Chapter 119

I’m so freaked out.At the man’s words , I opened my mouth wide. ’He, you’ve been watching it all?!’My face is hotter than ever.At the same time, the sudden gust of stone wind and the husky voice from the piece of cloth floated up the astonishment of the earlier."Well, today""Oh, animal communion magic is possible because I can also feel the five senses of animals in a strange way. But inanimate objects are impossible."Anyway, when he first sent the rabbit, it showed all the reactions. I couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry at his words."I was thinking about how to give it to you less surprised, and then I came up with a towel that was magic."".....""I’m counting on the remaining mana, but I’m glad it was delivered well."For more, visit lightnovelpub[.]comThere was only one bizarre thing about a handkerchief that lifted its head and made the sound of a man’s throat.But if I take it out of my mouth, it’s like I’m confessing with my own mouth that I’m terribly surprised and screaming a pack.I became solemn for a while, and soon said. "So, by the way. I’m going to giving this back."I carefully took out a rabbit-shaped handkerchief.Fortunately, the shape was not disturbed or pressed because of the instantaneous movement. As I slipped out onto the table, Winter remained silent for a while.He only looked down at the handkerchief.I was a little surprised to see him like that’s what he looked like. I said without hesitation."I hope to keep in touch with you through correspondence as much as possible." If you keep in touch like this every time, my heart will be burst.Vinter, who heard me, slowly raised his head.the more pure minerals, the more difficult it becomes to carve magic.This is because there was a high probability that minerals would be denatured or broken during processing.So even if the wizard finds the top to which it belongs and signs a contract, it does not immediately lead to the start of sales.It’s a shortcut to bankruptcy if all the stones that were mined are broken.But as if I didn’t know such a thing, Vinter spoke out in a very dignified manner."If you leave the raw stone processing and distribution to me, you’ll get the best return in a short period of time, faster than any other top. So,Leave it to me, Lady."

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