Death… And Me

Chapter 625 - Might Really Work

Chapter 625 - Might Really Work

'There's also that other topic. We need to wait for the auction so Rean can convert his weapons into Spirit Stones. Don't forget that we were supposed to look for those Zasfin nobles that aren't as terrible as that Valia to humans. After all, we need one of them.'

Roan shrugged his shoulders as he said.

'If things come to this, we can try to kidnap one as we did with Frandin. This next Zasfin would just be a backup for when Frandin isn't available. We can leave the more serious parts to be under Frandin's control while we use the other weakling for common things.'

Frandin couldn't help but comment.

'Why do I feel like I'm an object?'

Malaka put a hand on his shoulder as she said.

'Don't worry, you're a useful object.'

Frandin's mouth twitched in response, feeling like kicking Malaka away. Sadly, he was too weak compared to her.

Roan ignored those two and continued.

'In any case, we won't come here to ask for Ye Portin's device anytime soon. We need time to get used to our own Soul Power, get Spirit Stones, train the side occupations, and so on.'

Qia totally agreed with Roan's words.

'I still need Frandin to go to the Formations Guild to take the test. After all, we need access to the records there as Roan did with him in the Alchemist Guild.'

Rean pondered for a bit before saying.

'We can't wait for too long either, though. Not if we intend to save the girls who helped us in the trial. We don't know when they might be swapped and what happens to those who are.'

Calina agreed with Rean as she said.

'At this very moment, one of them might be getting swapped by someone else. However, we can't barge in without being prepared.'

Roan glanced at Calina with a puzzled expression.

'We? It's fine that you know about the plan. However, I have no intention of using any of you except for Rean.'

Calina and the others were taken aback.


Rean agreed with Roan, though.

'Roan's right. Simply put, what good would it be if you come out of the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm? First of all, chances are that only Roan or I will be outside during the plan's duration. The other one will stay all the time in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm as well. With our cultivation, do you think there's any point in allowing you guys to come out?'

Calina, Qia, Malaka, and Agis immediately shut up. As for Frandin, he wasn't expecting to help with it to start with. If these humans at the Core Formation Realm and above can't do anything, then let alone him and his Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation. His part was to help to find information that could bring the twins' group there, that's all.

Roan noticed the girls' expressions before saying.

'If you don't like it, we can also leave you behind. After we find a Zasfin to play the role of owner, you can simply go to a more remote place and wait there.'

Rean shook his head as he said in response.

'How will they hide their cultivation, then? Only you and I can use the Spiritual Sense Bending skill since it needs Light Element. Wherever they go, they won't be able to hide it from others. It's because we're here that they can't be felt.'

Roan had to admit that Rean was right.

However, Agis pondered for a bit before asking.

'As you know, my cultivation technique allows me to gather Yang Energy. Like Yin Energy allows you to control some Dark Element, Yang Energy will let me handle a limited amount of Light Element. Is it possible for me to learn how to use Light Element to bend Spiritual Sense?'

Rean pondered a bit over that question. His skill was anything but easy to use. Besides, he incorporated a little of his knowledge from his previous life to understand it. For example, the cultivators of this half of the Universe didn't know that Light was made of photons. That's why he never saw anyone using Light Element to bend Light. As for Spiritual Sense, it was used through one's soul, which had Life Force. Roan could feel that Life Force to a smaller extent because of the connection with Rean, but Frandin was different.

'Hmm... I would need to explain to you many things. Things that you never thought about before in your life. Not only you but no one in this entire world or our previous one either. Besides, even if you can manipulate some Yang Energy thanks to your cultivation technique, it pales to the amount Roan or I can manipulate. Naturally, the amount of Light Element you can pull towards you is limited. Last but not least, you never thought about using Light Element before. Your focus is Fire and Wind.'

However, Rean felt like he was struck by lightning as an idea popped into his mind while saying that.

'Right! That's right! How come I've never thought about that before? Rean, you're an idiot, idiot!'

Everyone became puzzled when they heard that.

'What's wrong?'

Rean couldn't help but feel extremely excited.

'So far, I only used the Element Gathering Smithing Methods for our weapons and armors. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be related to battling. I could, for example, create a collar that will gather Light Element when Spiritual Energy is poured inside. All our weapons already do that, after all.'

Roan understood what Rean wanted to say.

'Still, will Agis be able to control that?'

Rean shrugged his shoulders as he replied.

'Most of his Yang Energy would be used to gather Light Element, so it would be impossible. The fact that he can use his Yang Energy in his Fire Techniques is because he doesn't need it to gather Fire Element in the first place. He can do the same thing with Wind Element, but obviously not to the same extent as Fire Element.'

'However, Light and Dark Elements are considered a separation of the main Five Elements. Without Yang or Yin Energy, it's not possible to control those two. Unless, of course, you're born with their affinities, as did Roan and I. You all know that, right?'

Everyone nodded and waited for Rean to continue.

'That's where the main issue exists. Usually, Agis would use his Yang Energy to increase the power of his Fire Element. However, if he wants to manipulate the Light Element, he will first need to use Yang Energy to gather it. It's not something that comes at him automatically like Fire and Wind Element. Because of that, he will be too busy controlling his Yang Energy to keep gathering Light Element, not to mention that it would be very limited. He wouldn't be able to spare time to control it... Well, at least not to the level necessary to use my skills.'

'However, if he doesn't need to care about gathering the Light Element, he can use all the Yang Energy to control the Light Element instead. That's where Elemental Gathering Equipment comes in. Do you have any ideas how many roads have just opened for my blacksmith skills? Although it wouldn't be at the same level as Roan or me, others can still use them to a certain extent. That means Malaka, Calina, Agis, Qia, and even Frandin could use Spiritual and Light Bending skills. Even Roan's Dark Element Skills aren't out of the question.'

Everyone was shocked by Rean's idea. However, once they thought about it, they had to admit he was right. The problem was the gathering of Elements. If Rean could cut that part out, only the manipulation remained.

Nevertheless, Frandin lifted his hand.

'Errr... You have been talking about Yin and Yang Energy nonstop. However, what's that?'

Only then did they remember that cultivation techniques that allowed one to control Yin and Yang Energy were very rare treasures. In their case, Calina and Malaka got it because of their connection to the Sasamil Imperial Family. Naturally, they had access to it.

As for Agis, his Master was still a Nascent Soul Realm Fire Element user who paid a fortune for his cultivation technique. He then passed it down to Agis because of his Red Color aptitude and his effort into training.

However, Frandin came from a very small city. Not to mention that in this world, there was a lack of Spiritual Energy. That made the techniques that could control those energies far rarer. Someone who came from such a small city couldn't possibly have access to something like that.

Malaka couldn't help but ask.

'Errrr... would he be able to use Agis's cultivation technique? After all, Frandin's Lightning Element Affinity is Yang Type.'

Agis immediately shook his head as he replied.

'Impossible. This Yang Energy Technique of mine needs very high Fire Element Affinity. Without it, I wouldn't be surprised if he got a cultivation backlash instead. No, he will most likely suffer from it, no doubt.'

Rean agreed with Agis.

'The Fire Element and Yang Energy Technique I got from Ancestor Zuan is just as oppressive. He definitely needs a Yang Energy Technique made for Lightning Affinity users. Besides, he's a Zasfin, while our techniques were made for humans. Giving him any of our methods will just be a perfect recipe for disaster.'

Frandin bitterly smiled after hearing that. It seems like that was out of the question for him.

'Well, don't mind me. I can think about something else la-'

It was then that he thought up of a possibility.

'What if... I use my 'status' as a Rank Five Bloodline Soul Mark Owner to request it from one of these clans?'

Everyone looked at Frandin in surprise.

'That... might really work...'

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