Chapter ss-26: Side Story 26

On behalf of Derrick, who survived his death, he led the Hnights of Eckart to participated in the subjugation of magic every year.I felt a little unfamiliar to see Rennald’s fair skin, which he had never seen before. "Hey, what are you doing? Say something!"The guy who pushed the escorts and went to the room was a bit funny. ’When did you get close?’Even when I thought so, I was delighted with the pink hair I saw for a long time. "Let him in. I know him."I raised one hand and ordered briefly.Then the maid-in-law whispered with a worried tone."But, Princess, your Highness ordered that no one can go into the palace..." "Oh, nobody! I’m the only one man in the world."Rennald suddenly burst into laughter because he couldn’t even handle it. "It’s okay, let him in."In my words, the maid reluctantly glanced at the escorts. "That’s right! She going to let me in..."When the hands of the escorts who pushed it out roughly fell, Rennald said,’Tak, Tak!’ He stepped in and out, shedding wrinkled clothes.Updated from ligh/tnovelpub[.]comHe shouted out of my way as he walked straight to my side."Hey, what’s going on? Engagement! You’re really out-of-your mind.” "Rennald!"I hurriedly stopped the guy who couldn’t tell back and forth and spoke. "Sir Cedric, you’ve had a hard time. You can go out."Luckily, Cedric replied,’Without saying anything, it was enough.While saying hello to the expression of “What the Hell” is, while looking at the side of his mouth, Cedric couldn’t find out who was the closest and most enemy of the prince.Meanwhile, Rennald, who was getting closer to me, stopped suddenly, leaving five steps behind. "Is that true...?"He murmured with a blank face as if he finally noticed me in a tight dress. "Please take care of the carriage, maid-in-law."I even sent out all the maid.Tak-, the silence closed in the room with the sound of the door closing. "sit down. "This content is taken from l/ightn/ovelpub[.]/comI still recommended a position to Rennald, who was standing tall.He, who looked at me without hesitation with a stupid face, just shook up and sat across from me."......Damn it. What happened in a month?"Does my appearance in a gorgeous golden dress feel awkward?The guy who glanced at me like it wasn’t like it quickly shouted at my pink hair."You’re engaged! How hard did I spread the rumors before the subjugation, what kind of engagement! ""What rumor?""What a rumor! It is a rumor that you may defeat the prince and become the next emperor." I opened my mouth to the answer that came back proudly.’Crazy... Someone said that the source of the ridiculous rumors ’I stared at him with a bit of amazement and opened my mouth slowly." She asked me to say that Yvvone loves you too. Thank you for continuing to find her withoutforgetting."Without an answer, Renald dropped his gaze down the table.I always saw him shouting because he was full of blood, and this was the first time he was so submerged.So I could understand again. " she was pretty."".......""I can see why you hit me in the attic."Why did Rennald behave like that so much to me?"Thanks to the strange rumors, it’s fashionable to keep spotted rabbits among noble spirits these days." “What ”"Thank you for the gift. I’ll keep it up well in the future. If you mate the blue-green rabbit that what you were hoping for may come out."Of course I am not raising it myself, but the ladies are in charge.When I heard that the ladies of the palace gathered a while ago, I quickly heard that the turquoise spotted rabbit, resembling my eyes, was bustling with the story of the second generation.Right after the coming-of-age ceremony, Leyla had no spirit, and right after everything was over, it was too late for Renald to speak and chat."......."In my words I couldn’t think of, Renald looked still at me for a while. Pretending I didn’t see that, I stared at the distant cabinet.I was a little ashamed. The situation itself now comes and talks to him. "Hey, Penelope."After some time, he called me suddenly. I reluctantly replied facing him. "Why?"For more, visit l/ightnove/l/pub[.]/com"Do you like to leave the house ?""Huh."The answer came without delay. Renald wriggled fiercely at the eyebrows. "......Yes, then that’s it."But instead of sarcastic, he admitted my words neatly. "I’m going."Then he prepared to leave.To him who greeted me, I also bluntly answered. "Goodbye, brother."I fell like, the most awkward ’real brother and sister’ in the world(Note: ohmahgad i always love these two interaction it’s make my heart feel warm )

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