Death… And Me

Chapter 690 - It Goes Like This

Chapter 690 - It Goes Like This

The ancestors were enraged to see that. They tried to control the flow of Spiritual Energy, preventing it from entering the formations so they wouldn't explode. Unfortunately for them, Rean had already accounted for this possibility. Before the plan even began, Rean had already asked Sister Orb to charge the Bloodline Trial Formations with as much energy as possible.

*Boom! Boom! Boom...*

All the remaining Bloodline Trial Control and Soul Stone Formations exploded at once. There was so much energy released that anyone nearby below the Saint Realm was wiped out almost instantly. Saint Realm Zasfins didn't die straight away, but they definitely had a very bad time.

Of course, Elemental Transformation Realm Zasfins would have been able to resist it. However, this kind of level usually wouldn't be guarding anything but cultivating somewhere else. The only one at that moment was the guy who blocked the path of Rean's group. He, of course, was able to defend himself against it.

Just as Sister Orb mentioned, the entire Soul Rulers' territory seemed to be filled with fireworks. The ground caved in as explosions of colored energy filled the skies. The members of the organization that didn't know what was happening were left in a panic. The ground quaked as multiple buildings collapsed. The area had truly become a hell on ice.

Rean and Roan observed all of that through the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. Roan also saw the moment where that Zasfin called Puan, who pissed him off, getting blasted to bits. 'Hmph! I told you there would be a time I'd get payback.'

That guy was the leading researcher of the organization, so he was very close to many unstable Bloodline Trial Control Formations and the likes.

Rean also looked at that and sighed. Once the Zasfins there calmed down, it wouldn't take long before they linked everything that happened to them. That meant the Hafel Clan and the others in their faction would have a bad time. 'Oh well, with their own power, I doubt the Zasfins would try to wipe them out since they're very strong themselves. If they really go into a fallout, the Soul Rulers will most likely not be able to control the planet anymore due to the number of deaths.'

[Ahem... leaving that aside, would you mind taking a look behind you?] Sister Orb asked.

The twins turned around just to see what Sister Orb wanted. Their Soul Gem Dimensional Realm...was quite crowded now. Kids between five to twelve years old in general could be seen everywhere. They all looked at Rean and Roan, not understanding what was happening.

Of course, many of them were crying. Others were afraid of the enormous demon bird, Kentucky, and so on.

*Chick...* "Hey, kids. I'm a good birdie. I'm just...big."

Well, there were two exceptions. Liza and Luna, who knew what was going on, came out of the crowd.

"Rean, Roan! You really did it!" The two were smiling happily. They were only a few out of many kids who really understood their situation since the majority were being fooled by the Zasfins.

Rean then patted their heads with a smile, responding, "Hehe! Of course, we did it." Nevertheless, Rean felt a little overwhelmed. He had prepared a lot of food for the moment these kids came inside. Nevertheless, he didn't expect it to be that many.

"3589. That's how many kids were being used inside the Bloodline Trial Control Formations," Roan said, knowing what Rean was thinking. "But we're fine. Sister Orb can infuse Spiritual Energy into their bodies, reducing the amount of food they need to consume by a lot. We should have enough for two or three months."

Roan then turned around and looked at the Circuitry Teleport Formation. Like the buildings and other important places of the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, it was protected by a thin Spiritual Energy barrier. That way, the kids couldn't get close to them. "Our work isn't done yet."

Rean sighed before telling Liza and Luna, "We need to do a few more things before we can take care of you. Try to gather the older kids and explain the whole situation to them, okay?"

The two girls nodded as they simultaneously said, "Alright. Be careful~!"

Rean and Roan quickly entered the Circuitry Formation before telling Sister Orb, "Alright, the exact distance from here to that tunnel with the giant tree is 267.3 kilometers in a straight line. Sister Orb, prepare to send us over in that direction."

[Alright. But remember, considering that the place is underground, chances are that you'll fail to teleport inside there. You'll need to keep trying,] Sister Orb warned.

"It's fine." Rean smiled as he said, "With how much Spiritual Energy this place has, we don't even need to use our Spirit Stones."

[Good. Then, I'll start.]

Soon after, the Teleport Circuitry Formation activated before the twins disappeared with a flash of silver light.


Sure enough, they missed the first one. Rean and Roan appeared in mid-air on the outside. This time, however, they didn't fall straight away. The two of them were in the Nascent Soul Realm, so flying wasn't an issue to them anymore. "Again!"

They returned to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and stepped on the Circuitry Teleport Formation. After calculating their position, they ordered another teleport before disappearing one more time.


Another teleport, another error.






Seventeen teleports later...


Rean and Roan appeared outside of the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and were assaulted by a bright white light. They quickly looked at the source of that and saw the majestic tree that Clad mentioned before. "Here we are!"

Rean then concentrated on his Spiritual Sense Bending Skill before saying. "Good! After what happened at the Soul Rulers' headquarters, most of the experts left to give support. There are only a few guards here at the Saint Realm and below at the moment. As long as we don't get too close, they won't be able to pierce through my Spiritual Sense Bending Skill."

These last two years weren't spent by Roan and Rean only on cultivation and battle training. Rean learned how to add Soul Power to his skills, making them even more efficient. Normally, the Soul Forging Realm would be his limit. But with the Soul Power's help, he could even bend Saint Realm Spiritual Senses. Of course, the distance limitation still existed. If he got too close to a Saint Realm expert, their Spiritual Sense would still be too strong for him to bend.

Roan found it weird, though. 'Even if the headquarters was in chaos, they shouldn't leave something as important as this demon tree so unprotected.'

Roan then looked at the big tree as he spread his Spiritual Sense in its direction. He could tell the distance of the others' Spiritual Senses, so as long as he didn't touch the others with his, they wouldn't feel it. However, as soon as his Spiritual Sense touched the giant tree, a voice reverberated in the entire tunnel and said, "How many times do I have to tell everyone to not use Spiritual Sense on me?!"

The tree trembled as the ground quaked. Immediately, Rean and Roan understood why there wasn't much protection here. That's because there was no need. This Demon Tree was just ridiculously powerful. Not even that guy at the Elemental Tranofmration Realm they found in the tunnel could compare. "It's above the Elemental Transformation Realm!"

Sure enough, Rean and Roan didn't know that the next cultivation level was called Transition Realm. However, they weren't wrong. That giant tree was indeed in the Transition Realm. Well, to be more specific, it was a Stage Nine Demon Tree, which was the equivalent of that realm. Not only that, but it was at the very peak of that stage!

The guards panicked as they immediately kneeled down, saying in unison, "We are sorry, senior Heavenly Tree! It was most likely a mistake. Please forgive us!"

Rean and Roan saw similar voices coming from everywhere. Those guards didn't even contemplate that someone might have barged into this place. Instead, they only focused on calming the so-called Heavenly Tree down.

Suddenly, several white vines shot out of the tree, heading towards Rean and Roan's location. "Shit!"

Too fast! Before they knew it, those vines were already in front of their eyes.


However, the vines passed by their location and hit nothing more than air. Several more vines shot out, covering the entire place where the twins were standing a split-second ago. In the end, the Heavenly Tree didn't find anything. "Hmm...? Could it be that I was mistaken? I could swear I sensed something with my Spiritual Sense for a moment."

Spiritual Sense! That was the reason Rean and Roan were able to react fast enough. Before the vines shot out, the tree's Spiritual Sense slammed against their Spiritual Sense Bending Skill. Naturally, it shone like a sun in front of that. Rean's skill simply couldn't bend it at all! That being said, the twins didn't waste time and immediately jumped into the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. But even so, they were almost caught. That's just how fast the tree reacted once it felt their presence.

"Terrifying!" Rean said as his body was drenched with cold sweat.

Roan nodded, although he was a lot calmer than Rean. "That's not something we can even dream of touching."

However, Sister Orb suddenly had an idea. [I think I know what to do to complete the System's mission.]

"What?!" Rean, Roan, and even Kentucky were taken aback. They needed that thing's Core. Let alone take its Core, they weren't even confident that they can touch it without dying.

[Ahem... It has something to do with the information available in the Soul Gem System. It goes like this...]

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