Death… And Me

Chapter 592 - Outcome

Chapter 592 - Outcome

Normally, Lucas and Jamil would have tried to flee the very moment they got that injury. The cultivation difference didn't matter since they had to treat their injuries as fast as possible before it could affect their cultivation. However, their pride as Zasfins simply didn't allow them to turn their back to those humans. Humans had always been slaves. How could they swallow such humiliation? That's why they insisted on staying so that they could finish these humans first, even if it cost them their cultivation.

Unfortunately for them, these humans were way stronger than that. Not only that, they even had more of them than the initial three they thought about. Now things were really going south for them.

'Lucas, help me break through their defense line!'


Jamil and Lucas quickly got together before turning in a specific direction.? They couldn't see anything because of Roan's Death World, but their Soul Power and Spiritual Sense still worked just fine. After that, they charged forward with a momentum that even another Nascent Soul Realm cultivator would be forced to get out of the way.

However, it was at this moment that Rean playfully smiled. He already expected that they would try to flee after the last clash. Light Element gathered in his hand as he compressed it as much as possible. Soon after, he appeared in front of the trajectory of Lucas and Jamil's charge.

Jamil and Lucas, obviously, didn't stop just because he appeared there.


They aimed their attacks in Rean's direction while they kept moving forward. They wanted to blast Rean away without stopping at all.

Unfortunately for them...

'Life Style, Flash!'

Out of nowhere, an explosion of extremely bright light swept through Roan's Death World, making everything shine several times more than looking directly at the sun. Lucas and Jamil's eyes had adapted to the total darkness around them. That being said, Rean's Flash immediately causes their eyes to go blind! Intense pain overcame Lucas and Jamil as they closed their eyes and instinctively covered them with their hands.

For a moment, they had lost their bearings over what was happening.

Roan and everyone else, of course, knew what Rean was going to do. Roan even released his Death World Field at the same time Rean used his Flash skill, making it easier to work.

As one could imagine, Roan, Qia, Agis, Malaka, and Kentucky acted at the same time as Rean's skill came forward.


'Death Style, Second Form, Crescent Moon!'

'Death Water Style, First Form, Flowing Dragon!'

'Water Dragon Strike!'

'Living Earth!'

'Phoenix Severing!'

Jamil and Lucas understood that they fell for a trap. Unfortunately, there was no stopping the attacks of Rean's group anymore.

*Boom, boom, swish, bang!*

Several attacks rained down from everywhere, blasting the two Nascent Soul Zasfins away like ragdolls.


The two crashed against the ground, making two small craters and suffering injuries several times worse than the first sword slashes from Calina and Agis. It was a wonder whether they were still alive or not.

Rean then sighed in relief as he looked where the enemies fell.

"It's finally over."



Without any hint whatsoever, an energy storm came from inside the craters, blasting all the snow from the surroundings away. At the same time, the two Zasfins began to float even though their bodies were in no condition to move anymore.


Everyone was taken aback, even Roan. He knew very well just how much damage they inflicted on these guys, especially since his Dark Element was rampaging inside their bodies.

It was then that they noticed something strange. Right in the middle of the Zasfins' foreheads, the Bloodline Marks began to separate themselves from their bodies. As it happened, their Soul Power had become so strong that even Roan's group could now feel it.

It was then that the twins received a message from Sister Orb. No, to be more specific, it was Frandin's voice, which Sister Orb was transmitting to them.

[Don't get close. These guys are sacrificing their Soul Power and Bloodline Marks to get this power. It will not last more than a minute. However, during this state, they're definitely much stronger than when they were at their peak.]

Sister Orb was transmitting the images of the battle inside the jail where Frandin was being kept. The moment Lucas and Jamil released that power, he immediately shouted, trying to communicate with the twins. Sister Orb heard his words and then connected him directly.

Jamil and Lucas then looked at Roan's group. It was obvious how much rage they had in their eyes.

Frandin then hastily explained after getting their attention. That skill where they sacrificed their Soul Power and Bloodline Marks had no comeback, so it could only be used once. After it was done, their Soul would not be able to generate Soul Power anymore in their lives. It was a one-time lifesaver with a huge price to be paid.

Rean and the others then assumed a defensive stance. As mentioned before, Roan didn't want to run to the Dimensional Realm every single time. That would definitely be his very last choice. The others could understand how he felt, so they gritted their teeth and waited for the incoming battle.



Jamil and Lucas didn't attack them. Instead, they darted away as fast as they could. Yes, they decided to use that last silver lining to flee rather than attacking. This time, Rean's group couldn't do anything about it. Truth be told, if not because of Jamil and Lucas' pride, it would be almost impossible to hold them back even if they were severely injured. Now that they were releasing a power beyond their peak condition, that was even more of a dream.

Sister Orb saw the speed they were flying away at and couldn't help but comment.

[They could probably put up a fight against a Soul Transformation Realm cultivator with a level of power like that. However, they would die if they didn't finish us off in that minute available for them. You can't blame them for choosing to flee since their surviving chances were higher that way.]

Lucas and Jamil disappeared in the distance in less than ten seconds, moving in two different directions. It was too late for them to catch the two.

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