Death… And Me

Chapter 722 - Special

Chapter 722 - Special

Rean and Kentucky already expected that question, so they had an answer prepared. "Yes, it's the Demon Tree that the Soul Rulers use to control the Spiritual Energy of the world. Gulan told us that it's because of that that the Demon Beast Alliance is staying on this continent." Sure enough, since Gulan already talked about it, they might as well use it.

However, that wasn't the kind of answer Phex expected, soon clarifying what he meant by asking, "What I meant was, have you seen it before or not?"

Rean showed a pensive expression before saying, "Do you know what it looks like? Perhaps we have seen it and didn't notice."

Phex kept his Spiritual Sense focused on Rean and Kentucky, trying to catch any signs of falsehood. However, both Rean and Kentucky seemed to not show any signs of that. "Forget it. If you did, you would have noticed it since it was enormous." Phex then changed the topic as he soon asked himself, "Now, what should I do with you two?"

Kentucky then raised his wing, responding, "There isn't much for you to do with us. After all, Gulan should know why we came here in the first place."

The Blue Luan noticed its grandfather's gaze, knowing that he was waiting for an answer. "Well, the reason why they wanted to come here was to join the Demon Beast Alliance," Gulan responded soon after.

Phex narrowed his eyes as he asked in response, "Why?"

Rean smiled as he pointed at Kentucky, explaining, "That's because Kentucky will only be safe if he obtains as big as a background as Gulan does. Gulan told us that the Soul Rulers wouldn't even try and touch him even though he's a Divine Demon Beast, and that's because he's part of the Alliance. What Kentucky and I want is the same type of protection." Rean shrugged his shoulders as he continued, "In the end, our intention was to be part of your forces anyway. It's just that I wasn't planning to talk about my own situation."

Although Phex had his doubts, he had to admit that Rean was right. The Soul Rulers would definitely pursue a Divine Demon Beast if they find out that the Alliance had nothing to do with it. As a Divine Demon Beast himself, Phex definitely didn't want to see another one being captured. "That isn't impossible. However, what can you offer me in return?"

Kentucky looked at Phex as he replied, "Well...we don't have anything we think a Stage Nine Demon Beast like senior could possibly want. All we can do is fight for the Alliance if a need presents itself one day."

Rean agreed with Kentucky, saying, "We're quite strong ourselves...well, not to senior's level. However, we can pretty much guarantee we wouldn't lose to anyone in our respective cultivation realms."

Phex didn't find it strange. After all, Rean did have a connection with the Minokawa. Divine Demon Beasts had always been much stronger, after all. Phex then looked at Gulan and asked, "You know them longer than I do. What do you think?"

"Eh?" Gulan was taken aback, surprised that his grandfather would even ask for his opinion.? "Uh...well, we've made quite a serious deal a while ago, and they kept their word even though they had little to gain from it. I can't tell that they're trustworthy just because of that, but I guess it's something..." Gulan was planning to trade those Heaven-level ores. It was a big help when Rean's group told him where the deposit was located and didn't tell anyone else.

Phex nodded after hearing that as he looked at Rean, saying, "To be honest, I hate the fact that a human has this type of connection with a Divine Demon Beast. If possible, I would kill you straight away to set the Minokawa free. However, it's obvious that you protected and helped it to cultivate until now. His foundation is very sturdy, so it's a very good job. Not to mention that this connection isn't that between a master and a subordinate. Also, I don't know if killing you would cause any harm to the Minokawa due to this connection. Last but not least, this Minokawa seems to care a lot about you, which is quite a shame for a Divine Demon Beast."

Phex then sighed as he continued, "Since you also helped my grandchild somehow, I'll give it a chance. However, you will be given tasks to prove yourselves while being part of the Alliance. Don't think I'm forcing the issue. A demon beast has to improve, and such tasks would be perfect for that." Phex then looked at Kentucky and asked one more question, "Do you have any complaints?"

Kentucky immediately shook his head, responding, "I'm not idiotic enough to complain in front of senior. Whatever it is the Demon Beast Alliance needs, I'll do my best to complete it. Of course, that's as long as you aren't sending me to a suicide mission."

Phex nodded, replying, "I wouldn't do such a thing to another Divine Demon Beast."

Soon after, Phex lifted his finger before a ray of red light shot out of it. Kentucky couldn't even react before it hit his chest and entered his body. However, there was no pain or anything like that. Nevertheless, Rean and Kentucky could tell that it was there, although they didn't know what it was.

Noticing their puzzled expressions, Gulan explained, "That's the Demon Beast Alliance's Mark. If any member of the Soul Rulers finds you, they will feel this Mark's presence and refrain from causing trouble for you. Of course, that's only as long as you don't cause trouble for them first. I also have the same Mark inside me."

Rean finally understood why Gulan was so sure that the Soul Rulers wouldn't try to capture him. The Mark probably also served as an additional method to warn the Demon Beast Alliance if Gulan or Kentucky were in danger.

Phex then added, "Just so you know, very few demon beasts have this Mark. That being said, it won't work as protection against other demon beasts without it. We are demon beasts. Combat is in our blood. That being said, we don't stop conflicts between different races, including the Zasfins. It only serves as protection against the Soul Rulers and their subordinates. It will be of no use if you show it to anyone else since they won't even know what it is."

Roan, who was in the Dimensional Realm, was satisfied with that as he thought, 'This is definitely good for training.'

"Alright, are there any other questions you want to ask?" Phex asked as he prepared to leave.

Immediately, Rean raised his hand and responded, "Senior Phex, I don't understand. How come there are two Divine Demon Beasts on this planet other than Kentucky?" Sure enough, that was something Rean, Roan, and Kentucky's group were curious about. Let alone the Minokawa, Phoenix, and Blue Luan. There was also the World Swallowing Cedar. Thanks to Kentucky's connection with it, Rean was sure that it was at the same level as the Minokawa. That being said, it should be some sort of Divine Demon Plant or something similar.

Phex shook his head in response, soon saying, "It seems like you definitely know nothing. This planet is...special for demon beasts like us."

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