Death… And Me

Chapter 863 - Negotiation

Chapter 863 - Negotiation

"Do you think I'd believe that?" Kimi asked with a dark expression.? At the same time, he released his Spiritual Energy, showing his Middle Stage Nascent Soul Realm cultivation.

Rean faintly smiled as he stopped using his Spiritual Sense bending skill. With that, Kimi was able to see what cultivation Rean's group had. Rean was at the same level as himself, Middle Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, while Govin was at the Initial Stage. The rest of the group were all in the Core and Soul Fusion Realm.

Kimi's expression changed again after seeing that. It was one thing for Govin to be at the Nascent Soul Realm. After all, he looked quite old already. However, Rean was obviously extremely young.

Seeing the hesitation in Kimi's eyes, Rean continued to ask questions. "I don't have any intention of fighting here. I just wanted to let you know that we aren't some pushovers either. Anyways, we're here because we're interested in the tower on the east side of the city. Are you using it for anything? If not, we're willing to make a deal for it."

Kimi calmed down as he mentally sighed in relief. He didn't know how Rean's group had kept their cultivations hidden from him, but the fact was that he didn't have much of a chance if he truly decided to fight. "That tower is used to keep the Spirit Stones mined from the Spirit Stone mines close from here. That's why it has an Anti-Spiritual Sense Formation and various guards inside."

Rean nodded before deciding to offer, "Understood. I'll be honest, we have no interest in your Spirit Stones. How about this? Tell me what kind of weapon you're used to fighting with. I'm a Heaven-level blacksmith, so I can craft something good for you in exchange. Of course, you need to provide the materials." Sure enough, Rean still preferred not to force things.

"Heaven level?!" Kimi couldn't help but feel shocked and excited at the same time. He was shocked that Rean was such an accomplished blacksmith at his age and was excited because he truly was in need of a new weapon ever since he left the Zasfins' sealed region. "You're not fooling me, right?"

Rean shrugged his shoulders as he replied, "We will need to keep that tower untouched even after we leave this place. You can consider this weapon as payment for the tower's protection."

Kimi pondered over it for a bit and agreed with Rean's terms. "That's fine. I have a few Heaven-level materials that I've been accumulating for many years. I want you to forge a saber compatible with the Wind and Lightning Elements." Kimi was curious as to what Rean wanted to use that tower for. However, he first wanted to guarantee the creation of his weapon. He could think about what to do with the tower later.

"Very well. Tell your subordinates to move the Spirit Stones somewhere else and give me the materials for forging. It shouldn't take more than a day for me to finish it," Rean said straight away.

However, it was then that Kimi realized something. "What guarantees can you give me that you won't steal my materials? Heaven-level items are extremely complicated to procure, so I need some insurance." No one could blame Kimi for his cautiousness. If Rean was in his place, he would have asked the same thing.

Rean then took out another piece of Heaven-level equipment. It's just that it wasn't a saber but a pair of daggers instead. They weren't anything impressive, to be honest. It was only a fruit of Rean's training to reach the Heaven-level, so it couldn't compare to the Black and White Stars. Especially because these daggers couldn't absorb elements. After that, he threw them to Kimi and said, "As you can see, these are a pair of Heaven Initial-level daggers good for Wind Element users. If I steal your materials, you'll still profit since a completed weapon is worth more than the raw materials."

Kimi's hands trembled a little as he held the daggers. However, Rean's nonchalant expression when he threw the daggers at him was what bothered Kimi the most. 'Does that mean this dagger is worth so little in his eyes that he doesn't care whether I try to steal it or not?' Kimi thought for a moment.

However, he quickly shook his head and asked a subordinate to bring the Heaven-level materials for his saber. If Rean really was able to craft it, then it would be worth a lot more for him than the daggers. As for insurance, he simply couldn't find a flaw in the one given by Rean.

Rean then looked at Qia's group before saying, "You guys go ahead and start setting up the formations to protect the antenna and the controlling Circuitry Formation device. I'll head to one of the workshops here in the city to forge Kimi's weapon."

Govin found it incredible, though. "Are you sure you want to make such a deal? Heaven-level equipment is worth much more than any tower."

Rean nodded, saying, "It might be, but it's not for me. You should already know how easy it is to make Heaven-level equipment with the methods I'm teaching in the Blacksmith Hall."

"Well, that's true." Govin was an Earth Peak-level blacksmith, after all. He and Juo, the other blacksmith at his level, have accompanied Rean in every single class. They were pretty sure that they would enter the Heaven-level as blacksmiths very quickly the way things were going, all thanks to Rean and the Freedom Sect.

Kimi then warned Wankil, who was still there, to keep an eye on Rean's friends. As for him, he would follow Rean to make sure he wouldn't try to escape with his materials. Well, even if Rean did, Kimi was already happy enough to keep the daggers.

As they made their way to a forging workshop, Rean took the chance to ask more about the Fausec Country and the so-called new king. "So, what's the name of this Fausec King? Also, what kind of person is he?"

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