Chapter 115

Siegfried’s sudden explosive increase in combat power was a mystery to Park Sung-Jin.

What the hell? Does he possess a unique artifact or something? Or was he hiding his true strength all along? This doesn’t make sense…!’?Park Sung-Jin was baffled at the sudden turn of events.

“R-Raid Leader-nim! Something’s not right! Look at that!” one of the Buffers shouted while pointing in the distance.

“Focus on the battle! Cast another buff if you have time to look around! Can’t you see that we’re losing right now?!” Park Sung-Jin lashed out at the Buffer.

“T-That is…! I think you have to see it for yourself!” the Buffer urged.

“What is it?!” Park Sung-Jin snapped at the Buffer before he turned and was forced to mutter in disbelief, “What the hell is that thing…?”

It was so strange he was starting to doubt his own two eyes.


Park Sung-Jin was not the only one taken aback by Siegfried’s sudden power-up.

Huh…?’?Siegfried could feel that he had suddenly gotten a lot more powerful while fighting against the Genesis Guild members, and he could tell very well that he wasn’t mistaken.




The Genesis Guild members were helplessly beaten one after another without even being able to do anything against him. It was as if they were just a bunch of training dummies Siegfried was casually beating up.

Was I always this strong…? But I don’t even have my debuff fields here…?’?he wondered as even he himself could not figure out the reason behind his sudden explosive power up.

He suddenly got worried and thought, ‘Don’t tell me… this is a bug?!’

However, a system message laid his worries to rest.

[Alert: Your pet Hamchi has used his skill ‘Give it your best! Go, Go, Go!‘ increasing all your stats by 15%!]

Rumble… Rumble… Rumble…?

Then, he heard the sound of something rolling toward him.

What’s that…?’?he wondered and turned around to look at where the sound was coming from. When he saw Hamchi doing something strange, he couldn’t help but ask in surprise, “What the hell are you doing over there…?”

“Can’t you tell? Huff… Huff… Huff…”?Hamchi replied while gasping for breath.

“No… I mean… I can see what you are doing, but why the hell are you doing that?” Siegfried asked in disbelief.

Roll…! Roll…! Roll…!?

Hamchi was out of breath because he was doing something absurd. He was currently busy running inside a ‘hamster wheel’. The hamster wheel that Hamchi was running on was colored in a mixture of pink, gold, and white, and it would exert a powerful golden-colored energy whenever it spun. Then, that golden energy would fly toward Siegfried and into his body.

What is that hamster wheel…?’?Siegfried wondered. He used his Rune of Insight and checked the details of Hamchi’s hamster wheel.

[Wheel of Support ?]

[A magical hamster wheel Hamchi summons after using his skill ‘Give it your best! Go, Go, Go!’.]

[This magical hamster wheel is an ancient spiritual artifact crafted with the most advanced technology and the magic of the spirits.]

[Hamchi may buff a target by running on and spinning this wheel.]

[Effect: All stats +15%]

[Note: The buff’s effect increases the higher Hamchi’s level. The buff is amplified the faster Hamchi spins the wheel.]

The ‘Wheel of Support ?‘ looked like a childish and cute item, but it was a very powerful artifact capable of giving a buff that would render most Buffers ashamed.

“Hey! Owner punk! Huff…! Huff…! Huff…!”


“I’m giving you a hand because you look like you’re losing! Keke! Hurry up and get rid of them! I’m getting tired! Huff…! Huff…!”?Hamchi pressed Siegfried while running on the hamster wheel.

It seemed that running on the wheel was much more tiring than it looked.

Wow~ So you can actually pay for your meal, eh?” Siegfried asked with a grin.

“Quit standing around and do something, you stupid owner punk! Huff! Huff! Huff!?Hurry up and get rid of them, will you?! Kyuuu!”

“Alright, hang in there for a bit longer,” Siegfried replied. He gripped his hammer tightly and started walking toward the Genesis Guild members.

Roll… Roll… Roll…

The sound of the spinning hamster wheel echoed incessantly.


Siegfried’s combat power after receiving the buff could only be described as Lu Bu-like

Puk! Puk! Pukeok!

Bam! Bam! Bam!?

The heads of the Genesis Guild members were smashed in whenever Siegfried swung his hammer, and his power was further amplified when his debuff skills went off cooldown.

“How the hell are we supposed to fight him?! Fuck!” one of the guild members shouted in frustration.

The other guild members were frustrated as well. They found it difficult to fight Siegfried, who had numerous weapons. In addition, Siegfried would also unleash his fatal radioactive energy whenever they tried to get near him.

They tried to fight him from a distance, but his hammer would ferociously fly from unpredictable angles like a missile and smash into their heads. On top of that, he used Splitting Heaven and Earth whenever it went off cooldown, which flipped the world upside down and dealt a lot of damage to them.

The only saving grace from this entire one-sided massacre was probably the fact that they could easily escape Siegfried’s debuff fields. Unfortunately, a strange childish hamster spinning a wheel nullified their efforts with a ridiculously powerful buff.

How the hell are we supposed to fight him?’

‘This is disgusting! It’s cheating!’

‘Fuck this shit!’

The Genesis Guild members could only curse as they waited for their turn to be massacred by Siegfried after exhausting all options available to them.

“Go at him together! Just lynch him! I will buff you to my limits!” Park Sung-Jin commanded the Genesis Guild members to launch a final all-out attack against Siegfried. The situation would only become more unfavorable to them if things dragged on, so he made the call to risk everything in a last stand.

However, Park Sung-Jin’s decision would be the most fatal decision he had ever made in this battle.


Among the Genesis Guild members, only twelve Adventurers had a class specializing in combat, and they charged at Siegfried.


The Buffers went all out, and just as they charged at Siegfried, flower petals suddenly rained down on them. The flower petals signified death, and the torrential downpour wouldn’t spare anyone.


The entire battlefield was drenched in blood. The one thousand sharp petals rained down on the battlefield and enveloped the Genesis Guild members, ripping them into pieces.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The corpses of the Genesis Guild members that charged at Siegfried dropped lifelessly to the ground with hundreds of petals embedded in their bodies.


Park Sung-Jin and the Buffers froze at the sight.


A hundred-member-strong Genesis Guild raid party was defeated by a mere Level 142 Adventurer. Nobody could have imagined that they would get wiped out in this manner.

This is crazy… What the hell is that bastard? Who is he?!’?Park Sung-Jin was dumbfounded and curious about Siegfried at the same time. After all, it was logically impossible for a Level 142 adventurer to do what the man in front of him had done.

Of course, his thoughts weren’t really important right now

Step… Step… Step…?

Siegfried walked toward Park Sung-Jin and the Genesis Guild members without saying a word, and he started the ‘execution’.


“Ack!”?A Buffer would scream whenever Siegfried swung his hammer.

There was no mercy.

Most Buffers were non-combatants, so they couldn’t put up a fight as they were killed one by one.

Puk! Puk! Puk!

Finally, Park Sung-Jin emerged as the sole survivor of the one hundred Genesis Guild members.

“You… Who the hell are you? Are you a Ranker from another game? Are you a pro gamer, perhaps? No—before that, which guild are you affiliated with? I’m certain that you are from one of the top ten guilds…” he asked blankly.

“Affiliated? The top ten guilds?” Siegfried muttered.

“You did this to us because you have some powerful force backing you up, right?” Park Sung-Jin said with absolute certainty.

Pfft…!”?Siegfried snickered and said, “I hope you’re not trying to say that only members of the top ten guilds can beat you guys.”

“Isn’t it obvious?!”

“Not really.”

I stood up against all of you even when I was weak and alone. What nonsense are you talking about?’?Siegfried thought before flashing a sinister smile.

There was simply no reason for him to cling to a guild just to exact revenge against the Genesis Guild. After all, he had already become the Debuff Master.

“Why don’t you be a man and tell the truth now? You seem to be trying to hide which guild you are affiliated with, but that’s not going to work. You can run, but you can’t hide from us! Your guild has basically declared war against ours because of what you did just now!” Park Sung-Jin exclaimed with a confident smile.

“Sure. Keep writing your novel,” Siegfried nonchalantly replied.


“I got goosebumps just now, you know? I mean, you people actually believe that you guys are something when you’re just third-rate trash who relies on buffs and your numbers. Wow… that’s crazy.”

“You bastard! How dare you speak ill of our great Genesis Guild—” Park Sung-Jin lashed out, but he couldn’t finish his sentence.


Park Sung-Jin’s head exploded like a watermelon after Siegfried swung his hammer into the former’s head.

Park Sung-Jin’s headless corpse fell to the ground with a thud.


The death penalty kicked into action as one of Park Sung Jin’s items dropped to the floor.

Ah, he was actually piss poor...” Siegfried grumbled in disappointment when he saw the item Park Sung-Jin had dropped as a result of the death penalty.


Right after Park Sung-Jin died, Hamchi immediately stopped what he was doing and ran toward Siegfried. He then hopped onto Siegfried’s shoulder and exclaimed, “Hey! Owner punk! Great job! Huff! Huff!?I almost died! That was fucking exhausting! Kyu!”?

“You did a great job, too,” Siegfried said and patted the hamster’s head.

“Stop it,” Hamchi tried to push Siegfried’s hand away. With a glare, he said, “Move your hand away.”


“A man touching me feels disgusting. It’s fucking gross.”


“If you want to touch me, you will have to castrate yourself first—Kyu!”

It seemed that Hamchi knew his preferences.

“Fine. You stingy brat,” Siegfried grumbled in response.

“If you want to praise me, then just feed me something delicious,” said Hamchi.

“Something delicious? Hey… don’t tell me you want mana stones again?”

“I only need mana stones when my energy is running low. They’re tough and tasteless.”

Phew…?Anyway, let’s wrap things up here first before anything else.”

“Alright! Kyu!”

Siegfried and Hamchi diligently roamed and looted the items on the floor.

[Alert: You have obtained a ‘Mechanical Heart’!]

Siegfried prioritized the Mechanical Heart.

Just wait a bit more… I’ll be right there,’?he thought of Carell.

He smiled when he realized that he would truly be able to save Carell.


Another message suddenly popped up in front of Siegfried.

[Alert: You have found one of the materials required to complete ‘Herbert’s Final Masterpiece’!]

[Alert: You have obtained the item ‘Omnipotent Mechanical Gear’ from the Mecha Lord’s remains!]

It was a message related to the quest that Siegfried had completely forgotten.

1. Lu Bu is a famous general from the Three Kingdoms era of ancient China. He is famed for being a one-man army that swept through hordes of enemies alone. More info here:

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