Death… And Me

Chapter 740 - The Agreement

Chapter 740 - The Agreement

The man then looked at the other two Stage Five Demon Beasts by his side before saying something. He was a little far away, so Rean and Roan didn't hear what he was saying. Nevertheless, after he was done, he came to talk with the twins, saying, "Well, well, well...I do know a few humans at the Nascent Soul Realm from the Demon Beast Continent. However, compared to the number of Stage Five Demon Beasts and Nascent Soul Realm Zasfins, humans don't amount to even 0.1% of them. To think that there would be three of us in the same mission."

Rean smiled as he nodded, responding, "Indeed. It's also a surprise to see another human at the Nascent Soul Realm, a Late Stage one at that. Say, why are you participating in this mission? The number of human experts is already pitifully low. Wouldn't it be too risky for you? Are the merit points really worth that much?"

The man was taken aback by Rean and Roan's words as he said in response, "Wait a minute...could it be that you don't know about the agreement between humans and the Demon Beast Alliance?"

The twins immediately shook their heads as Rean replied with a question. "What kind of agreement?"

The man sighed before explaining, "First, let me introduce myself. You can call me Luti Franla. Well, as you know, the Demon Beast Continent is basically the only place where humans can live as something else other than slaves. Of course, they also need to be strong to survive. Because the place is infested with demon beasts, any human cities are doomed to be destroyed, so all you can find are very tiny isolated tribes. Well, even those are extremely rare due to the number of humans who can survive there."

Luti continued, "However, the humans who survive are usually strong. Our numbers there are small, but the few of us who exist can definitely fight fiercely. In this war between Zasfins and demon beasts, no one knows who has the advantage. That being said, any extra help is more than welcome."

It was then that Luti smiled as he continued, "That's where the Demon Beast Alliance made their move. Humans would never be idiotic enough to side with Zasfins. Not after how we were treated so far. Not to mention that almost all humans who have high cultivations live in the Demon Beast Continent.? The top beasts of the alliance sent a message to the entire Demon Beast Continent. If the humans living there decide to help with the war, we would be given one small continent for ourselves."

Rean and Roan were surprised to hear that. However, Rean quickly understood why the alliance gave out that promise, saying, "This planet is gigantic. According to the maps we have, it has a total of 37 continents. As you can imagine, promising a single continent as a reward isn't a bad deal if it turns out that the humans contributed to winning the war. After all, the Demon Beast Alliance would still have another 36 to live on."

Surprisingly, Roan shook his head as he told Rean, "You're incorrect on the last part." He then passed the jade slip with all the maps to Rean and Luti as he told them, "Look inside. I marked the territories that the Demon Beast Alliance will try to take, and the Zasfins will try to defend."

Rean and Luti looked at it but still failed to understand. Soon, one of them asked, "What about it?"

Roan then looked at him before looking at Luti in front of him, telling him, "The point is, the forces of both sides are very similar. However, because the territories that are being defended by the Zasfins are several times bigger, they wouldn't be able to protect all of them. They're fated to lose quite a few of them."

Roan continued, "However, both sides seem to understand that already. If the Zasfins aren't idiots, which I believe they aren't, they won't try too hard to defend some worthless lands. They'll just step back once they see that it's a lost cause and save their strength to defend the territories that really matter."

Rean and Luti had to admit that that was right. Nevertheless, they knew that it wasn't this point that Roan wanted to talk about.

Sure enough, Roan reached the main topic, saying, "Once both territories are balanced, the Zasfins will have the most continents with resources to defend themselves. Besides, it's not like they lose to the demon beasts in power. With that being said, this is the point where the real war will start."

Roan finally revealed the issue. "Now then, we've finally arrived at the point where you said that the demon beasts will have 37 continents to choose, leaving one for the humans. That is wrong. I'm not even sure if this war will have a winner or not, let alone the demon beasts being able to take all the continents."

Roan then pointed at the continents that he thought would pose little to no resistance. "These are the continents that the Demon Beast Alliance will most likely have at the end. Of course, depending on how the war goes, they might end up with a few more or a few less. In any case, there's no way for this war to finish with one side taking everything. In the end, this planet will still be shared by both Zasfins and demon beasts. The only difference is that the Demon Beasts will have a lot more space to live in than before. Also, you better not hope for too much. Let alone the humans might not get any continent at all in the end. Even if they do get one, it'll be one of those poor continents with not a lot of resources."

Luti was surprised to hear Roan say all of that as he asked, "Are you sure you didn't receive the message from the Demon Beast Alliance?"

Roan, of course, was puzzled by that question as he responded, "I didn't. Why?"

Luti couldn't help but have some respect for Roan, saying in response, "That's because everything you said was said in the agreement. From the very start, all the humans know that the continent they will obtain isn't anything impressive. The Demon Beast Alliance made sure to clarify it profusely so that we wouldn't complain later."

Rean was the one surprised this time. "So they already included these issues into the agreement terms, huh? Well, that's a good thing. It at least shows that they're willing to keep their words. Otherwise, they would definitely avoid talking about it."

Roan had to agree with Rean, saying, "Indeed. Although humans might obtain a poor continent, it's still a free one to live on. They can work on it to make it better in the future."

It was then that Roan noticed a problem. "Right. Although a continent is being given to humans, will demon beasts and Zasfins really stay out of it? Also, what if demon beasts just leave the humans on their own to fend for themselves? Wouldn't the Zasfins simply come and wipe them out or turn them into slaves? After all, there's no way that one side will be able to subjugate the other. Both will still exist once everything is over."

Luti nodded in response, saying, "You're right, and the human leaders brought this issue to the Demon Beast Alliance. In the end, it was decided that the Demon Beasts would help protect that continent for 1000 years. That was the final term."

With that, everything made sense. "I see...1000 years in the life of those top-ranked experts isn't anything much. Not to mention that it's only meant to defend a poor continent against a race that can't possibly cause any meaningful problem in this small time frame. Humans will have 1000 years to develop and make their own plans, while the Demon Beast Alliance will get the humans' help during this war."

Rean couldn't help but ask, "I wonder what cultivation realm the strongest humans of the Demon Beast Continent are on."

Surprisingly, Luti answered that question, replying with, "As far as I know, we have one senior called Samilia Xue, a female human cultivator who's at the Elemental Transformation Realm. I also know seven other seniors at the Saint Realm. As for the rest, I'm unaware. Well, compared to the demon beasts and Zasfins, that number is so pitiful that it isn't even worth mentioning. It also explains why a very small and poor continent is all that the Demon Beast Alliance can agree to give away."

Suddenly, Rean remembered something. "Ah, right!" He then looked at Luti before saying, "I was so focused on this agreement that I forgot to introduce myself as well. My name is Rean Larks. The frozen sea by my side is my brother, Roan Larks."

Kentucky immediately opened his wings, saying, "I'm Kentucky, the two idiots' friend."

Rean's mouth twitched in response, feeling like giving Kentucky a beating. "Just ignore the idiot bird."

Roan wasn't interested in their antics, though. "Do you know who's overseeing this mission?"

Luti nodded, answering, "It's the Stage Seven Dark Spiked Tarantula, Gia."

"An arachnid, huh?" Insect-type demon beasts are quite rare, so it was quite surprising to have one overseeing this mission. "Well, she will only watch to prevent the Zasfins' Saint Realm experts from intervening."

Luti nodded in response, saying, "Although this is an official mission, this place is quite isolated in the grand scheme of things. Having one Saint Realm and one Stage Seven Demon Beast watching it is enough. Of course, although they won't participate in the battles, both sides can still give orders. That being said, make sure you pay attention when Gia's Spiritual Sense Messages reaches you."

As soon as Luti said that, a giant eight-legged shadow appeared in the sky. It quickly made its way down before landing in front of all groups participating in this mission. "Seems like you're all here. Alright, let's start."

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