Chapter 122

Most virtual reality games, especially the RPG ones, supported adult content. However, the adult contents weren’t so readily available or widespread as the users might fully turn their backs on reality and end up being addicted to the game.

That was why most virtual reality games placed a restriction in the form of a paywall that could only be purchased once in a few days, and this was the same case for BNW.

BNW called the physical interaction between an NPC and a gamer ‘Playing Mom and Dad,’ and this additional adult game content came with a whopping price tag of 398,000 won every time it was availed.

However, Siegfried did not have to pay to access the additional game content. He had never paid for adult content even when he was still pretty successful back then because he didn’t want to have nocturnal emissions while in the capsule.

He didn’t want to deal with cleaning both his capsule and his underwear.

Why?is the adult?content suddenly made available?’ Siegfried wondered, astounded.

[Alert: The climax of the Quest: ‘Kidnapped Tomboy 2’ will now start!]

A message popped up in front of his eyes.

[Alert: The Nordic Tribe welcomes the strong by hosting a lavish banquet followed by offering their beautiful women to the guest of honor.]

[Alert: This tradition started because the Nordic Tribe wishes to obtain the ‘seed’ of the strong guest and allow their women to give birth to strong children.]

[Alert: The Nordic Tribe also supports marriage between their women and outsiders!]

It turned out that the reason the Nordic Tribe offered their women to their guests wasn’t that they wanted to offer sexual service but to collect the genes of strong people. In short, they were looking forward to collecting the ‘seed’ of Siegfried, who was currently a ‘stud’.

On top of that, they were also trying their luck to make Siegfried become one of them by enticing him with the women.

I’m being treated as a stud?! These people are crazy…! Just how obsessed are you guys with strength? To think that you can do this kind of thing to your own people… You guys are really…’?Siegfried cursed inwardly.

He could have never imagined in his wildest dreams that the Nordic Tribe would not only throw a lavish banquet for him but offer up their women to him as well.

[Alert: You will fail the quest if you log out from the game before completing it!]

[Alert: Do your best to thoroughly enjoy the Nordic Tribe’s warm welcome!]

The system sent one message after another as if it was sneering at Siegfried.

“Your Majesty…” the maid called out.

“Yes?!” Siegfried nervously replied.

“These women selected to sleep with Your Majesty are all from respectable households.”

“What do you mean…?”

“We, the Nordic Tribe, do not offer prostitutes to our esteemed guests because that is tantamount to disrespecting our guests.”

“I-Is that so?”

“These women are all from noble backgrounds, so I hope that you will enjoy them to the best of your vigor.”

Why did she sound like she wanted her to do his best in the upcoming physical labor?

“Then, does Your Majesty wish to enjoy the women all at once or would you prefer to enjoy them one by one?”

“What is the difference between enjoying them all at once and enjoying them one by one…?”

“If you wish to enjoy them all at once, then you will be bringing all of these women to your bed and devour—”

“One by one! I will have them one by one!” Siegfried hurriedly interrupted the maid while protesting inwardly, ‘How do they expect me to do something so hardcore?!’

There was no way Siegfried or Han Tae-Sung, who had been single since birth and had no experience with women, would be able to take on all of these women at once.

“If that is what Your Majesty wishes, then I shall instruct them to pleasure you one by one. How would you like the turns to be arranged?”

“A-Anything is fine with me.”

“Then, I will be sorting them according to their status and background.”


Siegfried had no choice but to play along/

“I will see you later~”

“You better be prepared to be sucked dry tonight!”

“I will be having your child tonight, no matter what it takes!”

“You are so cute~

“Don’t go all out from the start if you want to thoroughly enjoy me later, okay?”

The Nordic Beauties said, or rather, threatened as they left the room one by one.


Five minutes later, Siegfried was now all alone with a very beautiful woman.

She had milky white skin, flowing golden hair, a voluptuous chest, and firm hips. Her body was nothing short of fantastic, and she stood 175 cm tall with a slender figure.

The problem was her identity…


[Nordic Princess]

[The Seventh Daughter of King Lionbreath.]

Siegfried almost screamed in surprise the moment he discovered her identity.

Hey! This is madness!’?he exclaimed inwardly in horror.

He did hear the maid say that the women were from ‘noble’ lineage, but he could have never expected, even in his wildest dreams, that his sworn brother, Lionbreath, would send his own daughter to him!

They were going to enter his bedroom based on their social standing, and it seemed that her background was the reason why she came in first before everyone else.

These people are the real deal, all right. They are the real deal…’?Siegfried grumbled inwardly in disbelief while in awe at the Nordic Tribe’s obsession with collecting outstanding bloodlines.

“Hello,” Ingrid broke the ice.

Ah,?hello…” Siegfried replied awkwardly.

“My name is Ingrid, and I am a princess.”

“My name is Siegfried…”

“I know,” Ingrid replied. She then jumped into Siegfried’s chest.

“What are you doing…?”

“We have to do that...”

“W-What is that?”

“Do I really have to say that with my own mouth? Just enjoy it. It will just be for the night anyway.”

“But we are technically still enemies…”

“What does that matter? The only thing that matters right now is that you are a strong man!”

“Is that really the only thing that matters…?”

“Yes, that is the only thing that matters. We, the Nordic Tribe, have always considered strength to be the most important thing. These lands are harsh and desolate, and the only reason we could thrive in these lands for thousands of years and unify the tribes into a kingdom is all thanks to our obsession with obtaining superior quality bloodlines.”

Ingrid’s hands started exploring Siegfried’s body.

“W-Wait a minute!” Siegfried exclaimed to stop Ingrid from taking his pants off. However, that did not deter Ingrid. She even counterattacked by licking his ear.


“E-Excuse me! I’m your father’s sworn brother! This is wrong on so many levels! How can I do this with my brother’s daughter…”

“But you are not blood brothers, right? And you are not my uncle, and… the one who sent me here was none other than my father,” Ingrid replied nonchalantly.

“Oh, my god…” Siegfried muttered in horror.

“Please impregnate me. I want to bear your child. Our child will be born with a far superior bloodline than anyone else! You and me. I am certain that the child between us is going to be unbelievably strong!” Ingrid exclaimed and took off her shirt.


‘No! I can’t do this! This is wrong on so many levels!’?Siegfried protested inwardly.

He was about to push Ingrid off of him when Hamchi suddenly spoke in his head.

— You are so frustrating! Just go ahead and get it over with! I want to see how humans do it! Kyu!

What the heck? Where are you?’?

— Here.

Siegfried looked around, and he found Hamchi hiding inside the grandfather clock and peeking out of it. The hamster was definitely trying to peek at Siegfried, who was about to Play Mom and Dad with the beauties.

Hey! Do something! How can I do something like that with this girl?!’?Siegfried urgently requested help.

— What’s the problem? She seems to have no problems with it. Just go ahead and do it, owner punk!

Hey! You crazy bastard!’

— I’m looking forward to the show! Kyu!

‘Do something right now, and this is a command! No… please, do something… I’m your owner, right? No… Do as I say! I’m your owner!’

— Are you sure you won’t regret it? She’s beautiful with an amazing body!

I’m commanding you to do something, damn it!’

Tsk!?Such a waste! I wanted to have a front-row seat to the live show…

Hurry up and do something!’

— Fine… Sigh…!?It’s being handed over to you on a silver platter, but you still don’t want to take it? What a dumbass…!

Hamchi grumbled, but he still put his hand on his mouth and sent a flying kiss.


A pink heart-shaped aura flew from Hamchi toward Ingrid.

[Alert: Hamchi has used ‘Charm’!]

[Alert: Ingrid has been afflicted with a status ailment!]

[Alert: Ingrid has been charmed by Hamchi’s magic!]


A few messages popped up in front of Siegfried, and Ingrid suddenly stopped trying to devour him. She sat up, staring into space.

“What the heck? How did you do that?”

“How else? She is currently in a dream, and she is doing the deed with you right now in that dream, Kyu!”

“I-Is that so?”

“Look, owner punk!” Hamchi said before pointing at Ingrid.

“Ah! Siegfried! Aaaah! Haaang~!”

While under Hamchi’s spell, Ingrid let out all sorts of sensual sounds while calling out Siegfried’s name.


On the afternoon of the next day, Siegfried visited his sworn brother, Lionbreath.

“Brother, so you’ve come to see me. Ughh…”?Lionbreath groaned in bed.

He was currently stuck in bed because of a hangover. He was suffering from a bad hangover after challenging Siegfried to a drinking contest last night and losing miserably.

“Have you had a pleasant night’s rest, hyung-nim?” Siegfried greeted.

“Not at all. Thanks to you, I puked eleven times. I never imagined that you would be such a heavy drinker. I thought I was in a contest with the god of alcohol himself…” Lionbreath groaned.


“How are you so fine despite drinking so much…?”

Ah,?I was just born this way.”

“Amazing… You are truly amazing, and you are indeed a man among men…!”

“Does drinking a lot make someone a true man…?”

“Drinking isn’t the only thing you’re good at, right? You are a strong warrior, heavy drinker, and good in bed! Who else can be considered a true man if it is not you, my brother?”

“G-Good in bed…?”

Hehe, I have heard of your exploits and conquest last night,” Lionbreath said while flashing a sleazy smile, and then he added, “There is a saying that a hero has endless libido, and I can see that is indeed the case. Hohoho! I did not think that you would be on a whole different level in that field as well! Keke!”

“W-What are you talking about…?”

“I heard everything. I heard that you are quite the pervert in bed! Hohoho!

“A pervert…?” Siegfried’s face crumpled.

“I have received a detailed report on how you have enjoyed those young girls last night! Keke!

“W-What kind of a report did you receive…?”

“I heard that you went all out and did ?????? and ????? then you did ????? and then made them do ?????? for you. I also heard that you even went as far as making them ?????? I never knew you were so brazen! Keke!”

Siegfried gnashed his teeth in anger. ‘That perverted rat! You’re going to get it this time… I’m not going to give you even a single sunflower seed from now on! You could have imprinted a more normal fantasy! What kind of fantasy did you make them see?!’

Actually, Siegfried didn’t do the deed with any of the Nordic Beauties last night.

He didn’t want to make a mess in his capsule, so he let Hamchi use ‘Charm’ on Ingrid and on the other ladies. However, the main problem was that the one who created the fantasy the Nordic Beauties had seen wasn’t Siegfried but Hamchi, the Perverted Hamster.

The fact that Lionbreath, who claimed to have received a report of what happened last night, was calling him a ‘pervert,’ ‘horn dog,’ and ‘stamina king’ was more than enough for him to have an idea how hardcore was the ‘dream’ Hamchi gave those women.

It seemed that the ‘Playboy of the Forest’ title Hamchi possessed wasn’t just for show.

“So, I’m saying this, but…” Lionbreath said in a serious tone as he looked straight into Siegfried’s eyes and asked, “Can you teach your brother those amazing techniques you used last night?”

Lionbreath then whispered into Siegfried's ear, “I want to know your secret. How did you manage to master such complex and perverted bedroom skills? Hoho! They say that nobody can beat the libido of a young man—it seems the saying was true! Hahaha!”

Siegfried felt like crying all of a sudden.

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