Chapter 181

"Lady Penelope."I stopped trying to climb the stairs with a low voice that called me. As I turned slowly, there stood a man who called me."Is there anything I can do for you?" "I’d like to talk to you for a moment.""What should I do? I don’t really have something to discuss with Marquis.""Then I will tell the Duke that the maid in charge of young lady, who testified against you knew nothing about the truth, and he must know the whole story."I frowned at the unexpected threat and looked around. Fortunately, there was nobody in the hall except him."Well, it’s something we should bump into at least once."Until the time I asked him for the poison that I said I’d use it for my convenience and will never see him again if I’d gone out of this fucking game.When I woke up, I regretted that he knew a bit. "...Follow me."I said sighing as I went back down the painstakingly right stairs.The most up-to-date novels are published on lightnovelp/ub[.]comI led him out of the mansion through the back door. There were many ears in the mansion. ’I’m a little scared of where the servants who was brainwashed by Yvonne might be hiding...’ So, I dragged him along and stopped walking only after I arrived at the end of the road. "Now tell me."The nameless purple flowers fluttered in the wind and gave off a graceful fragrance. ’Not long ago, it seemed like yellow flowers were in full bloom’It seemed like yesterday that I received a pretty impressive gift from a man here, but it changed all of a sudden.The scene of back garden, where another man standing in front of me. "Why did you lie?"By the time she was lost in thought then Vinter opened his mouth in a deep voice. I raised my head gently and asked back."What?""The poison that lady drank was different from the one you asked me to do." "Now, what are you doing and ask me what’s going on?"I was embarrassed for a moment because I didn’t know that he would question me so straightforward. The place is so wide that no one will hear us, but I frowned with pouting on my face."Even if we are outside, this is still a dukedom. Why don’t you be careful with what you say? "I’ve casted a soundproofing magic."Visit lightn//ovel/pub[./]com for the best novel reading experience"That’s good. Now please continue.""At first, when it turns out that young lady was looking for a poison, someone—"Vinter, who was in a hurry to get my answers to his questions, suddenly stopped talking and corrected himself."...I was worried that you might be framed for trying to harm the returned Lady, Yvonne."Since the soundproofing magic was still active, he seemed to be trying to go outright. He explained why he couldn’t come forward as an excuse."So, until the young lady woke up, I couldn’t say the truth"Of course, it was natural that he kept his mouth shut because of his personal safety. Because it wasn’t Verdandi who dealt the business with me, it was only for information.Thanks to his silence, I was able to bring up the story of this case easily. "I see."I nodded casually, without missing a chance he immediately asked the next question. "But no matter how much I think, I don’t understand."This content is taken from ligh/tnovelpub[.]com"What?""What do you mean with self-play? Why did you admit that? The maid you sent to me wasn’t the dead maid, but someone else.""Did I?""Young lady."As I tilted my head, pretending to be ignorant, the face of the Vinter Verdandi hardened.He spoke more bluntly than a while ago, as I seemed to have little willingness to participate in the conversation."Please tell me... you’ve got another poison. Then I would testify as the office’s head..." "Marquis."I suddenly raised my hand to stop him."Please tell me one thing. Do you stand in front of me as the Marquis Verdandi, or do you stand before me as a head of top magician?"Vinter’s mouth shut. I stared at the blue eyes that shaking for a moment, and I opened my mouth."If you are Marquis of Verdandi, you are overly interested. Thank you for your concern, but I will take care of it myself.""...Lady Penelope.""If you’re standing in front of me as the top magician then made a deal with me."I paused for a while and took a deep breath. And soon, I turned my face as he wanted. "...Isn’t it the same as you suspected me?"In a sudden change of topic, she was able to see Vinter hold his breath with eyes that wide open. "When I commissioned the poison through the maid, honestly, what did you think?""...""You probably thought that an evil fake lady who tries to poison the real lady that has returned."As I broke up the thoughts he might have had when I asked the poison, he flinched, while I stared at him with expressionless face and continued. for the best novel reading experienceHe, who should have to return the Duke’s biological daughter in Penelope’s coming-of-age ceremony, had abandoned his beliefs and turned away from Yvonne a long time ago."Please, answer me, young lady. Is this still a matter of trust?"And then Eclise who was brainwashed brought Yvonne back.

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