Death Scripture

Chapter 773 - Borrowing Money

Chapter 773: Borrowing Money

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Xiao Fengchai was a strong-minded and independent woman, but she knew when to speak and when to keep her mouth shut and watch on from the side.

Now, for example, although Meng Mingshu was making a scene like a child, he was nonetheless still talking to another man, so she would not easily interrupt him. As she sat quietly beside Meng Mingshu, Xiao Fengchai occasionally winked at him as a reminder, but she spent most of the time sipping at the bitter tea with her head lowered, trying to feel out the messenger of the Dragon King just based on the tone of his voice.

Since Xiao Fengchai had recognized the bodyguard of the Dragon King, Meng Mingshu no longer had any doubts about the messenger’s identity. He then sat down in another guest chair on the opposite side of the messenger. “The Dragon King has sent you to discuss business. That’s fine. But the current situation is too chaotic and it’s not easy to do business. I hope that the Dragon King will not press too hard on our Meng family,” Meng Mingshu said coldly across the table.

Gu Shenwei tapped the table with his fingers and didn’t reply until Meng Mingshu showed his obvious disgust. “The Dragon King will not make things difficult for the Meng family, but will instead bring great benefits to the Meng family.”

“Tell me about it, then.” Meng Mingshu was so distracted by the monotonous tapping that he almost forgot about what he was thinking.

All of the servants in the building were drugged and sleeping soundly. They would not wake up no matter how loud the noise was.

“The Dragon King wants to borrow some money from the Meng family.”

“How much? The interest rate is not low right now.”

“All the silver the Meng family can offer.”

“What?” Meng Mingshu could hardly believe his ears. He took one look at Xiao Fengchai and another at the Dragon King’s messenger before incredulously asking, “Do you know just how much silver the Meng family can take out?”

“A lot.” Gu Shenwei of course had a rough figure in his mind but he thought it was unnecessary to say it. “Of course, the Dragon King will not borrow all of it. The Meng family can keep a bit of it for everyday expenses.”

“Haha.” Meng Mingshu laughed in anger. “Fengchai, did you hear him? Is this man bragging wildly or am I mistaken in something? The Dragon King seems ready to rob the Meng family.”

“I’m afraid you heard him correctly. Let him finish.” Xiao Fengchai was calmer. Although she wasn’t a member of the Meng Family, that huge family fortune would eventually fall into the hands of Meng Mingshu and some of it, therefore, would belong to her.

“When is the Dragon King going to pay back the money and how much interest will he pay?” asked Meng Mingshu, knowing fully well that the deal was impossible and that he would not agree even if he were not jealous of the Dragon King.

“He’ll return it after the war is over. There will be no interest, but the Meng family will be protected by the Dragon King and will be able to continue their business in the Western Regions.”

“That’s all?” Meng Mingshu tried to control his anger, his face turning red.

“That’s all about all for now. It’s a very good deal for the Meng family.”

“A very good deal? Do you and the Dragon King really know what a ‘good deal’ is? Let me tell you. Scram out of here and never show up in front of me again, and I will not tell Golden Roc Castle about this. That’s what I call a ‘good deal.’ Got it?”

Gu Shenwei stopped tapping the table and pointed at Xiao Fengchai. “Do you believe this woman?”

“What do you mean?” Meng Mingshu’s face changed. He was about to call someone when he realized that he was alone here. Neither his footmen nor guards were nearby.

“I mean, can anything more be said in front of her?”

Xiao Fengchai got up but Meng Mingshu motioned for her to sit down. “I trust her with my life. Say what you want. You are the one that’s wasting your breath.”

Gu Shenwei slightly nodded to Xiao Fengchai, apologizing for what he had just said. Then he turned to Meng Mingshu and explained, “This business is good for the Meng family because the Meng family is in great danger. Your wealth is about to fall into the hands of your enemies, but you can save most of it through the Dragon King.”

Meng Mingshu fell silent, not because of that fact but rather because he had nothing more to say.

Gu Shenwei continued, saying, “Your father hasn’t left the house for almost half a year now, hasn’t he?”

“My father caught a cold and has been recuperating at home. It’s quite normal to not go out.”

“The third and fourth young masters have been away on business. They haven’t sent a letter home in two months, have they?”

“It’s normal for letters to be lost in the chaos of war.” Meng Mingshu didn’t understand what the other side was trying to imply.

“Second Young Master Meng changed his guard a month ago.”

“Heh, you seem to know everything about my family, but what are you trying to say? Where’s the threat to the Meng family? The guard has worked for our Meng family for many years; they’re not randomly sabermen whisked off of the street.”

Instead of answering Meng Mingshu, Gu Shenwei continued elaborating. “The guard is called He Shun. He has served the Meng family for eleven years. He entered the Meng family as a part of the dowry for your wife.”

Meng Mingshu sneered and was just about to speak when Xiao Fengchai interjected, “Second Sister-in-law is from Golden Roc Castle, isn’t she?”

That was how Xiao Fengchai referred to Meng Mingshu’s wife and he had gotten used to it long ago. “Yeah, so what? He Shun isn’t a killer. He was chosen because he’s experienced and coolheaded. He has never made a mistake since joining our family.”

Looking at the messenger, Meng Mingshu paused for a moment before saying, “I see what you’re trying to say. You’re implying that the Shangguan family is the threat and that the Unique King wants to kill all the men of the Meng family and inherit all our property, aren’t you?”

“Hmm, sort of.”

“I know that the Dragon King is a smart man, but sometimes he’s too smart. Please go back and tell him that I thank him for his concern for the Meng family but if he wants to talk business, then he should come up with a reasonable plan instead of making up sensational stories.”

Gu Shenwei shook his head and answered, “I can’t send word to the Dragon King because he is in seclusion. He said that the second young master might not believe him and that he only had one request if that was the case.”

Meng Mingshu was a bit disappointed that the messenger had given in so quickly. “Tell me, what is it?”

“Pass my word to your father and let him make the decision.”

Meng Mingshu’s face turned a bit red again. “My father doesn’t see much of anyone these days let alone the Dragon King. He’ll only refuse it more thoroughly than I did.”

“It doesn’t matter. If your father also refuses, the deal is off; however, the Dragon King does demand that you pass the word along.”

“Neither you nor the Dragon King has the right to give me orders,” Meng Mingshu said through gritted teeth, his patience almost at an end.

“This is not an order. It’s a duty as an ally. Do not forget that the Dragon King saved you from suffering losses at Xiaoyao Lake, and it was also the Dragon King who made you the heir of the Meng family.”

“Are you threatening me?” Meng Mingshu smote the table and rose to his feet, especially exasperated by the other side’s last sentence. The Dragon King had helped him assassinate his elder brother, something he never wanted to think about again.

“It’s just a reminder if you consider the Dragon King a friend. If you take the Dragon King as an enemy, however, then it’s a threat.”

Meng Mingshu regretted acting on impulse and coming to Xiao Fengchai’s house tonight. Unlike kung fu, money didn’t always follow the master wherever he went. The protection it conferred was more like a moving shield which would leave its master occasionally. Meng Mingshu had left his shield elsewhere, leaving him feeling powerless in the face of the two sabermen.

“I beg your pardon, but I have to speak to Second Brother alone for a moment,” Xiao Fengchai said as she stood up.

Gu Shenwei nodded, showing that he didn’t mind.

For some important issues, Meng Mingshu relied heavily on Xiao Fengchai so he followed her to the bedroom and discussed the situation in a whisper.

Gu Shenwei silently waited, and Nie Zeng listened warily to all the sounds around him. Only a vague whisper could be heard from the bedroom. He admired the Dragon King’s calmness and thought that the Dragon King must have other sources of information to know so much about the Meng family.

Meng Mingshu came out alone, and his tone had become much more polite. “Alright. I’ll tell my father what you said. We’ll meet back here the day after tomorrow.”

“Very good.” Gu Shenwei stood up and then said, “I’m sure we’ll have a closer relationship the day after tomorrow.”

“I hope so. Watch your steps.”

The two sabermen went downstairs, but no sounds of a door opening and closing could be heard. After a long time, Meng Mingshu ran out, grabbed the railing, and looked down to make sure the downstairs was empty.

Xiao Fengchai walked behind him and said, “They are gone.”

Meng Mingshu abruptly turned around but still kept his voice down as he asked, “Are you sure that’s the Dragon King himself?”

“I can’t be wrong.”

Meng Mingshu’s eyes became suspicious. Xiao Fengchai never lacked customers here but he didn’t care about it at all. He just couldn’t help be jealous of the Dragon King. “I can’t believe you can recognize him.”

Knowing that this man had become jealous again, Xiao Fengchai coldly scolded, “Idiot. You know how paranoid the Dragon King is. How could he entrust such an important matter to someone else? Stop guessing, if you really want proof, then just go and ask Golden Roc Castle. They’re always watching the Dragon King closely. They will surely tell you that there is no such person as ‘Gu Shenwei’ around the Dragon King.”

Meng Mingshu naturally would not ask Golden Roc Castle about the Dragon King, but he believed Xiao Fengchai’s judgment and smilingly replied, “All men are idiots in front of you. Do I really have to pass on the message for him? My father may not be happy. He may think that I intend on betraying the Unique King.”

“Of course. If the Dragon King had chosen correctly, you will be Meng Yuzun’s most useful son. Even if Meng Yuzun doesn’t think there’s any danger, it’s still a big contribution for you.”

Meng Mingshu suddenly understood. “The meeting the day after tomorrow can either be a negotiation or a trap. Fengchai, you are so smart.”

Xiao Fengchai didn’t think she was very smart. Instead, she felt the man before her was just too stupid.

The Dragon King allowed Nie Zeng to ask questions at will so not long after they left the Retention Alley, Nie Zeng opened his mouth. “That woman seemed to have recognized the Dragon King.”

“It’s not easy to fool her.”

“Isn’t it dangerous?”

“I always assume it’s dangerous.”

Nie Zeng quieted down for a brief moment before asking another question. “I don’t know much about it, but in my childhood I heard that the Meng family of Jade City and Golden Roc Castle are a family. Is the Dragon King really sure this will break the relationship between the two?”

“It will not be me but rather the Unique King who will ‘sever one of his arms’ himself. He doesn’t need a ‘family’ anymore.”

“Wouldn’t it be foolish of the Unique King to do so?” asked Nie Zeng in surprise.

“So our task is to find out the real reason for it. Never use the word ‘foolish’ to explain away the enemy’s behavior.”

Nie Zeng was more surprised that the Dragon King had said the words ‘our task.’ His kung fu wasn’t particularly good, and neither was he exceptionally intelligent. He didn’t understand why the Dragon King would deliberately ‘train’ him in this aspect.

He buried the doubt in his mind and asked, “Where shall we go next?”

“Let’s go see the Lord of the Meng family. Perhaps I can cure him of his illness. As long as he nods his head, Xiao Fengchai will no longer be a danger.”

“But… why didn’t the Dragon King just go to Meng Yuzun directly in the first place then?”

Gu Shenwei looked at the teenager and said, “You’ll understand soon enough.”

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