Death… And Me

Chapter 685 - We Can Start

Chapter 685 - We Can Start

The twins were taken aback by that. Soon, one of them decided to ask, "Sister Orb, what's happening?"

However, Sister orb didn't answer them this time. Without any other choice, Rean and Roan could only wait and see what the Soul Gem System would come up with.

[The system needs an energy source to operate as it has been reaching its limit. For the system to improve, a new energy source is required. This mission has no failure penalties, but the system highly recommends the hosts to complete it.]

'No failure penalties? That's new...' Rean and Roan thought at the same time as they listened. After that, they allowed the system's robotic voice to continue.

[So far, the system has used the environment's Spiritual Energy to sustain itself. However, a new source of energy has been detected, capable of increasing the system's capability. The hosts' help is required to obtain the new source.]

[Destiny Points Reward: 30000]

[Title Reward: Grade 2 Efficiency]

[Authority Level Reward: 13]

[Mission Time: Unlimited]

"30000 Destiny Points!" Rean exclaimed in surprise. "That's even higher than the amount we would have got if we had completed the Sasamil Empire Mission."

Roan narrowed his eyes as he muttered with a hint of suspicion, "With this amount of Destiny Energy, Authority, and even a Title as a reward, the changes it would bring to this world are huge."

Rean understood what Roan meant, responding, "Indeed. If Calina had become the Empress, it would have changed the destiny of Sasamil and the other Empires around it. Even then, it only gave 20000 Destiny Points as a reward. However, this new energy source gives 30000, and Destiny Points are only given if Destiny is changed for others."

"Exactly. In any case, this is a good thing for us. The system came back on before we started our plan or tried to make the breakthrough." Roan then connected to the Soul Gem System before calling out to Sister Orb, asking, "Sister Orb, are you awake already?"

[I am...sigh...when the system restarted, I restarted with it. To be honest, it's a really weird feeling,] Sister Orb said as she continued, [Anyway, let's leave that aside for now. Rean, Roan, we need to obtain that new energy source at all costs. This would improve my ability to take over formations by multiple times.]

Rean nodded before asking, "Let me guess. The energy source is that weird white tree Clad mentioned before, right?" Rean could only think of that thing since the Soul Gem System didn't mention where the source was.

[I believe so. However, the system only felt this new energy source. It doesn't know what it looks like, only the fact that it's nearby. Of course, we might be wrong, and the Soul Rulers have some other treasure hidden somewhere.] Sister Orb warned them, afraid that trying to take that tree would change nothing.

Roan shook his head, saying, "The Soul Gem System can even gather energy for an extreme long-distance teleport capable of bringing us to this planet. I refuse to believe that any simple treasure can make the system crave for it. Only that tree, which we believe to be responsible for the planet's lack of Spiritual Energy, could possibly achieve the system's standards."

Rean agreed with Roan, continuing where Roan left off, "I feel the same way. Of course, we might be wrong, but the chances are very low."

He then continued, pointing out a huge issue, "However, how exactly does the system intend to take it? From Clad's report, the tree is gigantic, much bigger than the space we have in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm."

Sure enough, there was no way they could bring that into the Dimensional Realm.

*Chick! Chick!* Kentucky, who was also listening to the conversation, intervened as he replied, 'I think I know, Rean!'

"You know?" Obviously, Rean, Roan, and Sister Orb were surprised by it.

*Chick!* Kentucky nodded before explaining with Spiritual Sense, 'That tree you mentioned...that isn't any ordinary tree, but a Demon Tree! It has a demon core, which is what the system probably wants.'

"Demon Tree?" The twins knew that Demon Plants existed, but they were quite rare to the point that the twins haven't found a single one so far. "To think that the tree was one of, it actually makes sense. It's a Demon Tree that's sucking the planet's Spiritual Energy nonstop."

[Everything makes sense now. Most likely, this demon tree has some agreement with the Soul Rulers to provide them with tons of Spiritual Energy.] Sister Orb muttered after pondering a bit. [It's easy for Demon Plants to spread, and their own offsprings are linked to themselves. Normally, the powers around them would try to get rid of these kinds of Demon Plants.]

Roan understood where Sister Orb was coming from. "I see...simply put, the empires, celestial lands, and other powers under the Soul Rulers' command should have those offsprings. That's why they also have huge amounts of Spiritual Energy on their own bases."

Rean nodded, saying, "That's also why no one tries to go against the Soul Rulers. After all, not only do they have Rank Ten Bloodline Marks here, but they can also use the main Demon Tree to stop its offsprings from helping the other powers anytime they want. Everything is connected."

*Chick!* 'No wonder the new mission you got gives so many rewards. The system is now back online, so it'll consider the destiny you're changing once again. Taking that Demon Tree's Core is the same as killing it, which would kill all of its offsprings. There's no doubt it's a world-changing event.'

Rean was more than happy with that, though. "This is perfect! If we stop this demon tree, it also means the Spiritual Energy will come back to the world. It doesn't matter where we go after this. The Spiritual Energy in the environment wouldn't be that bad anymore."

Roan, Sister Orb, and Kentucky agreed with the statement. If upgrading the system's processing power was a good reward already, let alone the fact that they would obtain this extra perk.

"Very well. We just need Sister Orb to finish taking control over the Bloodline Trial Formations."

[There's no need to wait. Now that the system has awakened, it helped a little bit with my job. Well, I was very close to finishing it anyway. So...we can start at any time.]

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