Chapter 113

“Hamchiiiii?!” the foul-mouthed hamster cried out in disbelief as his face convulsed, and then he lashed out, “Hey! You damned owner, punk! What the fuck is wrong with your naming sense? Ha?!?I asked for a cool name, but what? Hamchi?! Hamchiiiii?! What do you take me for? A stupid piece of shit?! Ha?!

The foul-mouthed hamster tried his best to reason with Siegfried, but it was too late…

[Alert: Prometheus Cactus Hydra Leviathan Bless Zacariah Anabolica Gallardo’s name has been changed to ‘Hamchi’!]

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.


The foul-mouthed hamster—Hamchi—directed a deathly glare at Siegfried as his body started emitting light that Siegfried absorbed.

[Alert: Contract Complete!]

[Alert: You have successfully made a contract with the Great Spirit of the Forest!]

[Alert: The name of your pet, the Great Spirit of the Forest, has been changed to ‘Hamchi’!]

[Alert: You can give a command to Hamchi!]

[Alert: From now on, Hamchi will help you to the best of its abilities!]

[Alert: Hamchi will now become your trusty ally, and he will accompany you on your long journey!]

The string of messages signaled that the contract was successfully established.


[Great Spirit of the Forest]

[Adventurer Siegfried’s Pet]

[Level: 200]

[Class: Trickster]

[HP: ??????????]

[Mana: ??????????]

[Stamina: ??????????]

Hamchi’s detailed status popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

Huh? The contract is already established?” he muttered in surprise.

“Hey! You nutjob owner! What the hell did you do just now?! How dare you change my name to Hamchi?! You fucking son of a—Kyuuu!”?Hamchi lashed out.

“But it sounds cute...”


“I don’t think I can change it anymore, so why don’t you just live as Hamchi from now on?”

“You crazy owner, punk! Are you spouting nonsense from your asshole or shit from your mouth?! Ha?!

“You can go ahead and be the owner if you want. Go on.”

Kyuu… Kyuuuuuuuu…!

Hamchi gnashed his teeth in anger, but there was nothing else he could do. After all, the System had already designated him as Siegfried’s pet.

The only thing he could do was gnash at Siegfried with his fur standing up to look as threatening as possible. Of course, it wasn’t really going to do anything.


“Hey, Hamchi,” Siegfried called.

“What do you want? Owner punk…” Hamchi curtly replied.

He was obviously pretty upset over his new name.

“The Mecha Lord is still there, right?”

“It should be, but we have to hurry up. They should have started the resurrection ritual. The Mecha Lord is going to come back to life once the ritual is finished, so we have to make haste, owner punk! We don’t have time! Kyuu!”

“Is that so? Then I guess we should hurry up…”


All of a sudden, Hamchi jumped up and landed on Siegfried’s shoulder, and then he ‘commanded’ him.

“Owner punk! I choose you! Let’s go!”

“This little rat bastard…”

“Giddy up! Kyuuuu!”

Ugh…?Maybe I shouldn’t have saved this bastard…”

“Let’s gooooooo! Kyuuuuu!”?Hamchi shouted while pointing forward.

This bastard is actually pretty cute.’?Siegfried smiled.

The hamster’s mouth was foul, but it seemed that Siegfried truly found him cute.


While they were on their way to the room where the Mecha Lord was located, Hamchi suddenly turned his head.


Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!?

Hamchi started sniffing around with his ears perked up.

“Hey, owner punk.”


“There’s a battle up ahead.”

“A battle?”

“Yes, and a big one at that. There are a bunch of humans fighting against one powerful being, and I think the humans are fighting the Mecha Lord.”

“How do you know that?”

“What do you mean by that?! I can hear it, you know?! I can smell the stench of blood and grease in the air as well as fire, too! Kyuuu!

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: Your pet, Hamchi, has used its skill ‘Meerkat~!’ and has detected a battle 2km up ahead from your current location.]


[Hamchi’s five senses are heightened to scan the surroundings.]

[Hamchi’s scanning ability has not only a huge range, but it can also detect hidden or cloaked enemies.]

Hamchi used Meerkat~!.

Wow, that’s a very convenient skill. Who could have known that this bastard had scanning abilities?’?Siegfried smiled.

“Hey, owner punk!”


“I don’t think we have to go there!”


“The Mecha Lord is losing! Kyuuu!?I think the humans are lynching the Mecha Lord… Ah! Damn it! I wouldn’t have entered into a contract with you if I had known that this was going to happen! Damn it! Hamchi is ruined! RUINED! I would have just chilled in the forest if I knew this was going to happen. Fuck—Huh? Kyu… Kyuuu?!

Hamchi cried out in surprise because Siegfried was running as fast as he could.


Two hours ago, Park Sung-Jin led two hundred Genesis Guild members to the boss room where the Mecha Lord was located, and thanks to their overwhelming numbers, they were able to disrupt the resurrection ritual as well.

[Mecha Lord]

[The last emperor of the Clockwork Empire that existed one thousand years ago.]

[The Mecha Lord was regarded as one of the worst tyrants on the Nürburg Continent.]

[His desire to rule for eternity made him undergo surgery to turn himself into a cyborg, but the rebellion that occurred in the process led to his downfall.]

[Level: 220]

[Race: Cyborg]

[Type: Boss]

[Class: Iron Fist]

The Mecha Lord’s resurrection was interrupted, and he was forced to wake up earlier because of the Genesis Guild.

There was a fierce battle between them.

“You bunch of insignificant trash dares to stand in my complete resurrection?!” The Mecha Lord roared in a mechanical voice as he unleashed a barrage of attacks at the Genesis Guild.

However, it was not possible for him to display the same might he previously had when he used to rule over the Clockwork Empire with an iron fist. It was all because his resurrection was interrupted.

He only recovered around thirty percent of his original power.

[Mecha Lord]

[HP: ??????????]

The lynching proved to be pretty effective as the Mecha Lord only had 10% HP remaining, and it was in a state that could only be described as ‘ragged’.

“Press on! We’re almost done!” Park Sung-Jin urged his guild members.

It went without saying that he himself was not fighting at the front lines and was only giving commands from the rear.


Park Sung-Jin was a Buffer which was the pinnacle of all non-combat classes. He only had to cast a round of buffs to the others before retreating to the safety of the rear, just like what most Buffers normally do. After all, this could be said as one of the golden rules of online games, right?

There was a good reason why Buffers were treated like they were nobles.

Alright, keep fighting, you slaves. Keke,’?Park Sung-Jin thought.

In fact, Park Sung-Jin thought of his guild members as nothing more than his slaves.

“These insolent humans dare to stand up against me!” the Mecha Lord screamed and made his last stand.

[Alert: Your ally has been killed!]

[Alert: Your ally has been killed!]

[Alert: Your ally has been killed!]

The Genesis Guild members started dying one by one, but that only went on for so long.

“I… To think that I will be beaten by these insignificant insects…! My dream to rule for eternity… I—the emperor…!” The Mecha Lord cried out as it was forced to its knee.

“Hey! Hurry up, will you? We don’t have time to sit around and listen to the last words of some monster! We have to go and pick up the loot!” Park Sung-Jin shouted in an irritated voice.

It was exactly as he said, they still had a mountain load of work to do after killing the Mecha Lord. They had to collect the B-Grade Mana Stones from the remains of the Mechanic Knights that were guarding the Mecha Lord, and they also had to collect the C-Grade Mana Stones from the remains of the Mechanic Workers that were performing the resurrection ritual.

The treasure room was also located somewhere in the boss room and had a pile of Stone of Transcendence, which was a key component required for the resurrection of the Mecha Lord.

In short, the Genesis Guild still had to spend at least two hours here, even after killing the Mecha Lord. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to maximize their profits from the raid.

Ah… Yes, Raid Leader-nim! We will get to work immediately!” one of the Genesis Guild members replied and swung his sword at the Mecha Lord.

No, he tried to swing his sword.


A hammer flew from out of nowhere–-


—and smashed into the head of the guild member who was about to deliver the final blow.

Whiiish… Baaam!

The hammer bounced after killing the guild member and smashed into the Mecha Lord’s head.

The guild member—no, someone else dealt the final blow to the Mecha Lord.


The entire Genesis Guild raid party was flabbergasted at the sudden appearance of the hammer, and they were at a loss. They couldn’t quite grasp what just happened.

“What was that…?”

“Was it an accidental skill discharge…? Hey! Who was that? Which bastard did that?”

“What was that just now?”

“Did you see how much damage that hammer dealt?”

While the entire Genesis Guild was still baffled by the sudden turn of events, one of the guild members carefully said, “This… I think someone just stole a kill from us?”

The guild member’s comment was right on the money.


It was because no one from the Genesis Guild received any system message about how they obtained any Experience Points from the Mechal Lord’s demise


[Alert: You have successfully hunted the boss monster, the Mecha Lord!]

[Alert: You have gained Experience Points!]

The system message didn’t appear in front of the Genesis Guild members, but it appeared in front of Siegfried.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have reached Level 142!]

He gained a huge amount of experience points as well as a level after killing the boss monster.

Kyu? Wow, our owner punk is actually much more shameless than I thought…” Hamchi muttered in disbelief.


“Your shamelessness is unrivaled. Did you drop your conscience somewhere? Or were you born without one? Kyu!”

“What the hell are you talking about? You got a problem with it?” Siegfried glared at the hamster.

“No, I actually like it.”

“What…? You like it…?”

Kyu!?Now you’re starting to look more worthy of my owner!”


“I like how you roll! Kyu!?I don’t really like nice pushovers. I prefer people like you!” Hamchi said with an evil smirk.

Ugh…! This thing is crazy! I think this hamster is an imp in disguise rather than a Great Spirit…!’?Siegfried thought while facepalming.

It was as if he gained an imp as a pet instead of a Great Spirit…

“But why did you attack them as well?” Hamchi asked.

“Because they are my enemies,” Siegfried replied.

The Genesis Guild.

Siegfried had to destroy them sooner or later.

“Is that so? Kyu!?Then, let’s fight! But can you win, owner punk? It looks like there are more than a hundred of them…” Hamchi asked with a hint of doubt.

“I will win. I know them better than anyone else,” Siegfried confidently replied.

“Alright! Hamchi will help you! Kyu!?Our weak-ass owner can win against them if the Great Hamchi helps him! Kyuuu!”

“Who's the weakling here? Just shut up and let’s go,” Siegfried grumbled as he walked toward the Genesis Guild members with his right hand extended.

Whiiiish… Tak!

The hammer that smashed the heads of the Genesis Guild member and the Mecha Lord flew back to his hand.

It’s been a while, Genesis.’?Siegfried’s eyes became filled with bloodlust.

Siegfried vs. Genesis Guild.

The old flame of animosity between the two was about to be rekindled.

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