Chapter ss-5: Side Story 5

As I was quarreling with Callisto, the meal was almost finished. It was when I was eating melon sherbit wildly as a dessert."Your Highness, I’m sorry. But I have something urgent to tell you""What is it?"One of his subordinates rush into the dining room.If he do that even though he knows his master’s personality, it means that is really urgent. "Shit."Callisto who heard the report to see if his prediction was right, crumpled his face and said a curse word."I’m sorry princess, but I should get up. There was an urgent meeting."He apologized as he prepared to leave.I just finished the meal, so I put down the teaspoon that I was holding. "It’s all right. I’ve to leave, too."“You should eat more. Why you eat in hurry like you’re scared someone will steal the food from you?" "Was it not neat?"I was glad to have a dessert after a long time, but I didn’t eat it with such a fuss like he said. When I glare at him, Calisto was stood up completely and smiled pleasantly.At the same time, I recalled a more important issue than saying a farewell words."You didn’t forget the senator supposed to visit you after dinner, did you? Be sure to see doctor before it.""Hmm."Calisto dodged my eyes with a subtle face like he had forgotten.Even though he grew up in early childhood, he was very disliked to see a doctor or take medicine. ’ You’re not a kid anymore’He was still a stern patient. If I didn’t say it twice or three times, he would avoided a doctor under the pretext of being busy."Promise and go. You’re going to see the doctor first and then work." "Princess, come here for a moment.""No, don’t change the subject. Just make a promise first. I’m waiting." "Really? Then I’ll go."It was then. Instead of the rough thumb on my lips, the soft texture touched them like a stamp. I didn’t know what had just happened, so I just blankly opened my mouth and froze."It’s sweet."Looking at me like that, Callisto grinned as he revealed his teeth. Only then I come to my senses and look around."Are you crazy?"Fortunately, he was so large that his subordinates and servants could not be seen. But my face was burning hot. What an absurd thing to do it in the daylight."No? I’m sane enough to kisses my fiancee." "Th, This"You’re a shameless fellow!But even before I vented my anger, Callisto pulled me to his side. "Ukh!"The wind knocked the forehead squarely against the hard chest. "Hey!"I hurriedly escaped from the seat, and take a step back and spoke like a wedge to a man who might not know what it is farewell."Your Highness, Callisto Regulus."Callisto opened his mouth, shocked being called with his full name. "I won’t marry you!"

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