Death… And Me

Chapter 453 - Welcome

Chapter 453 - Welcome

At the Formation Master Guild, the top ten Formation Masters were rewarded according to their position.

"1st Place: 500 Rank Four Spirit Stones! Also, unlimited access to the Formation Master Guild repository. Last but not least, 30% discount on any material bought from the Formations Guild Shop for one year up to 1000 Rank Four Spirit Stones in value."

"2nd Place: 450 Rank Four Spirit Stones. The same unlimited access to the guild's repository and 30% discount up to 900 Rank Four Spirit Stones in the Guild Shop."

"3rd Place: 400 Rank Four Spirit Stones..."

Everyone could see where it would end. One could say that the guilds' rewards were very generous. Just the Rank Four Spirit Stones alone were already a dream-like prize. Rean, as the third place in this competition, obviously got 400 of them. But what he was really interested in was the discount in the guild's shop. There were bound to be many materials he needed which he could now buy at a lower price.

"And with that, this year's Formation Master Guild Exam is over. For those who were close and are still of age, please come back next year. As for the rest, don't give up on your path as a Formation Master. There are other ways of joining us. Even if you don't, this side-occupation is still worth your effort."

*clap, clap, clap...*

All the spectators applauded when the reward ceremony was over. After that, they all gathered together to exchange experiences and ideas. Rean, of course, did the same thing. Still, he was surprised that Havek also wanted to participate.

"Even if others can't be compared to this master, they might still have some useful ideas. Once I learn more about them, it will be their moment to shine. One could say that giving such meager help to me is the same as their lives' greatest fortune. Logically, this master doesn't mind enlightening a few laymen in the ways of formations."

Everyone around Havek shook their heads. They simply didn't have the energy to refute this guy anymore. Besides, he was really good when it came to sharing information, so it was worth hearing all the bullshit first. At the same time, Havek sent Rean a Spiritual Sense message.

'As soon as this gathering is over, I want to hear your proposal.'

Rean nodded.

Qia was also there, and she had a few elders interested in her Multi Teleport Formations System. They were all people with some influence or were related to companies or merchants. Her idea would be of great help to them.

"Please calm down. My idea is still far from being good enough. Once I resolve the main issues, I will post the blueprints in the Formations Guild Network."

Rean laughed as he also occupied himself with his talks.

Later that day, Rean finally got some time to talk with Havek in private. Well, or so he tried. Unfortunately, Qia was glued to him whenever he went. In the end, he simply gave up and allowed her to come together. After all, she would be going back with him after their 'fake' marriage. It wasn't like he could hide it from her anyway.

"So, what was it?"

Rean nodded before saying.

"Elder Droman and I began to work on a completely new type of formation. This type of formation will introduce a new system in the world of Formation Masters. I saw how you worked with the Communication System's features to create that Light Formation. Not to mention that you came up with that idea on the spot. That's why I'm offering you this. Do you want to participate?"

Havek and Qia were taken aback. A new system for formations? They were obviously interested in it.

"What is this formation about?"

Rean shook his head in response as he said.

"For now, it is a secret. However, I will tell you that it will create a huge wave in the Formation Masters community. I want you to participate because I truly believe you can bring a lot to this new endeavor."

Qia immediately lifted her hand.

"Hi! I'm more than willing to participate!"

Rean scratched the back of his head as he said.

"Well, you were going back with me, to begin with, right? So I was going to show you this thing either way."

Havek closed his eyes as he pondered on this issue.

"Does it mean I will be under your command?"

Rean shook his head as he laughed.

"Hahaha! Would a Formation Master God like you be willing to simply take orders?"

Havek laughed as well.

"Hahaha! It's good that you understand. Very well, what are your conditions?"

Rean couldn't help but think how good it was to talk with intelligent people. Havek knew from the very start that things couldn't possibly be that simple.

"First of all, I will not be staying in the Imperial Capital. This is a secret project between my master and myself. You must keep it outside other people's eyes until we finally conclude the basics of this new system. You will also be included in the list of people who developed this in the end, so don't worry. You will get your credit."

"Last but not least, this new type of Formation System will be given to the Formations Guild later. That means it won't be something exclusive for the Sasamil Empire. You and Qia are part of the Sasamil Imperial Family. So before we continue, I need to know if you are willing to leave your Imperial Family out of this."

Qia didn't even need to think. Before she faced her feelings, one must remember that her first idea was simply to be free from the Imperial Family's constraints with that marriage. For that to work, she obviously couldn't do things that would jeopardize her matrimony. However, Havek was even faster than her in agreeing with it.

"It's only that? Who cares about the Imperial Family? As long as it doesn't go against my beliefs, I don't mind it at all."

Qia followed right behind.

"Of course, you can count on me as well."

Rean brightly smiled as he looked at the two, saying in response.

"Well, then. Welcome to the Dalamu Sect's Formations Hall."

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