Chapter 209

A horrifying silence settled down in the dark office.Soon after the silence came, he closed the door and walked in. It was to block the outsiders from the danger.Fortunately, even when the door is closed, the faint moonlight coming through the window is enough to distinguish the objects.Nevertheless, only the place where Yvonne was found was dark. Repressing the rough breath, he calmly opened his mouth. "How did you come in here.""The door was open."Yvonne shrugged, answering innocently.It could not have been. But even before Vinter denied it, Yvonne was ahead. "RatherWould you please return my items, Marquis?""I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Lady. Today is too late, so coming back tomorrow""How much more should I be disappointed with Marquis?" Suddenly, she stepped forward beyond the boundary with darkness. In the moonlight, her face was hazy and full of tears."You’ve seen how hard it is for me to live in the village." Yvonne sobbed pitifully.Visit li/gh/tnov//elpub[.]com for a better experience"And... knowing that I’m the lost lady of the Duke of Eckhart... andheug.""..........""How can you let yourself be so cold?" Vinter clenched his teeth at that moment.It was his own sin, which had been turned away desperately.For Penelope, who would be hurt when the real lady came back, he did not even say anything, knowing that Yvonne was the daughter of the Duke.When she discovered it, it felt like it was getting distant."When I was attacked by a monster, I almost died, Marquis. My injured forehead hurt so much." """But what’s more painful than getting hurtis that Marquis started to distance me for no reason.""............"This content is taken from lightnov/elpub[./]com"Why haven’t you come to volunteer service since then? I was waiting." It was right after he took Penelope home back from Soleil.The purple rose blooms in the unconscious space.Without knowing why the flowers bloomed, he just watched Yvonne from a distance and did not meet her separately."After coming to the duke, I immediately recognized Marquis at the ceremony and I was so could you accuse me of harming a fake lady? How do you do that""........""You can’t be cruel."Yvonne crept through the silent Vinter who didn’t say anything. Tears flowed down on her cheek.Vinter closed his eyes.The most up-to-date novels are published on lightnovelpub[.]comThere was a time when he wanted to listen to anything when he saw her blue eyes full of tears. But at some point, it began to be covered with dry, dry turquoise eyes.As if she already knew that no one would believe her, her eyes went beyond resignation and even thoughtless.He soon opened his eyes."You’re probably not hurt because of the monster, but because of the magic used by Lady Penelope in Soleil."The voice that popped out was so cold. Yvonne’s watery eyes shook."What? what is that""Most of the people attacked by the monster had large hurt areas and a lot of bleeding." """Compared to that, you have already confirmed that there was only a slight bruise, except for a torn forehead at the time of discoveryIt’s as if you were hit by something falling."What made Yvonne hurt it wasn’t a monster.Visit light/novel/pub[.]com for the best novel reading experienceWith Penelope’s wide-area magic, the cave collapsed, and if it was caused by the wreckage, it would fit in.After a new reborn of Leila, Vinter resumed his investigation. Then the strange thing wasn’t one or two.She was attacked by a group of monsters who suddenly appeared in a village quite far away, not in her original village.In addition, the day of the attack was right after what happened at Soleil. Vinter speaks without hesitation."I already know that you bought poison through a maid named Becky and brought her in your self-play. The soul doesn’t lie."After the conversation at the duke’s mansion, he consumed enormous magic and proceeded to summon the soul.Why didn’t he believe her before? (I think it means he talks about penny)At the moment, he wanted to reveal this fact to the Duke right away and cleared her of the false charge.But he could not finish.This content is taken from ligh/tn/ovelpub[./]c/omThere were also some taboo summonings in the Empire, but Penelope did not want it to be involved in it.She had a face that seemed to die if she didn’t leave the duke’s mansion. "Do you have anything else to say?"Vinter asked with a quiet voice as if warning. "That, that, I did that"In sharp facts, Yvonne cries out and takes a step forward.The other half of the face, which had been hidden in the shade, was revealed.The other half of the face, which was dripping with tears, was expressionless to the point of chilling. "You’re not fooled."With her bizarre face, half crying and half fine, she slowly lifted her mouth. "If you don’t like it, let’s cut the play and get to the point.""..........""My item, please return it."For more, visit l/ightn/ovelpub[.]com"I don’t know what you are looking for, but I don’t have it." Feeling the sweating of the neck, Vinter tried to speak calmly. Yvonne immediately replied."It’s the same reaction." "what""Penelope. She did the same thing at the same time. Then, before she was brainwashed by me, she ran away with fear."- I was brainwashed in the mansion. I barely stopped it in the middle and ran away. At the end of Yvonne’s words, Penelope’s words passed by.Once again, his eyes were dimmed. He managed to swallow the saliva."You thought they wouldn’t know if I slipped out of the mansion? If you’re going to do that, my brother will find out that I’m here or not."".........""I thought something had changed, but you’re still as dumb as you were in your last life." """I think that’s enough for the four of us"Yvonne shouted back. ’chiiiig,chiiiig-!’There was a sound of something burning and ripping.She stared gloomily at Vinter, holding her hand with smoke rising up. "What is this...!""Didn’t I say it is useless?"Vinter looked at her emotionlessly, raising his hand and touching his bare forehead. The iron ring which was rough on the index finger glistened with light.Even if he couldn’t use ancient magic directly, he had powerful artifacts to protect him. "It’s a relic left by the ancient wizards."Yvonne, who noticed it took a rough breath. "Give up."Without missing the gap, Vinter took out the wand, gave a cool recitation."You can’t take anything. Even if you destroy this artifact and brainwash me, it’s designed so that the consciousness disappears immediately.""Yes, then."Nodding her head once, Yvonne immediately muttered something.At the same time, a blue magic circle began to be drawn in one corner of the office. It was a summoning spell used by Leyla.’Summon a monster!’Vinter, who noticed it, shouted the spell straight away. "Ribeira Vulcan!"It was then. "Raon."At the same time as Yvonne’s small call, something jumped out of the magic circle and blocked him from her front.

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