Death… And Me

Chapter 733 - Training

Chapter 733 - Training

Rean was flying on his own while looking at the map on his jade slip. "Hmm...there are a total of 321 small tribes, 53 medium tribes, and two big tribes on this side of Koran Forest alone. Visiting the small tribes will be of no use since they wouldn't have anyone capable of fighting me. The medium tribes should be my targets since they should have some beings at the Nascent Soul Realm."

He then continued thinking out loud as he muttered, "As for big tribes, it's normal for them to have Soul Transformation Protectors, let alone having those at the Nascent Soul Realm present there." At this moment, Rean remembered when he, Roan, and Kentucky visited one of those big tribes. There was no way they could challenge the people there, even with the three of them working together.

"In theory, the closer a tribe is to Koran Forest, the more confident a tribe is in their strength. After all, demon beasts leaving it to attack the surrounding tribes are more or less common events. Of course, the tribes' warriors often enter Koran Forest to train as well, so it isn't unfair." Rean then separated seven tribes in his jade slip map, which he decided to be his targets. "Let's see which one of them has the best treasure."

Somewhere else, Roan was pondering over the same problem. It's just that he didn't care too much about it. "I'll just head to the first medium-sized tribe that appears near Koran Forest. As for what kind of items they have...well, fuck it." That was his train of thought.

Of course, there was also Kentucky. Unlike Rean and Roan, he simply decided to head straight into the medium-sized tribes. His train of thought was to check what they had without paying attention to the Zasfins, and only decide if he would fight for it or not after. It was...a very bold approach.

"Oh, there's one!" Out of nowhere, Kentucky dived down like a meteor.

"Who goes there?!" As soon as he entered the range of that tribe expert's Spiritual Sense, they came out to check on him.

However, Kentucky completely ignored them as his body burst into black and white flames. There were three Nascent Soul Realm Zasfins in that tribe, and they all attacked Kentucky at the same time without hesitation. Unfortunately, the strongest one there was only at the Middle Stage. On top of that, his Bloodline Soul Mark was only at Rank Three. With Kentucky's Spiritual Energy and Soul Power now fused, their attacks simply couldn't break through his defense.


Kentucky passed by the Zasfins and slammed into the biggest building in the tribe. It had a Spiritual Sense Blockage Formation, so he had to break it to see what could be found inside. "Eh? Is that all you have?" Kentucky then looked at the Zasfins he knocked aside in his dive as he asked them, "Why are you all so poor?"

The Zasfin leader's mouth twitched as he inwardly cursed, 'You just destroyed my house, and you're complaining that I'm poor?! Fuck you!' Sure enough, the three of them started to attack one more, trying to cut Kentucky down. However...


Before their attacks could land, Kentucky flapped his wings, shooting like a bullet in the distance as he said to them, "Since you don't have anything that interests me, I'm leaving. Until some other day, I guess."

The Zasfins were in a rage as they tried to pursue Kentucky. However, catching up to him was just a pipe dream. Kentucky was a Divine Demon Bird, a Minokawa! Let alone Nascent Soul, even Initial Stage Soul Transformation Realm Zasfins couldn't possibly match him in speed. At least not if they weren't fully focused on speed.

Back on Rean's side, he was more methodical. There wasn't any Soul Transformation Realm Zasfin in the first tribe he visited, only two Nascent Soul Zasfins at the Initial Stage. That being said, they couldn't pierce through Rean's Spiritual Sense bending skill. Rean also had the Light bending skill, so literally no one knew that he was there. "Let's see what we can find here. Now...where's the treasure room? Or maybe they have some spatial equipment. Right, they're too poor to have something like that."

Without anyone noticing, Rean walked inside the main building, looking for something good. He was even bold enough to enter one of the Nascent Soul Realm Zasfins' dwellings. Well, that was because the guy inside it wasn't using Spiritual Sense. Otherwise, Rean would be too close to be able to bend it even though their levels were the same.

' think that someone from a tribe like this would have Heaven-level equipment.' Rean was looking at a bow on the Zasfin's back. From the looks of it, the guy had never left the bow by his side. 'I wonder if this bow would give me the lead in our competition...'

Rean pondered over it for a bit and decided to mark this tribe as a potential target. After that, he left and headed to the next one on his list. From start to finish, it was as if he had never been there.

As for Roan, he was more straightforward. He covered his body and face so that the opposing side couldn't tell he was a Zasfin. Following that, he used the Spiritual Sense bending skill to make it harder to say whether he was a Zasfin or not. When the enemy saw the humanoid form, he didn't doubt the person in front of him was a Zasfin. After all, where would he have a seen a Nascent Soul Realm human? The guy thought that Roan simply didn't want to be recognized so that they wouldn't seek vengeance against his tribe.

Roan then fought against two Zasfins at the Nascent Soul Realm. One was at the Initial Stage, while the other one was at the Late Stage. Because he decided to not use the Elements Exchange with Rean, his strength was more or less the same as the two enemies' strength...combined.

The other tribe members watched as the battle unfurled in the sky with their eyes wide open. It wasn't every day one would see such a high-level confrontation.

As the battle continued, the Zasfin at the Late Stage Nascent Soul Realm shouted, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

Roan faintly smiled behind his cover, responding, "Training."

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