Death… And Me

Chapter 766 - Poseidon

Chapter 766 - Poseidon

Rean couldn't help but ask, "What do they mean by fixing the Spiritual Energy Fields? What Spiritual Energy Fields? How come I've never heard of it before?"

Roan nodded, saying, "Indeed. I'm also confused as to what they mean by that. Somehow, it doesn't look to be related to the war."

Kentucky pondered a bit before he had an idea. "Spiritual Energy Fields...probably related to Celis, no? Maybe these fields are something that happened after we took Celis away. But...why would they ask us to help?"

Celis immediately answered, "There should be no such thing. I don't want to brag, but I'm very good at what I do. If there's really a Spiritual Energy Field in need of repair, it has nothing to do with me. First of all, I don't even know what these Spiritual Energy Fields are supposed to be."

Roan nodded, saying, "They aren't explaining the content of the mission, after all. In any case, it's good that it has nothing to do with Celis. Otherwise, I wouldn't know if we should check it out or not. Since it's not related to Celis, it must be something else." Roan then looked at Rean and Kentucky before saying, "In any case, we are fighting for the Demon Beast Alliance, so we need to head out."

Before leaving, Rean warned Malo that they would be out, so they would be on their own. Of course, Celis would stay as always since it was better if he kept cultivating nonstop.

Other than that, Rean also told Red about his trip. "What? How am I suppose to work on the formations now?"

Rean shrugged his shoulders, saying in response, "Isn't that simple? Just head to the repository and study by yourself. To be honest, I didn't expect a demon beast to be this interested in it. However, your progress during this month or so has been remarkable. I'm sure you can self-study for a while. It's just that I won't be here to answer your questions."

Red pondered for a moment before he jumped on Rean's shoulder, saying, "No need. This Lord will go with you."

Rean was taken aback, asking in response, "Why would you do that? You won't get anything from me doing that, you know?"

"Hmph!" Red snorted. "As if you had anything that really interested this Lord. This Lord only has some small interest in Formations and your carrots. However, this Lord feels like he has been taking a lot more than giving until now. After all, I simply told the Stage Five Demon Beasts to not get close to these five peaks. It hurts this Lord's pride to not be able to do anything else."

Rean shrugged his shoulder in response, saying, "Well, it's not like I expected anything else from you anyway."

Red felt like giving Rean a beating. "Shut up, and let's go before I change my mind."

Rean sighed but didn't refuse. Any extra help was more than welcome, after all.

Of course, Rean, Roan, and Kentucky also had their reservations. 'Would it be okay to bring him along?'

'It should be... probably. After all, he's also a demon beast. I don't think he would try to jeopardize an official mission of the Demon Beast Alliance,' Kentucky said with a Spiritual Sense Message.

Roan nodded in response. 'That makes sense. Perhaps, he also received a mission to keep an eye on us. Who knows? After all, it's weird that over a month has passed, but Red never went outside to participate in the war.'

Rean agreed with Roan on that. 'That as well. In any case, it shouldn't be a bad thing. Phex and company have more than enough power to get rid of us, not to mention that they know where we are. It would make no sense to use Red to disturb our mission... whatever the mission might be.'

Red noticed the silence of Rean's group, though. It was quite obvious that they were discussing something through Spiritual Sense. "What? Are you unhappy with this Lord's help?"

Rean smiled in response, saying, "Of course not! We just find it intriguing that a Lord like you decided to help. Well, you did say you wanted to pay back, so let's keep it at that."

Red didn't seem to mind. "Whether you believe it or not, that's your problem. Since this Lord said that he will help, then he will help. By the way, what is this mission about? It's about that war again, isn't it?"

Only then did Rean remember that they hadn't asked Red about it. "Oh, right! We did receive a mission, but we aren't sure if it's related to the war between the demon beasts and Zasfins or not." Rean then showed the content of their mission to the Blood Rabbit before asking, "Red, have you ever heard about Spiritual Energy Fields?"

Red immediately narrowed his eyes when he checked the content of the mission in the token. "Spiritual Energy has been some time since I've heard of them."

Rean and the others' interest was immediately piqued. "Do you know of it?"

Red nodded and started to explain, "Yes. There's a place in the Demon Beast Continent called the Forbidden Zone. No demon beast can enter it without permission. From what I know, the Spiritual Energy Fields are what feed this Forbidden Zone with Spiritual Energy."

"Is it some kind of dangerous place?" Roan asked straight away.

Red shook his head as he hastily replied, "I have no idea. Only the Stage Nine Demon Beasts can allow someone to enter that. Obviously, a Stage Six Demon Beast like me can't. Also, the Spiritual Energy Fields are not located inside the Forbidden Zone. They just provide it with energy. With that said, this mission should not require you to enter it."

"I see..." Rean couldn't help but become curious. "I wonder what are they trying to feed inside this Forbidden Zone. In any case, it seems like it has nothing to do with us. After all, we won't be entering it."

Kentucky found it strange, though. "But why would these fields need a fix? If it's just some kind of repair, I don't see the reason to call us out. They could have some other weaker demon beasts do it for them. Was there a reason to select us?"

Red had to admit Kentucky was right. "That's true. The Spiritual Energy Fields can only be fixed with the Divine Demon Beasts' blood. Why would they need you there?"

Those words fell like a lightning strike on Rean's group. "Divine Demon Beast Blood? What do you mean?"

Red then explained, "Well, I don't know much. However, it seems like those Spiritual Energy Fields have a deep connection with Demon Beasts, especially Divine ones. Their blood can be used to increase the strength of the fields, which will then be used in the Forbidden Zone. As for what it will be used for, I have no idea."

Kentucky immediately asked, "Does that mean they'll have to kill Divine Demon Beasts to offer their blood?"

Red laughed in response. "Hahaha! Are you crazy?! The Demon Beast Alliance would never kill their Divine Demon Beasts. They are the future of the alliance, after all. Once they reach Stage Nine, they will help with the continent's protection."

Rean's group sighed in relief after hearing that. From the looks of it, there was no risk of death for Kentucky. Of course, those were Red's words. It didn't mean he was right or that he was telling the truth. But at least, that was already something.

Rean's group then flew to the border of the Demon Beast Continent. In the end, the Spiritual Energy Fields were located far, far away from the Forbidden Zone, which was situated in the continent's center.

The continent's land was then left behind as Rean's group proceeded into the sea. The location given to them was inside the Sea Demon Beasts' territory. They passed by several Sea Demon Beasts on the way and quickly noticed that their levels increased very quickly. It didn't take long for Stage Five Demon Beasts to appear among them.

However, these demon beasts only looked at Rean's group without doing anything. It was as if they were already waiting for them to come, so they didn't attack. The levels continued to increase after that. Initial, Middle, Late, Peak Stage Five...eventually, Stage Six Sea Demon Beasts also entered the twin's Spiritual Sense range.

At this point, even Red began to feel somewhat apprehensive. This was not land but underwater. Although they didn't need to worry about suffocating since they could use Spiritual Energy to substitute oxygen, the environment was definitely a poor choice for them to fight.

The deeper they went, the less light there was. For Roan, that was beneficial since his strength was mainly based on Darkness and Yin Energy. However, it didn't take long for them to notice some light appearing in the distance. At first, it was hard to see. But it began to become brighter and brighter as the shape of buildings began to take form in front of their eyes.

Rean's group was taken aback when they finally figured out what it was. It was an underwater Demon Beast City. Obviously, it was made for Sea Demon Beasts. At the very center of the enormous city, there was a huge palace as well.

However, what truly caught Rean's group attention wasn't that. Instead, it was the ridiculously enormous maelstrom above the palace itself. Although it didn't affect the buildings below, it was still much bigger than the city itself.

Seeing that, Rean couldn't help but comment, "Hey, look! It's Atlantis! Perhaps we can find Poseidon there."

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