Chapter 222

It’s just that I haven’t seen him for half a day.When I saw the face dirtied with ash, I felt like I had met him again after a long time, and I was so happy to see him again."This, what happened? What about the battle?" "We don’t have time. Let’s talk on the way."He hastened me. I nodded and picked up the robe that I had taken off. ’I didn’t expect to leave as soon as I got here’The escape was expected only after a full-fledged battle between his troops and the rebels began.I was going to find the mirror wand and fought Yvonne in the midst of confusion, but now that I thought about it, it was a hopeless plan."Get in here, princess."I took the potions and rose firmly and went back to the Crown Prince. Then he pointed to the fireplace where he had escaped."You’re gonna have to get down." "He-here?"I looked at the narrow passage with a rather terrified look.For more, visit lightnovelpub[.]comIt was so dark and gloomy that there was nothing wrong with the swarms of rats pouring down right away.Of course, Callisto crawled out of there, so I knew there was only an escape way, but I knew literally it only in my mind."Why, you don’t want to go? It’s clean because I’ve swept all the way here. I’ve killed rats and centipedes from time to time, so don’t worry.""No, it’snot like that."When Callisto saw me, who had no intention of going, he frowned at the back of his nose and said mischievously, ’I didn’t mean you to go alone’, but to my surprise, I was relieved at the words.’Centipede, centipede!’I managed to squeeze my body out of disgust and fell down and crawled into it.Soon after, the ’complete darkness’ came ’thud’. It was because Callisto closed the door to the passage. Fortunately, the suffocating crawling did not last long.After a while, the passage that had to be crawled grew wider and at one point a spacious space came out.Visit lightnovelpub[.]c/om for a better experience"Come this way, princess."The Crown Prince took something out of his arms and led me without a moment to rest. His push brightened the dark surroundings.It was a luminous stone. Only then did I look around and was quite surprised. Dozens of bifurcated paths were maze-like.Callisto walked without hesitation to one of them.Following him, I asked with a puzzled look. "Your Highness, where are we going?""It’s a secret passage only the imperial family knows." "Ah."It was a vain escape, unlike the kidnapping of an earlier morning."Dumb bastards. Isn’t it natural that there is a secret passage inside the palace? Well, I was able to find you easily thanks to it."Hnowing how I felt, the Crown Prince spoke plainly of the kidnapper.This content is taken from light/nove/lpub[.]c//omAs one of what he once said "dumb bastards," I was embarrassed and changed the subject. "If only the imperial family knewwould the 2nd Prince know as well?""Don’t worry, he doesn’t know it."He gave a dull answer turned round the corner."This is the palace of the empress. The concubine’s children are never able to walk here." "Papalace of the Empress?"When I found out where I was locked up, I opened my mouth wide open. Somehow it was too luxurious for a detention place.’Crazy guy!’I didn’t think that the Eclise had locked me in the palace of empress for nothing. Unconsciously, I pointed out Crown Prince at it."It’s the place with the most cross paths among the secret passages. It was my first time here since my mother passed away, so I was lost for a long time. "Fortunately, the Crown Prince didn’t seem to think much about why I was locked up in the empress’s palace.Visit /lightnov/elpub[.]com for a better experience"What just happened to you? Do you know how surprised I was to hear that you were gone?" He rather glared at me as if he had come up with a question of circumstances."I was in the conference room and ran like a madman to the duchy. I told you to stay calm, but you’re like a foal who doesn’t listen.""I’m sorry."I admitted my fault without a hitch because I had done it wrong. "I went to Vin"Reflectively, I tried to call Vinter, but soon Callisto also recalled and corrected me, saying that he knew everything."No, I went to see the Marquis of Verdandi, and then I was kidnapped by Prince Delman, who we saw in the swamp.""You’ve been degrading the Crown Prince and deceiving him very well." ""I embellished the situation and bit my tongue to keep my words. He spoke to me as if he were talking to himself."But why does that fucking Delman keep bothering you?" for the best novel reading experience"They are wizards despite being young, and they would be able to teleport one of their bodies with magic if we let it go."I had already seen Raon adept at using mobile magic.If I can release them, maybe I can save then easier than I thought. I persuaded Callisto, hoping for a slim chance."If the two of us are buying time, your army may win and invade the Sun Palace." "Princess.""Pleaselet me see the situation and go."Vinter never told me to take good care of the children, only telling me how to kill Yvonne. But isn’t it too cowardly to give up without trying anything?"If I see it with my own eyes and really feel like I can’t do it, then I’ll follow your instructions." Callisto looked at me with mixed eyes, speaking stiffly.But I knew he’d do as I said in the end. I soon heard a low sigh."It’s too much for you to back off for your own well- being." """If I can’t look standing outside and you can’t save them, I’ll grab you up like a bag and drag it away. Come here."He led me and turned again.

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