Death… And Me

Chapter 651 - Shameless King

Chapter 651 - Shameless King

Roan then showed her a solemn expression before saying.

"I'll be direct. This is not the right time to have children, and that time won't come anytime soon. That being said, I will now send my Dark Element inside to stop the process."

Calina was taken aback as she took a few steps back, asking.

"Are you telling me that you will kill our child?"

Frandin, Agis, and Malaka looked at Roan after that, thinking of the same thing. Was he really that cold?

Roan shook his head as he replied.

"Don't worry. At the moment, you haven't been fertilized yet."

Naturally, that puzzled everyone.

"But, didn't you just say-"

Roan cut Calina in the middle of her question as he explained.

"What I said was that this is your most fertile period, not that you would get pregnant straight away. You guys don't know it because you have never lived in modern society. Anyway, that doesn't matter at the moment. What you need to know is that your 'egg' has to meet my sperm first, and then it has to break the barrier of the egg for it to get fertilized. This process takes around 24 hours. Before that happens, there's no such thing as a child."

Roan then continued.

"What I'm going to do is simply kill my sperm, not a kid since a kid doesn't really exist at the moment. Not to mention that even if I don't do it, there's a good chance that it wouldn't work anyway since it's all based on probability."

Calina sighed in relief as she soon asked.

"So you're preventing it from happening and not really killing a new life, right?"

Roan nodded as he responded.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Rean about it. He also lived in modern society before, so he knows it as well as I do."

Calina nodded, allowing Roan to do what he wanted. After all, she wasn't an idiot. It was obviously a terrible moment to start a family. Roan then touched Calina's belly as his hair changed into a mix of white and black. After all, he had to use Rean's Light Element to protect Calina's organs. He wasn't as good as Rean with it, but he could slowly work in this process.

However, it was then that he received a Soul Message from Rean.

'Hey! I didn't bother you when you were having fun a few hours ago. Can you not interrupt me?'

Roan's mouth twitched as he hastily replied.

'Why would I care about you having sex? If I'm using your Light Element, that's because I need it, idiot! Just focus on your girl there and leave me alone. I'll stop it once I'm done on my side.'

'Fine! But next time, warn me beforehand.'

Roan's Spiritual Sense soon entered Calina's body and focused on his own sperm in her womb. Soon after, he covered her organs in Light Element before using his Dark element to attack the sperm. Sure enough, the process was slow but precise. He completely killed every single sperm inside, making sure to check the entire extent of both paths.

As he did that, Frandin, Agis, Malaka, and Calina took the chance to ask more about his words from before.

"Can you tell us more about it? We didn't even know that women had eggs. How come no one on this side of the Universe saw these eggs you talked about?"

Roan didn't mind as he answered.

"Obviously. A woman's egg measures around 100 micrometers. And that's considering that a woman's egg, or ovum in simpler terms, is one of the largest cells in the body."

"Mi-Micrometer? How big is a micrometer?"

Roan looked at them and sighed after that.

He then drew on the ground a small line that measured just one centimeter. He also used his Spiritual Energy to mark equal ten sections of that same centimeter. After that, he gave a quick explanation.

"Can you see those ten sections?"

Everyone nodded as they waited for Roan to continue.

"The total length of these ten sections is one centimeter. If it's just one of these sections, that's called a millimeter. It's small, right? Well, an ovum is just one-tenth of that size. That's a woman's egg. It's truly big when you compare it to normal cells like red blood cells."

After that, Calina and the other began to ask even more questions, which Roan explained little by little as he kept manipulating the elements inside Calina's womb. They came to understand what cells were and that it was far from being the smallest things that existed. As one could imagine, they had a very hard time believing Roan's words.

Roan wasn't surprised since very few races on the other side of the Universe even knew about it. Nevertheless, Roan believed that there would definitely be races in this side of the Universe that knew about it as well. It's just that they had been inside 'medieval' planets until now.

" think that everything in the Universe was made of these things, even ourselves."

Eventually, Roan finished his work before getting up again as he said.

"Alright, you can ask Rean more about it later. For now, take your time and process this information. After all, I don't expect you to understand the scale of how things work straight away. Humans back on Rean's planet, on the other side, would only learn about it gradually in the passage of academic years. Just understand that I'm not lying. This really is how things work. Well, not that it would make too much of a difference to you at the moment."

Calina then looked at her belly with a sad expression as she muttered.

"Even though I know we didn't reach the point of creating a new life, it still feels wrong."

Roan didn't refute that as he responded.

"That's up to how you see the world. At the moment, I only see it as the correct action due to our current situation."

Malaka smiled before asking.

"So you're saying that if we were in a safe position, you wouldn't intervene, huh?"

Calina and the others immediately looked at Roan. Indeed, his words really implicated that he, in fact, wanted a child as well.

Roan narrowed his eyes in response as he asked.

"It seems like you're all quite free at the moment, huh?"


Sure enough, everyone dispersed like the wind when they heard Roan's words.

Roan snorted after that before returning to the Spiritual Energy Gathering Formation room to work on his Soul Mark.

Rean, not wanting to lose to Roan, spent quite a few hours mingling with Qia. He kept using his Light Element to remove his exhaustion. That being said, he really didn't hold back at all, much to Qia's mix of despair and happiness. When they finally came out, Qia was even worse off than Calina was.

Of course, he understood the same principle as Roan, so he also made sure that Qia wouldn't get pregnant either.

As Qia stayed back and rest, the two other girls went inside the room to talk with her.

In Rean's case, he had his Light Element, so he went back to work straight away. In the end, he only stopped because Qia couldn't hold for much longer...and because his Light Element couldn't really replenish his 'ammunition.' Even though he had the Light Element, it could never fix that problem of eventually becoming dry...

Frandin and Agis then came to the workshop to help him out. Of course, they looked at him as if they were expecting something.


Agis put his arm around Rean's shoulder before asking.

"Hey, Roan told us everything. Isn't it about time for you to share your experiences as well? That's what brothers should do."

Rean narrowed his eyes as he looked at Agis as he asked.

"Since when did we become brothers? As far as I remember, we had quite the feud against each other before coming to this planet."

Agis laughed, not minding at all.

"It's fine, it's fine! That's all water under the bridge. What matters is the future! So, are you going to open your mouth and talk?"

Frandin couldn't help but follow Agis' example as he continued.

"Exactly, brother! We Zasfins are related to humans, so I'm also very curious to hear what went different during your fun time. You can't possibly leave your brothers in the dark, right?"

Rean's mouth twitched in response. Frandin never acted that close before either.

"Aren't you two being way too shameless?"

Agis shrugged his shoulders as he looked up. There wasn't anything there, but he spoke anyway.

"Hey, Sister Orb. You definitely saw everything, right? Don't you agree that our brother here should be more open about what happened?"

Sure enough, Sister Orb's voice echoed in Frandin, Agis, and Rean's minds not long after that.

[Hahaha! How come you've become so likable all of a sudden, Agis? Well, that doesn't matter. I'm also in favor of sharing experiences. Don't worry. If Rean doesn't do that, I will. I'll make it even better by directly sharing the images I recorded into your minds.]

Rean felt like crying but had no tears.

"How can you record someone's private moment like that?!"

Sister Orb wasn't tricked by Rean's 'rightness,' though.

[Oh...are you telling me that you aren't interested in seeing how Roan acted? After all, how can you compare your performance with his?]

Rean's heart skipped a bit after hearing that as his expression instantly changed.

"Ahem...sharing one's experience is good for improving everyone's actions. Of course, as a person who came from a modern world, I know that very well. How could I not share my knowledge with my beloved brothers?"

Agis and Frandin instantly became speechless as they simultaneously thought.

'Aren't we supposed to be the shameless ones here? Sorry, brother, but you definitely take the cake for being the shameless king.'


Author's note: I released a new project called The Ascension Age, check it out if you like this type of work.

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