Death… And Me

Chapter 771 - Lets See

Chapter 771 - Let's See

Rean and Roan looked at Kentucky, who nodded back at them. Kentucky couldn't go even if he wanted to, so he could only believe in the twins. Darian did as he said and warned the demon beasts guarding the entrance of the Spiritual Energy Field's core region. With that, they turned around and left the room.

As mentioned before, the entire conversation was through Spiritual Sense, so they lost almost no time during it. Rean and Roan didn't take too long to arrive at the core region's entrance either. It's just that all they could see was a white wall and nothing else.

"Is it really here?" Rean asked a demon beast by the side.

"Yes. If you're allowed to enter, this wall won't stop you. Otherwise, you'll basically hit your face against it." the Stage Seven Demon Beast that Rean asked explained.

Rean and Roan nodded in response and slowly walked in the wall's direction when suddenly, Sister Orb's voice echoed in their minds. [Oh! This is quite a high-leveled Dimensional Realm. Of course, compared to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, this is nothing. Still, for a planet like this, it's really surprising.]

'You can tell?' Rean said in response.

[Yes. I can also tell that there really is some kind of restriction to it. However, I can't tell what it is since I would need to analyze it, which would take a very long time due to the Realm's level.] Sister Orb explained.

Rean and Roan were satisfied that the Dimensional Realm at least existed. After all, they could only see a wall in front of them.

Eventually, their bodies touched the wall in front when suddenly, the wall shone with a bright white light as their hands passed through it. Rean was right in the end. Their connection with Kentucky really made it possible for them to be recognized as Divine Demon Beasts. Or perhaps, there were some other requirements they fulfilled.

Seeing that their hands passed through it, Rean and Roan didn't waste time and jumped straight inside. Though, as soon as they appeared on the other side, they were taken aback. That's because their bodies began to float even though they weren't doing anything.

Of course, they immediately understood what was happening. "There's no gravity in this Dimensional Realm."

The twins looked around and saw many red crystals floating in the zero-gravity space. All of them had small streams of energy being released from them, these streams heading in the same direction. At the same time, Rean and Roan saw that another kind of red energy was coming from above, entering those same crystals.

"The energy from above is coming from Kentucky and Darian's blood." Rean was certain about it since he could feel Kentucky's aura in those streams of energy.

Roan nodded since he felt the same thing, saying, "Indeed. It seems like the blood of the Divine Demon Beasts enters the red crystals. There, it is processed into the energy necessary to keep the Spiritual Energy Field working."

That was the only possible explanation since Kentucky's aura disappeared once it passed through one of the crystals. The fact those multiple crystals were red was probably because of the blood as well.

Rean and Roan then looked in the direction that the processed energy was moving to and began to fly there. As they flew, more and more red crystals could be seen, some the size of small islands.

*Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...*

Suddenly, the twins began to hear the sound of something being hit in the distance. They tried to spread their Spiritual Sense, which was empowered by their Soul Power. Unfortunately, Spiritual Sense was almost useless in this place. They couldn't see more than a few meters around. 'At least our field of vision isn't restricted,' Rean thought for a moment.

The sound became louder and louder until finally, Rean and Roan were able to see where all the processed energy was being moved to. There was another crystal at the very center. However, this one was completely round and translucent. Suddenly...



A streak of red light came from the distance and smashed against it. The crystal then got slightly damaged, with a few chips falling from it. It didn't last long, though. The energy feeding the crystal made it recover. In just a few seconds, the damage was completely gone, as if it had never been there.

Nevertheless, Rean and Roan didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, they looked in the direction of the one responsible for the damage. They were expecting to see Red there, and they really did. However, Red looked completely different this time. A horn appeared on his head while his body became several times bigger. Of course, he was only th size of a normal rabbit before. So now, he looked to be more or less around Rean and Roan's size.

Other than that, his white color was gone, replaced by fiery red fur. It was different from the Blood Rabbit they saw back in the Freedom Sect. Instead, it looked a lot more like Phex's feathers. On his legs, several talons grew, which didn't look anything like a rabbit would have. It was more like what a bird would have. Last but not least, they could see several red scales covering his body in between the fur.

Seeing that, Rean couldn't help but burst out into laughter as he said, "Hahaha! What the hell is that? It looks so terrible! Hey, Red. Since when did you get this ugly? Hahaha! Nothing about your body makes any sense. Hahaha!"

Red was taken aback when he heard that voice. Immediately, he looked in the twins' direction, just to see Rean laughing without stopping. "Yo-you! How come you're here? Did the Dimensional Realm get broken through?"

Although Roan didn't see the fun in it, he had to admit that Red's body was quite weird. Still, he ignored that before answering, "No, the Dimensional Realm is still intact. Now then. It's your time to answer. How did you get inside this place? Only Divine Demon Beasts should be able to do so."

Red was surprised to hear that, saying, "That's my question. At the very least, I'm still a Demon Beast. However, you two are nothing more than humans. Wait! Could it be that you infused Divine Demon Beast Blood into your bodies?"

Rean finally calmed himself after hearing that question, asking in response, "Is such a thing possible?"

Well, Rean's words already answered Red's question. 'That doesn't make sense. The Zasfins said that no one would bother me in here. How come two humans entered this place?' Red thought as he was also puzzled by the current situation.

However, Red put those thoughts behind as his expression turned dark, muttering, "In any case, I'll give you a chance. You fed me a lot of carrots, so I'll pretend to not have seen you here. Leave now, and you can still live."

Roan snorted in response after hearing that. " that's what I call some confidence. But first, why don't you tell us why you're doing it? As a demon beast, shouldn't you be on the side of the Demon Beast Alliance?" Roan asked as he looked at the crystal. Obviously, the wasted Divine Demon Beast Bloodline was due to Red's attack against the crystal. Every time it got damaged, it used Kentucky and Darian's blood to repair itself.

Red didn't seem to be in the mood to answer, though. "I don't have time for your questions as I have a job to do. I'll count to three. If you don't leave, then I'll kill you before continuing my work. You have been warned."

Red didn't waste time as he started the count down.


Unfortunately, Red didn't have the time to say two.

Rean and Roan's hair immediately changed into a mix of black and white. At the same time, they pulled out their Black and White Stars as they charged at Red.

'Life Style, First Form, Enhancement!'

'Death Style, Second Movement Form, Shadow Air!'

'Death World!'

'Death Style, First Form, Stellar Piercer!'

All the skills activated in a moment, turning Red's world dark while the twins' attacked him at full strength.

Red was taken aback by that. He was a Stage Six Demon Beast, and the twins should know that he wasn't just any demon beast, but a Divine Demon Beast. Nevertheless, they still attacked without a shred of hesitation!

Red couldn't see anything because of Roan's Death World. To make things worse, Spiritual Sense was greatly limited in this Dimensional Realm, making his not spread out for more than three or so meters. With that said, he couldn't even see where the twins were coming from until they got that close.

'Red Streak!'

Red body shone with fiery red light as he disappeared from his current location. That was the correct decision. That's because the place he was located a moment ago would have been his burial place. The Stellar Piercers from Rean and Roan passed through the air, hitting nothing in the end, though.

Red reappeared several hundreds of meters from his starting point, just enough to be outside the range of Roan's Death World. However, all he could see in front of himself was a dark area from where no light came out. Immediately, he understood the twins' intention. 'Shit! They don't want to defeat me. Instead, they just want to keep me away from the Spiritual Energy Field's core!'

Red was right. With this place having such a huge deterrence to Spiritual Sense, Roan decided to use his Death World to envelop the core. As long as Red didn't attack it, the Spiritual Energy Field would eventually be fixed. 'Hmph! Let's see if you can really protect it.'

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