Chapter 103

“Pardon…? What did you say just now, sir?” Siegfried asked, seemingly doubting his ears.

“I said I will allow you to marry my daughter,” Overlock repeated.

“What nonsense are you spouting?” Siegfried muttered in a low voice.


“I apologize, but I am an Adventurer, so I cannot marry your daughter…”

“Why not? I have seen countless Adventurers marry and live good lives with kids and all.”

Lieutenant General Overlock said that because BNW was a game that allowed players to get married to NPCs. Players aged nineteen and above were allowed to have sexual intercourse with an NPC once a week for a fee. In fact, there were even some rare cases of NPC children being born with the Rune of Transcendence and Rune of Insight.

As such, many players got the opportunity to experience romance they never experienced in real life.

Lieutenant Colonel Sieg… You are certainly going to become someone great in the future. That’s why I have to make you marry my daughter and make you mine! I would gain a thousand-man army for my kingdom as long as I make you mine! Hoho!’?

It seemed that the old general was sure of his scheme’s success because he started drawing up all sorts of things while seemingly oblivious to the fact that the person in question had no plans whatsoever to accept his offer.

He’s pretty handsome, and he’s going to be powerful in the future as well. On top of that, he’s also humble as well. Yes, I will have no problem giving my precious daughter to a man like you. Yes… No problem at all…’?Overlock thought while staring at Siegfried.

The fact that he liked Siegfried as a man and saw him as a potential son-in-law was another reason why he suddenly made this proposal.

Ah, I apologize, but I have no plans to marry a woman from this world,” Siegfried replied.

“Well, I understand what you mean,” Overlock nonchalantly replied without being disappointed by Siegfried’s refusal.

“However, I guarantee that you will change your mind once you meet my daughter,” Overlock said with a grin.


Hoho! How can you be slow when it comes to rumors?”

“What rumors are you talking about, sir…?”

“Haven’t you heard? My daughter is the most beautiful lady in all of Macallan Kingdom!”


“There are a ton of guys asking for my daughter’s hand in marriage. Oh, she is probably getting proposed to as we speak. But so far, no one succeeded in charming my daughter, and neither could I agree to give my daughter in marriage to a nobody,” Overlock explained.

He looked at Siegfried and said, “But it’s going to be different if it’s you. I’m certain that you will be able to convince my daughter, who is the most beautiful woman in all of Macallan Kingdom, to open her heart and marry—”

“I will pretend that I did not hear this, sir,” Sieg interrupted Overlock before saying, “I will say this again, but I have no plans to marry a woman from this world.”

Hoho… I guess you can be quite stubborn as well.”

“I do not believe that people from different worlds can become happy together.”

“Then I guess there’s no forcing it. I understand what you mean,” Overlock said, but his thoughts were different from his words ‘Sure, you might refuse me now, but you see, Lieutenant Colonel Sieg… You will surely change your mind once you meet my daughter… Hohoho!’


As the father of the most beautiful woman in all of Macallan Kingdom, Overlock was confident that Siegfried would fall for his daughter once he laid his eyes on her.

I’m already a gaming addict, so I can’t add virtual romance on top of that… right?’?Siegfried grumbled inwardly.

Meanwhile, Siegfried had no plans for a virtual marriage at all. In addition, he really never had any dating experience due to his gaming obsession.

“Anyway, Corps Commander-nim.” Siegfried got back to the main topic they were discussing. “I’m just an Adventurer. As you are aware, there are plenty more Adventurers who are stronger than me, but you still valued me highly despite all that. Therefore, I will promise to do my best and fulfill my obligations while I am stationed here.”

Oh!?Excellent! I would like nothing more than that! And what use is being strong? A true war hero is someone who does their best and faithfully fulfills the tasks given to them! I am confident that there is none like you in all of C Rank Area and B Rank Area!”

“You are too kind, sir. I’m not a soldier, but I’m currently a uniformed personnel. So is it not obvious for me to do my utmost to fulfill my obligations?”

Haha! Thank you! Thank you so much!” Overlock exclaimed while patting Siegfried on his shoulders.

Uhmm… Corps Commander-nim…?”


“Is it fine if I take my leave and rest…? I think I’m about to die of exhaustion…”

Oh! I’m sorry! I completely ignored the fact that you must be very exhausted! Go on and get some rest! Rest up!”

Ah, yes… then… I will excuse myself now,” Siegfried said. He took his rewards and left Overlock’s tent.

Let’s?rest for two days… Yeah, let’s rest up…’?he thought. He really wanted to do nothing else aside from sleeping and resting right now.


Tae-Sung went to sleep as soon as he logged out, and he only woke up after sleeping for sixteen hours.

Ugh…?My head hurts…” Tae-Sung moaned as he got up.

Was it because he overslept?

Tae-Sung woke up with a severe migraine.


His cell phone rang.

「11 Missed Calls」

There were quite a few missed calls.

Huh? Do I even have someone to call me?’?he wondered.

Tae-Sung lived like a reclusive hermit, so he wasn’t really in contact with anyone aside from his family.

「Mother 5 Calls」

「Sister 3 Calls」

「Seung-Gu 2 Calls」

「Scumbag 1 Call」

The people who called Tae-Sung were exactly the people he expected would call him.

“Hello? Did you call, Mom?”

The first person Tae-Sung called was his mother, as he was worried that something happened at home.

— Why weren’t you picking up your phone? I was worried.

“I’m a bit busy these days. I’m sorry.”

— Nothing happened, right?

“Of course. Everything is good these days. In fact, only good things are happening these days.”

— Really?

“Yes, my gaming is doing great these days, so I already paid back all of my debt, and I will be able to start saving up now.”

— Is that true?

“Of course!”

— Aigoo… that’s a relief. I thought you were going through a rough patch these days…

“I will visit soon and tell you in person, Mom.”

—Soon? It will be Chuseok soon. Are you not coming home?


— Tae-Sung…


— Chuseok is the day after tomorrow already…


Tae-Sung immediately looked at the calendar.

It’s true…! It will be Chuseok in two days, so the holidays will start tomorrow. Ah… I didn’t notice the passage of time because I got too engrossed with the game…’?he thought.

It was the only proof he needed to show his diligence in playing the game so that he could live a normal life…

“I was so busy I forgot it would be Chuseok soon. I’m sorry, Mom.”

— It’s alright. It’s normal to forget things if you’re busy. Anyway, you’re coming, right…? I haven’t seen you for so long…

“Of course, I will be there.”

Tae-Sung thought this was a great opportunity for him to go home after so long since he had some gifts to give them, and he was also planning to move his family to a place that was somewhere better.

— Really? Are you really coming?


— I will be waiting then.

“Yes, please say hello to Tae-Hee for me as well. Tell her that I’ll be going home soon.

— Alright.

“See you soon, Mom.”

Tae-Sung called Seung-Gu after he ended the call with his mother.

— Hyung-nim! I wanted to greet you hard before the Lunar New Year! I wish you a merry and prosperous new year!

“It’s Chuseok…”

— I-Is… is that so…?

“Yeah, have a good time, and see you soon.”

— Yes, hyung-nim!

The next person he called was Cheon Woo-Jin.

“Did you call to greet me for Chuseok as well?


“Then why did you call? Do you have a quest for me? But I have to go home for the next few days—”

— Don’t tell me you forgot we were going to look for a car yesterday…?

“A car…?”

— Yeah, we agreed to go look for a car for you, right?

Oh… right…”

— You forgot? Hey, you should probably play the game moderately.

“Look who’s talking. I don’t think that’s something you should say.”

It was indeed not something a nouveau-riche bored of reality, so he spent most of his time playing games should be saying.

— Anyway, I’m busy today, so you need to go alone. I will send you the location so find your own way.

“Alright, I’m sorry I forgot about it.”

— Why don’t you start by answering your phone if you are really sorry?

“I’ll try.”

Sigh…?What am I doing trying to talk to a gaming addict…


— I’m hanging up.

It seemed that Cheon Woo-Jin was really busy today, judging by the fact that he only dissed Tae-Sung once before hanging up.

Hmm… A car… Alright, I need to spend my money one way or another anyway…” Tae-Sung muttered as he walked toward the bathroom to take a shower.


Vroom! Vrooooom!

The next afternoon, Tae-Sung’s red supercar’s exhaust noise reverberated throughout the street but…

Ah… There’s traffic…”

The roads were jammed up because of the holidays. Forget about speeding down the road, Tae-Sung couldn’t even move.

“What’s the use of having a Ferrari?when I’ll still end up being stuck in traffic anyway…” Tae-Sung grumbled.

Ferrari!?The brand that occupied the pinnacle of supercars along with Lamborghini!

Not only that, the Ferrari?that Tae-Sung purchased was the company’s flagship model, the ‘Pininfarina GT’ that cost a whopping seven hundred million won.

Of course, he did not forget to ‘lease’ the car instead of ‘buying’ it so that he could legally reduce the taxes he owed the government.

“It still feels good to be sitting in one. It feels like I’m making a triumphant return home after achieving something,” he muttered while sitting in his new luxury supercar.

Anyone should have imagined driving a luxury supercar home during the holidays at least once in their life, right? Anyone driving a cherry red Ferrari?home would probably feel pretty successful after all.

Ah… I want to arrive soon. Open up, will you?!” Tae-Sung grumbled in frustration while glaring at the jammed-up road.

Perhaps his frustrated grumbling was heard as the road that had been no different from a parking lot slowly started moving before it fully opened up.

Shall we step on it for real this time?’?Tae-Sung smirked before stepping on the accelerator.


The ten-cylinder V10 engine let out a monstrous cry as the red car ferociously shot forward.

Blink! Blink!?

When Tae-Sung turned the turn signal on to switch lanes, the Miracle of Moses was recreated.


“…So I somehow managed to earn money, pay off my debts, and save up a lot,” Tae-Sung explained after coming home after a long time.

His mother and sister, Tae-Hee, remained stupefied even after listening to his explanation. It was only normal for them to be so surprised since Tae-Sung came home in a cherry red Ferrari.?In addition, his explanation was pretty difficult to believe as well.

Moreover, he even brought home a luxury brand bag that was worth at least ten million won, a credit card with a monthly limit of three million won, and a bank book with five hundred million won written on it.

“I-Is… is that all true? Can I trust you?” asked his mother.

“Oppa… we are no longer poor then…?” Tae-Hee asked.

“Yes, Mom. It’s all true, and why would I lie about something like this in the first place?” Tae-Sung replied. He then looked at his sister and said, “And Tae-Hee, we are no longer poor. You can at least eat whatever you want without being worried, and we no longer have to worry about not being able to pay the bills. Actually, we can live a bit luxuriously from now on. We no longer have to hold back from buying things we want… haha…

Tae-Sung earned three hundred million won this month alone—three hundred million in a month, not in a year. His family no longer had to worry about being ‘poor.’ Instead, they had to start worrying about how to live ‘luxuriously’ from now on.


Tae-Sung wanted to spend more time with his family, but sadly, he had to go back to Seoul and get back into BNW.

I can’t get lazy just because I made this much money…’?

Tae-Sung reminded himself not to start getting lazy just because he made some money. After all, he was just getting started. From now on, he would use the Arachnid Temporary Outpost as a springboard to explosively level up and reach greater heights.

“Welcome back!” Carell greeted him as soon as he descended on the Nürburg Continent.

“Hey, Carell,” Siegfried responded.

“Did you rest well?”

“I guess? Actually, I wanted to rest more, but I couldn’t.”

“I suggest that you ask for a few days off instead…”

“Later. I want to be here for a few months at least.”

Siegfried had no plans to rest for longer than a week until he reached Level 200.

“Salute! Lieutenant Colonel Sieg-nim! The corps commander-nim has called for a meeting!” a messenger came inside Siegfried’s tent and reported.

“Tell the corps commander-nim that I will be on my way,” Siegfried replied.

“Yes, sir!”

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes after the messenger left the tent.

[Alert: Lt. General Overlock is waiting for you! Go to his tent and receive a quest from him!]

Siegfried received a quest as soon as he got back from his break.

1. The legal age for access to adult content, smoking, drinking, etc., starts from nineteen years old.

2. Chuseok is Mid-Autumn Festival in other Asian countries or the fall thanksgiving in the United States.

3. There are two major holidays in Korea, Chuseok and Seol. Chuseok is the Mid-Autumn Festival, while Seol is the Lunar/Chinese New Year, and some people tend to confuse the two.

4. There’s no such model as far as I’m aware, but I decided to keep what author-nim wrote just in case there is such a model. Can anyone leave a comment if such a model exists?

5. This is a reference to how the Dead Sea was parted by Moses, and it is used in Korea to describe situations where the crowd suddenly parts into two to give way to something or someone. It’s used to describe Tae-Sung’s situation since nobody wanted to get into an accident with a Ferrari.

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