried stayed true to Deus’ teaching and chose to debuff his enemy just as he was taught.

Now, the only thing left for him to do was to beat the Immortal King to a pulp and put an end to this war.

Step… Step…?

Siegfried started walking toward the Immortal King.

Step… Step…?

The Immortal King took a step back whenever Siegfried took a step toward him.

Ironically, the situation wouldn’t have taken such a drastic turn for the Immortal King if Siegfried didn’t manage to buy enough time for his comrades to destroy the Immortal King’s life vessels. Now, the Immortal King’s morale had plummeted to the ground, and fear started creeping up his bony body.

He could not escape because of the strange disruption skill and flying hammer the human was using, and he knew that he had gotten cornered.

My only option now is to kill this greenhorn as fast as I can and escape…’?

The Immortal King made up his mind, but…


Siegfried’s hammer was much faster than the Immortal King.

The real life and death between the Immortal King and Siegfried finally started.

Whoosh! Whoosh!?

The Immortal King swung the magic sword gifted by a demon lord, Avenger, in his right hand and attacked Siegfried while simultaneously channeling magic with his left hand. He displayed outstanding skill and coordination worthy of a Necrolich, which also proved why he was called the Immortal King.

When he gathers his mana in his left hand—Wave of Oppression!’?

However, Siegfried wouldn’t lose that easily to the Immortal King.

The reason was simple. The Debuff Master was a class better than any other class when it came to fighting magicians.

Wave of Oppression.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that this skill was pretty deadly against magicians, considering that it interrupted spell channeling and skill activation. On top of that, the effect was greatly amplified when it was used against enemies near the caster.

Ack! He is messing with my mana again…!’?the Immortal King’s casting was interrupted once again.


Whenever his channeling was interrupted, he would always get hit by Siegfried’s hammer.


The human greenhorn placed a colorful circle underneath the Immortal King’s feet. It was the debuff field Elemental Shower, and it significantly reduced the target’s elemental resistance.

There’s nothing more effective against the undead like lightning attacks…!’?Siegfried infused his lightning attribute into his hammer and started smashing the Immortal King’s head with Machine Gun Smash.

Bam…! Bam…! Bam…!

The Immortal King’s skull cracked after taking everything the Machine Gun Smash had to offer, and a reddish orb suddenly became visible deep in his skull. Siegfried was certain that the orb was the final life vessel of the Immortal King.

The Immortal King was now in mortal danger.


The Immortal King’s eyes turned bright red before shooting out powerful beams. Then, the magic sword, Avenger, started to burn brighter in his hands.

He’s rampaging, but his magic sword is acting up as well. I’m going to die if I were to let him be,’?Siegfried instinctively sensed danger.

What was he supposed to do?

He knew very well that he wouldn’t be able to stop the Immortal King once the latter unleashed the power stored within the magic sword.


A requiem of agony rang out from the magic sword.

Siegfried instantly switched weapons from a hammer to a sword.

Sword Emperor Betelgeuse’s Quick Draw would execute a target under Level 200, but the issue was that the Immortal King was currently Level 209. Still, even if Quick Draw failed to execute the target, Siegfried was sure that it would deal enormous damage.

Here goes nothing!’?Siegfried used Quick Draw and executed an overhead swing.


The Immortal King’s skull was split in half, and it flew into the air…


The Immortal King’s final life vessel flew into the air as well, and it seemed that Siegfried’s attack had split it in half.



The Immortal King fell to the ground.

— …

The magic sword, Avenger, which seemed like it was about to unleash a catastrophic disaster into the world, turned docile.

Afterward, a flurry of messages popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: You have successfully killed the Boss Monster, the Immortal King!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 151!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 152!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 153!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 154!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 155!]

He gained a total of five levels after killing the Immortal King, and it was probably because of the Immortal King’s level.

Wow, I almost got fucked just now…” Siegfried muttered as he let out a sigh of relief.

I was lucky that he let his guard down… I would have been in serious trouble if he managed to unleash the magic sword’s full power…’?

Siegfried knew that the only reason he won was that he managed to destroy the Immortal King’s final life vessel before the latter managed to unleash Avenger’s full power.

Is this?the?gift from the demon lord?’?Siegfried extended his hand and grabbed the Avenger.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

However, his heart suddenly started beating rapidly.

- Revenge… Revenge…!]

- Kyaaaahk!]

-I was wronged… I was wronged…!]

The souls trapped within the magic sword started crying out to Siegfried in his mind.

This feels like shit… I should probably stay away from it for now and try using it later when I’m alone…’?he thought as he shoved the magic sword into his Inventory.

[Alert: You have obtained ‘Magic Sword of Vengeance: Avenger’!]

The magic sword of Demon Lord Ignato now belonged to Siegfried thanks to the Immortal King’s kind contribution, but that wasn’t the only reward he earned from this battle.

Sparkle…! Sparkle…!

Something sparkling buried beneath the Immortal King’s remains caught Siegfried’s eye.

[Essence of Darkness]

[An orb filled with the dark energy the Immortal King accumulated throughout his life.]

Dark energy…?’?Siegfried used Absorb Attribute without much thought after reading the Essence of Darkness’ description.

[Alert: You have absorbed the required amount of dark attribute energy!]

[Alert: You may enhance a skill with your dark attribute energy!]

[Alert: You may enhance ‘Speed Restraint’ with the dark attribute energy you have gathered!]

[Alert: You may enhance ‘Splitting Heaven and Earth’ with the dark attribute energy you have gathered!]

[Alert: You may enhance ‘Smite’ with the dark attribute energy you have gathered!]

It seemed that the Essence of Darkness contained a ton of dark energy because he could immediately enhance his skill as soon as he absorbed it. It was a stark contrast to when he had to grind at the Sohoca Ruins to raise his lightning attribute energy…

Well, I guess I won’t have to grind for dark attribute energy thanks to this guy,’?Siegfried smiled.

The Immortal King had just resurrected after three hundred years of slumber, but he died once more. Fortunately for Siegfried, the Immortal King gave him a huge present before dying.


The Nordic Warriors let out a battle cry upon witnessing the Immortal King’s defeat at the hands of Siegfried.

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