Chapter ss-20: Side Story 20

Penelope stared at Derrick in amazement. She didn’t know why, but he was breathing hard because he had been in a hurry to find her. His pale complexion and the sweat on his forehead were extraordinary.‘Why is he so sick?’Unconsciously, she glanced at him and found a bandage rolled around his waist. No, he was sick. “I think it’s bleeding.”“Ah.” Pointing at the bandage, which was faintly reddish, Derrick looked down and checked. Then he answered bluntly.“...It’s nothing.”It seemed like a big deal, but Penelope said nothing. Whether the wound bursts or the blood leaks or spills, it was irrelevant to her. Due to injuries, Derrick’s face was gaunt.‘Anyway, it’s strange that he’s okay when his belly is pierced...’It occurred to Penelope that he had been attacked by Leila and had been in therapy for quite some time.“...”A moment of uncomfortable silence fell between them. Penelope was wondering how to get out of the incinerator naturally.Updated from lig/h/tn/ovelpub[.]com“What...are you doing here?” Derrick opened his mouth first.At the same time, Penelope suddenly recalled what she had forgotten and answered obediently. “I was sorting out my luggage.”“Luggage?”“Yes, I don’t need to leave anything here.” Penelope’s bright blue eyes glanced behind her. It had been a long time since everything in the kiln was engulfed in a raging fire, but it also included what Derrick had given her, which made her feel sick. It was time to stand in the way of the door with fear of him seeing a part that had not yet been burnt through the side window.“I was told that you’re leaving the duchy...” Derrick suddenly spoke in a cautious tone. ‘Did you get the message already? It’s fast.’However, after Penelope left the office, she wondered if the Duke immediately called Derrick.-You won’t do it.-I can’t forgive you. Everyone in the duchy, including Derrick and Rennald, who have been abusing me. ‘I dropped the bomb that I was leaving, but they wouldn’t have let it go.’She nodded without an answer. Then, Derrick was hurried. “...I can’t do it.”Derrick cut her off in a hurry to ask. Penelope frowned at the excessive interference. “That too.”“...”“That’s something you don’t need to know.” “Is it because of me?”Heck, he took one step closer to her. His face, which had gotten closer, was still filled with agitation and cold sweat.“The day of the ceremony... I picked up Yvonne and brought you to death?” “Well.” While answering like that, Penelope was inwardly surprised.‘It’s not like his fault.’The man who escaped from the brainwashing seemed to be aware of the atrocities he had committed. Maybe it wasn’t because of brainwashing, but a change of heart after being pierced by the hands of a monster in his sister’s skin.“I can’t say no, but it doesn’t seem to be just for that reason.” Penelope replied very slowly. When he brought Yvonne with him, Penelope was really going crazy...But she wasn’t very angry enough to remember. Strangely enough, from one point on, feelings for Derrick had disappeared, as if they were washed away. Expectation, disappointment, anger. Maybe it’sHneeling wasn’t enough either, so Derrick began to say things that were unbelievable. “Wrong...?”“Yes. You’re right. Maybe I’m the one responsible for all the misfortunes you’ve gone through.” “...”"But...I’ll still try. As soon as I recover enough to be able to move, I can change. I promise I will compensate you as much, or more, as you have suffered.”Penelope had never seen him speak so long and fast. He spoke with a desperate face and without taking time to breathe, as if he thought that she would disappear as soon as he stopped talking.“I’ll put it all back. I’ll make sure you won’t be bothered again.” “...”“Don’t marry the Crown Prince.”

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