Death… And Me

Chapter 698 - Release Your Energy

Chapter 698 - Release Your Energy

Rean and Roan couldn't help but link this current phase to the Severing Day that they heard in the past. Back when they were talking with the Artifact Spirit, he said that the Vuvre Organization that Soul Gem was part of had experienced a calamity. Something went horribly wrong with their plans.

Fila, who was by Gem's side, couldn't help but ask, "Gem, is it really okay to start now? We should wait and obtain more results from the Extinction Sphere."

Gem smiled as he patted Fila's head, responding with a light yet bitter smile, "Unfortunately, I don't think we have enough time. If the Extinction Sphere expands any further, no formation will be able to hold it down anymore. If that happens, our Universe and all the lives in here are doomed."

"Says the guy who didn't want to wake up a while ago," Fila retorted. Of course, she was only playing around. The tests she mentioned would take many years, not only a few extra hours like Gem's sleep would.

As everyone got ready to begin the first phase of the plan, Gem called forth the main members who would work with him on this phase. "Let's go through the procedure one last time. First, we need to use the power of all cultivators, demon beasts, and demon plants here to fill the formations with as much energy as possible."

"Second, we will use the Severing Formations Array to cut the Extinction Sphere in half, separating its yin and yang properties. As you already know, the chaos created by that yin and yang fusion fuels the sphere. In exchange, it grows even stronger and more destructive. If we don't stop it, it will just get bigger and bigger. Not to mention that its expansion speed would increase exponentially."

"In theory, once Yin and Yang are separated inside it, the chaotic energy inside it should stop growing. Most likely, it'll dissipate due to the lack of one another. Of course, we also have a contingency plan in case that doesn't work. The outer time formations will be activated soon after, freezing the time around the Extinction Sphere. It'll need a ridiculous amount of energy to keep working, but that's our only choice if we want to survive."

"Now for Unification Plan Phase 2. Because of the strength of the Extinction Sphere, the severing of its power will also cause great damage to our Universe. That being said, we must heal it straight away. And that's where the Control Orb will take place. It has been collecting the Extinction Sphere's Yin and Yang for a very long time. On top of that, instead of making it turn chaotic, the orb has harmonized the Yin and Yang inside."

"If everything goes according to the plan, the Control Orb should be enough to at least prevent the Universe's collapse. After that, it'll start healing itself little by little. At least, that's what the tests we ran before showed."

Gem's expression turned solemn as he asked one last time, "Are there any questions? If you have any doubts, ask now."

The entire place was silent after that. After all, Gem had gone through this kind of discussion with everyone countless times. Nevertheless, everyone paid attention as if it was their first time hearing it.

Eventually, Gem smiled at everyone before waving his hands. "Good! Everyone, head to your positions. We'll start soon."

After everyone left, Fila looked at Gem and asked, "Do you think they'll come?" Her expression was dark, as if she was waiting for something.

Gem shook his head in response, saying, "I don't know. I have put all the security measures in place, so it should give us some time if they appear. However, they aren't any weaker than us, so we don't know what they're capable of."

Fila nodded and then moved away as she spoke, "Then, let's make it work on the first try."

Soul Gem smiled in response before returning his attention to the Control Orb in front of him.

While he prepared for the plan to start, the twins were having a discussion through their Soul Connection. 'So, this is the cause of Severing Day, the Extinction Sphere. Roan, have you ever seen something like that before?'

'No,' Roan answered straight away. 'Let alone seeing it, I've never even heard about it. I had quite a high position inside the organization back on the other half of the Universe. However, I still know nothing about it.'

Rean nodded, responding, 'I understand. Now then. What about the power they're afraid of?'

Roan pondered over it for a bit before saying, 'Most likely, it has something to do with the guys who found our location and destroyed Sunkan Planet. As to what they are and why they want to stop the Vuvre Organization, that I don't know.'

Surprisingly, Rean had an idea in his mind as he said, 'From the looks of it, this Extinction Sphere isn't something that anyone can create. That being said, it could only be a natural occurrence. Perhaps the Vuvre Organization's enemy thinks that they should stop the natural cycle...or something like that.'

Roan didn't agree or deny the notion. 'You might be right. However, we must not forget that we still don't know who's right or who's wrong here. Perhaps this so-called enemy is doing the right thing by trying to stop Soul Gem's group. We need more information.'

Rean had to admit that Roan was right. 'Alright, let's keep observing.'

A few hours later, Fila came back to Soul Gem's side, telling him, "Gem, everyone is in position and is ready to follow your commands. We can start anytime."

Gem nodded as his body turned tense. In the end, there were no guarantees about what they were trying to do. Even though that was the case, Gem steeled his resolve as he thought to himself, 'It is still better than waiting for our extinction.'

Eventually, Gem put his hands on the Control Orb as his Spiritual Sense spread to connect with everyone participating in the plan. As soon as he did that, all the formations began to shine once more. "We're now starting the first phase. Release your energy into the formations!"

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