Death Sutra

Chapter 303 - Chipo

Chapter 303: Chipo

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

On the second night, there were hardly any pedestrians or lights in the Seventh Machete Village. It seemed deserted. At this point in time, all the swordsmen were in the taverns. There are only a few women and children who went to bed early in the village.

Pointing at the house, Lianye whispered: "There's a secret room downstairs. Wildhorse usually hides in there."

The moonlights that were reflected by the thick blanket of snow lit up the night in a strange way. Everyone's every move was extremely conspicuous.

The swordmen of the Tianshan Sect were all very capable. Some of them were even comparable to Golden Roc Fort's killers. However, they were not as good as Golden Roc Fort's killers at hiding their tracks. Therefore, Gu Shenwei believed that Wildhorse would notice immediately if they entered the village.

Yet, nobody came out to fight.

The swordmen were divided into three groups. In each group, half of the men were standing guard outside the door and the other half rushed in while brandishing their sabers. Soon, the sounds of furious fighting came from inside, which was then followed by the rumbling of a collapsing floor.

There were some families nearby who lit their lamps. Some men ran out, carrying sabers. One of the swordmen from the Tianshan Sect cried out loud, "This is personal, it has nothing to do with outsiders."

The men returned to their homes. Soon, the lights went out.

There was about ten figures who jumped out of the room and fled in every direction. However, they were stopped by the swordmen that was just outside the door.

Gu Shenwei pulled out his Five Peaks Saber and started chasing the fastest one among them.

The man turned around and received the Dragon King's saber with his long sword. Gu Shenwei recognized him. He was Immortal Peng, from the Joy Pavillion.

The Immortal Peng used to fight with a rope, but then he started learning how to use the sword. He improved at an incredibly fast pace. Compared to his kung fu skills three years ago, his kung fu skills now were way better.

The two men exchanged four or five strokes in an instant. When they were separated by mistake, Immortal Peng spat out a few words,"You stole something from him. Sooner or later, you must return what you have taken."

Gu Shenwei replied with a saber that is even more rapid and violent. Immortal Peng was worthy of his sword, but less than a year has passed by and he would rather keep using the saber.

A man rushed out. After waving around a heavy iron bar, he smashed it into Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei stopped suddenly and put his knife behind his back. He then slit the neck of the sneak attacker. Even though he had been slightly obstructed, Immortal Peng was already fleeing to the city.

Tianshan Sect prevailed, but since there was not any sign of Wildhorse anywhere, Gu Shenwei decided to chase Immortal Peng all the way.

Both of them had incredible Lightness Skills, they leapt onto roofs and vaulted over walls. They proceeded through the South City. Nothing could block their way.

In order to get rid of Gu Shenwei, Immortal Peng even jumped onto the bustling street several times, where many people were scared to death by those two blistering figures.

Just when Gu Shenwei thought that Immortal Peng was almost in his hands, he found out that something was wrong.

A pedestrian who nearly got hit shouted, "Are you blind? Can't you see where you're going?"

Immortal Peng went everywhere, but no matter how many times he changed his way, it seems like he wanted to lead Dragon King away from the West.

Gu Shenwei suddenly realized that he could have been deceived by his enemy.

With this thought in mind, he stopped chasing Immortal Peng and ran towards the Western side of the Residence of Dragon King in the South City.

In the Residence of Dragon King, a brutal fight had just concluded.

There were only seven people who managed to break into the Residence, but all of them were amongst the best fighters in the world. While six of them were mounting a sneak attack on the front courtyard, one of them managed to kill three sabermen and one swordsman, alone. They waited for Chu Nanping and Tie Linglong to come and meet them. The seventh man, then slipped into the back courtyard, killed two servants and snatched the Melon-hilted Scimitar.

Young Lady Jiang did everything she could, but her forehead was lacerated by a saber. If it was not for the saberman Lin Xiaoshan, she would have certainly been one of the victims.

The robber was incredibly arrogant. He called for his men to retreat from the top of the building. He then said, "Tell Dragon King that 'Hearteater' Chipo came to visit him and to return the Melon-hilted Scimitar back to its rightful owner! Ahahah!"

When Gu Shenwei came back, people were bandaging the wounds of the victim. Tie Linglong and Lin Xiaoshan told him what happened. With a white cloth covering her head, Jiang asked Dragon King's forgiveness for not being able to protect the Melon-hilted Scimitar.

"This is not your fault", Gu Shenwei comforted her, "You are already lucky enough to still be alive, I am not used to fighting with a scimitar anyway, it's not a big deal."

Fang Wenshi hid himself every time he heard a noise coming from the outside. This time, he ran in front of Dragon King, "This doesn't work, Dragon King. The Great Snowmountain is really shameless! I don't like attacking people with the sword, but this time is different. You must get rid of this Hearteater Chipo as soon as possible."

Lin Xiaoshan, whispering, reminded the Dragon King, "This is clearly a diversion, that monk can't be a mole."

Gu Shenwei also had his suspicions, but when Lianye came back, his doubts cleared up. The monk have yet to understand that there was a link between the ambush at the Residence of Dragon King and the Seventh Machete Village. He had believed that Chipo got lucky.

This was just blatant provocation, just as Fang Wenshi said. If Dragon King could not solve this matter immediately, the Great Snowmountain's fame would be swept away.

The news that Hearteater Chipo had snatched the Melon-hilted Scimitar away soon arrived at the Jade City. Not at all surprised, the old saberman from the North City, Liu Zu, sent one of his men to welcome Dragon King the day after, at dawn.

Several wealthy people believed that the Dragon King has no other choices, but to cooperate with them if he wanted to kill the lone robber, Chipo.

However, Gu Shenwei refused to meet them again. He sent Xu Xiaoyi to make an unexpected proposal: if they were willing to pay one million taels, Dragon King would agree to exchange Chipo's head with them.

Both Liu Zu and Xu Xiaoyi thought that Dragon King's proposal was not reliable, "If they are willing to pay one million taels, wouldn't it be better to just give it to Chipo and save themselves? Why would they give it to us?"

"Just tell them what I said, don't worry about the rest. With this million taels, the Great Snowmountain will be able to survive for a little longer."

Xu Xiaoyi nodded without conviction. Even though he thought that Dragon King's ideas were becoming weirder and weirder, he still trusted Brother Huan and would obey his orders. "We have already found where Chipo and those robbers who used to come to Jade City are. I really don't get all these people, who are of similar personalities."

After Gu Shenwei brought back the Melon-hilted Scimitar from North City, he made Xu Xiaoyi pay close attention to Chipo's whereabouts. The attack last night exposed the solitary robber.

The situation was not something that surprised Xu Xiaoyi. Liu Zu was very surprised by Dragon King's proposal. He almost didn't believe his own ears. He even doubted what Xu Xiaoyi was telling him, believing it to be some fake news. After finally making sure that it was true, Liu Zu becomes very stubborn, "Tell Dragon King that if people respect him, he must respect them too. If he's so hungry, let him go to Chipo and ask for money."

That night, Gu Shenwei really took Chu Nanping to Chipo and "ask for money".

Chipo liked a comfortable life, no matter how much the bounty on his head was. Every year he would spend one month in the Jade City and squander all of his savings.

All the money that he snatched through robberies had to be spent. This was one of his few beliefs.

Some people said Chipo was fearless, but he knew how to avoid Golden Roc Fort. As for Dragon King, Chipo does not even consider him as a threat. Even if the enemy suddenly broke through the door with the Five Peaks Saber in his hand, he would not show any signs of astonishment or fear.

Chipo looked very confident with the Melon-hilted Scimitar in his hand. On the contrary, the half-naked prostitute next to him was as white as a ghost. She shrieked and threw herself into Chipo's arms.

Chipo grabbed the prostitute's hair only to throw her aside. He took out his saber, "News about Dragon King is true then, and he's already here. I thought I would have to wait a little longer for him."

"You owe me six lives and a saber." Gu Shenwei said, keeping a distance of seven or eight steps from Chipo's bed.

Chipo pointed at the prostitute on the other side of the bed, "Does this one count?"

As he uttered these words, he unsheathed the Melon-hilted Scimitar. The blade shined before being impaled into the prostitute's chest. Fresh blood gushed out as she fell down onto the bed. The blood rapidly soaked the bedsheet, coming close to Chipo, but he did not care. He calmly put the saber away, "Stinky whore, I bet even you heart stinks. How dare you sell me out and then take my money?"

Chipo was about thirty years old. His body was well built, his arms muscular, everything in him was full of strength. Even though he was very handsome, there was a kind of madness in his eyes that sees human lives as something trifle, which gave him a frightening and ugly look.

Chipo was right. Xu Xiaoyi's lackeys heard the news from the prostitute.

Gu Shenwei did not interfere, then placidly shook his head, "No, this one doesn't count."

Chipo burst into laughter, but his smile suddenly disappeared from his face. The fierce look in his eyes could have scared a timid person to death, "In this case, I shall give you another life."

Chipo had just uttered these words when something flew through the window and fell onto the floor, spinning.

They were the two heads of Chipo's servants. Last night they took part in the attack on the Residence of Dragon King with their master, and then they sought pleasure with the prostitutes next door. This resulted with their heads on the floor.

Last night's battle only lasted for a short period of time, Chu Nanping did not have many chances to fight back. Even though he could finally prove his swordcraft this time , he just stayed outside, without entering the room.

Red Spirit glanced at the heads on the floor without changing his expression. He then took out his saber for the second time.

He was still sitting on the bed when he pulled out the saber. He was already in front of Dragon King when the scimitar had just been completely unsheathed.

At that moment, four men entered the room, blocking Dragon King's retreat with their sabers.

Gu Shenwei took a step back. Thanks to this simple and swift move, he avoided Chipo's saber just in time. Futhermore, he was already standing behind the four interceptors. No one saw how he managed to do it clearly.

The four men stared at him blankly and then jumped into the jaws of death.

Gu Shenwei killed the four of them and then used their bodies as a shield to protect himself from Chipo's attack.

Chipo was furious. He cried out and waved his scimitar around, smashing everything that was in his way. His already dead mates were of no exception.

What once was a place of tenderness became a place of carnage. Chipo was a mad devil. Only one thing could calm him down — a saber on his neck.

Chipo's kung fu was remarkable, but he could not control himself. Usually, his enemy would be scared by his madness, and this, in turn, would make him even wilder. This time, however, his enemy was like an iceberg.

Chipo gasped, "I underestimated you. Just seven lives, you have earned one more. Take it."

"You can also pay your debts in other ways."

"Do you want money?"

"Yes, but it would not be enough."

Chipo finally understood why Dragon King did not kill him, "Do you want me to betray Wildhorse?"

Gu Shenwei nodded.

Chipo burst out into laughter, he did not care about the saber on his neck, "I underestimated you. But you made the same mistake. Let's fight, Dragon King."

Gu Shenwei moved the Five Peaks Saber away from Chipo's neck slowly, "I have a better idea."

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