Death… And Me

Chapter 304 - Transformation

Chapter 304 - Transformation


As the twins made their way up, they suddenly heard the sound of an explosion coming from another part of the mountain. Before entering the Mountain, Rean began to use his Hidden Radar and Light Camouflage skill. Only then did the twins made their way up. As for Kentucky, he was sent into the Dimensional Realm once again. That being said, Rovan didn't know they were there.

The twins then looked at each other before moving in the direction of the sound. Only then did they find out what was happening.


Turns out that Rovan didn't give up. He kept hitting the barrier and ancient ruin's wall time and time again. He tried to find another entrance by digging holes beside the wall or going from behind. However, it was all useless. This place seemed to be some kind of pyramid, deeply buried in the mountain. There were no other entries other than the sealed entrance in front of him.

Rean and Roan then looked around to see if Rovan was alone. After confirming that, Rean finally Brougth Kentucky out of the Dimensional Realm as the Hidden Radar and Camouflage Skills deactivated. That way, it looked like all three of them appeared together.

Rovan wasn't an idiot. He kept his Spiritual Sense spread nonstop. Obviously, he quickly noticed the presence of the twins approaching him. Still, he couldn't help but feel surprised how they could hide from Spiritual Senses and suddenly appear like that.

Rovan then put those thoughts behind his mind and went straight to the point.

"You two. Were herbs really the reason that you asked for our help to find this Four Peaks Mountain?"

Roan narrowed his eyes but shook his head in the end.

"I would need to be an idiot to try to keep this lie. You would be an even bigger idiot if you believed that as well."

Rovan nodded. Even if they said it was a coincidence, he wouldn't believe it one bit.

"What is this place? My son and the two elders of my clan were pulled inside this thing. It doesn't matter how many times I attack this shit. It doesn't even budge. You can forget about finding other entrances either. I tried that already."

Rean and Roan looked at each other and nodded. Rean then returned his attention to Rovan.

"We are indeed looking for something different other than that old woman called Latalia. However, we are not sure if what we are looking for is this thing. Of course, the chances are high."

Trying to hide it now would be useless since the ancient ruins were right in front of Rovan.

"The issue is that we also didn't know what we would find. We acquired a Jade Slip by coincidence a long time ago, which showed a location on the Core Region's Map. However, all we could figure out was that it was inside the Core Region of Jiran Forest and that it was located in a Mountain with Four Peaks. As for what is inside, we have no idea."

Rovan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the barrier in front of him. There was no guarantee that the twins were talking the truth. Especially since the twins seemed to have a similar ability to disappeared from others' Spiritual Senses. Still, at least they admitted that they knew something about this place.

"Do you have any idea to open this thing?"

Roan answered that question with one of his own.

"How did your son and those two elders enter it in the first place?"

Rovan shook his head.

"I don't know. This thing doesn't appear in my Spiritual Sense, just like you two. Because of that, I could only see them being pulled inside by some kind of Spiritual Energy Skill from a distance. When I got close, they were already at the entrance, just about to fall inside. When I tried to rush over to save them, I smashed my head at what seemed to be an invisible barrier."

Rovan then controlled his Spiritual Energy to grab a rock and threw it at the entrance.


Sure enough, the rock seemed to hit something in mid-air before crumbling to the ground.

"The barrier itself doesn't seem to have any kind of danger to the attackers. Then again, it's definitely not something I can take down with my strength. Believe me, I tried."

Roan thought for a moment before reaching a conclusion.

"You said before that several cultivators began to disappear around this part of the Core Region recently. Obviously, this thing is most likely the reason. Still, this is also good news. That's because we know that this phenomenon will happen again. You will have your chance to enter this place sooner or later. The only problem is how long it takes for each event."

Rovan nodded since he also thought about that possibility.

"However, the issue is how to leave after that. I would not be the first Core and Soul Fusion Realm cultivator entering this place, after all. Still, I haven't heard about anyone coming out anymore. Otherwise, Juan Amakal wouldn't have put that mission up to find Latalia. It is evident that none of the ones who fell inside have escaped."

Rean then approached the ruins as he looked at the ancient marks. Of course, he didn't understand anything.

'Sister Orb, is it possible to translate these words?'


Right after, the Soul Gem System's voice entered the twins' mind.

[Detected ancient Vruve Characters.]

[Translation will cost a total of 137 Destiny Points.]

[Confirm Purchase?]

Rean and Roan got puzzled.

'Vruve Characters? What are those?'

[I didn't expect to find Vruve Remnants in this place. Still, I'm sorry. The system doesn't allow me to say anything.]

Rean and Roan were not surprised by that. After all, they still remember all those 'access denied' messages once they tried to pry into the secrets of the Universe Division.

Roan then commented.

'It doesn't matter. Sister Orb's Silence is an answer in itself already. The only thing the system keeps secret about is things related to the calamity that divided the Universe. So it has something to do with that too.'

Rean agreed with Roan.

'What do you think? Should we pay for the Translation of the words? We just have a few hundred Destiny Points remaining after buying the Soul Link Upgrade. Still, it might be worth it if we find some answers inside.'

Roan pondered a bit before looked at the wall as well. It was then that he noticed something. There was a small gap on the entrance's side that didn't seem to be part of the carvings made in that weird language. Right after, he noticed what it looked like.

'Oh, so that's how it is.'

Roan then made his way to the wall before touching that gap.

"Alright. I think I know what it is."

Right after, Roan pulled out the Jade Slip from his robe. It was the same Jade Slip that they found the information about this place. Jade Slips weren't identicals. They were just pieces of Spiritual Materials used to keep Spiritual Sense information. That being said, they had several forms depending on where and who made them.

Roan then put the Jade Slip on the gap, which just so happened to fit perfectly.


As soon as he did that, the mountain began to tremble once again. However, the tremble was several times stronger than it had ever been.

Rovan and Rean were taken aback as they spread their Spiritual Senses. Suddenly, Rovan pointed somewhere with his finger.

"Look, the highest peak."

Rean then added.

"Not only that, but the other three peaks as well!"

The Four Peaks suddenly began to crumble down. Rocks came down from the mountain as something was revealed under it. The mountain had Four Peaks—one in the center, which was the highest, and another three around it. When the peaks crumbled, four buildings that looked like pyramid tips were revealed.

The earthquake continued as more and more of the mountain came down. Rean and Roan used Kentucky to fly above it as Rovan flew by himself.

Suddenly, the three pyramid tips surrounding the main one began to shine with light. It was as if they were being charged with energy. It was then that three rays of light shot forward, striking the main peak's pyramid tip.

Rean, Roan, and Rovan couldn't help but think.

'What...what the hell is happening here?'

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